Registration brochure for the LGNSW Tourism Conference 2017

Theme: Tourism is everyone’s business

Date and venue: 12-14 March 2017, Manning Entertainment Centre, Taree

Destination Taree and Manning Valley

Welcome to the Manning Valley, homeof the Biripi and Worimi people.

The Manning Valley is a regional arearenowned for its semi-rural lifestyle,pristine landscapes and national parks,unique natural features and the characterand heritage of local towns.Cultural intrigue, world-class beachesand charming regional townships awaitvisitors.

Tourists and visitors can pass their dayson beautiful beaches surfing, swimming,diving and kayaking or head to one of the26 seaside and hinterland towns andvillages. The region features a variety oftea rooms, cosy cafes, country pubs andgalleries, tea-shops, cafes and colourfularts and crafts and vintage shops.

Locals and tourists can enjoy 45 kilometresof spectacular coastline meeting upwith rustic countryside and adventurousmountain trails. The Manning Valleyoffers nine stunning national parksand the only double delta river systemin Australia, with two entrances to theocean.

Five reasons you should attend

1. The conference is staged by local government for local government

2. Take home the latest tourism news, thinking and ideas to share with your team

3. Learn from senior industry executives and speakers who are experts in their fields

4. Be inspired to create new solutions to your tourism challenges

5. Network with peers and industry experts

Program highlights

  • Opening address from Stuart AyresMP, Minister for Trade, Tourism andMajor Events
  • Address by The Hon John Ajaka MLC,Minister for Ageing, DisabilityServices and Multiculturalism
  • Keynote presentation by SimoneShepherd, General Manager, IndustryPartnerships and Government Policy,Destination NSW
  • Latest research on tourism spendby local government nationally,presented by David Sheldon, Chair,Australian Regional Tourism Networkin collaboration with the AustralianLocal Government Association
  • Panel discussion on majorconference themes and trends withindustry experts
  • Overview of what makes the regiongreatBrushy Cutting Lookout

Topic streams

  • Inclusive tourism – sponsoredby the Department of Family andCommunity Services
  • Environment and nature tourism –sponsored by the NSW National Parks& Wildlife Service
  • Art, heritage and culture – sponsoredby the Heritage Near Me program,Office of Environment and Heritage

Site visits – Monday 13 March, 2.00pm – 5.00pm

Site visit 1: Aboriginal connections

Join this unique tour and explore the Manning Valley’s rich Aboriginal heritage and culture with local father and son, Russell and Jeremy Saunders. You’ll visit Saltwater National Park, which has special significance for the local Biripi community. Experience traditional sand art and stroll along the Five Islands walking track where traces of the region’s rich Aboriginal history can be found in scarred trees, middens and fish traps.

Site visit 2: Cattai Wetlands

What was once farmland sufferingthe effects of acid sulfate soils, theaward-winning Cattai Wetlands is nowan amazing coastal wetland, providingsanctuary for over 180 species of birds,kangaroos and wallabies.While the primary goal in rehabilitatingthe wetland was to improve the waterquality of the Manning River, a rangeof other environmental benefits havebeen achieved. You’ll learn aboutbalance between environmental andtourism outcomes, future planning,achievements and awards.

Site visit 3: Developing tourism product

This tour starts at the ManningEntertainment Centre with apresentation on their destinationmanagement plan, its challenges andoutcomes leading to new tourismproduct. You’ll then travel to TareeAirport to see the upgrades that havetaken place thanks to much neededgrant funding. Upgrades include aninteractive touch table that allowstourists to explore what the ManningValley has to offer, point of sale displays,REX/Library partnerships, along withairport facility advancements. Fromthe airport, you’ll travel to the TareeHockey Complex to be inspired by theimportance of sport tourism in regionalareas.

Site visit 4: Enabling business

Travel by bus to Taree’s CouncilChambers to hear from Senior StrategicPlanner, Sue Calvin, about how to relaxred tape and create a self-regulatedapproach to welcoming tourism aseveryone’s business. Learn about howCouncil’s Vibrant Spaces program isencouraging local businesses to injectnew life into our town centres. Theprogram allows local businesses to usefootpaths free of charge in return forinnovative thinking and a common senseapproach to adding colour, products,chairs and tables. This encouragespeople to stop, shop and dine, whichbenefits local businesses and tourism.You will engage with local businessowners and then head to the ManningRegional Art Gallery to enjoy the latestexhibition on display.

AVIC Summit

This optional session on the first dayof the conference will be facilitatedby Mark Greaves from The TourismGroup which is newly managing theAVIC program in NSW. The session willfeature information on new researchcompleted with Destination NSW andTourism Research Australia. MidCoastCouncil will present a case study onhow an amalgamated council hasamended its Destination MarketingPlan for its region. TRC Tourism willpresent innovation in visitor servicingwith insights into Tasmania andoffshore destinations and ShoalhavenCity Council will present on applyinginclusive principles across tourisminitiatives.Download the program fromthe LGNSW website.(Note: speakers and topicsmay change due tounforeseencircumstances.)

The conference venue and accommodation

The Manning Entertainment Centrepresents the best performing arts andentertainment on the Mid North Coast,serving residents of the Manning Valley,Great Lakes, Gloucester and CamdenHaven regions. It is an important assetfor the region, regularly used by schoolsand other groups including the TareeArts Council, Manning Valley ChoralSociety and Taree & District Eisteddfod.The Manning Valley boasts avariety of accommodation options,offering comfort and all the facilitiesyou’ll need during your stay. Bustransfers will pick up delegates atselected accommodation venues, fortransportation to and from the mainvenues.

See the LGNSW website for a list ofaccommodation options.Book through the Taree VisitorInformation Centre to secure your roomand bus transfers.

Applying inclusion principles to our conference

Inclusive tourism means that everyonefeels welcome and is able to accessthe information they need to optimisetheir experience of any place they visit.Transport to - and key venues of – theconference meet guidelines for accessfor people using mobility aids. The mainconference venue has hearing loopsto all theatre seats and tactile (braille)signage on bathrooms.Documents for the conference will beproduced for the website in both pdf andword formats, photos will be captioned

and font size will be 12 points orlarger. Other aspects of the conferenceprogram include the involvement oflocal groups, the use of local suppliersfor services and products, and providingtraining to local hospitality and eventsstudents. With the support of ourpartners and sponsors, the conferencecan keep its price-point at a level thatmakes it available to most groups andwell below the cost of commercialconferences.


Welcome reception, Sunday 12 March,6.00pm – 9.00pm, Manning RiverForeshore

The welcome reception will be held onthe beautiful Manning River Foreshoreat Queen Elizabeth Park, betweenManning and Pulteney streets in Taree.The evening will begin with a uniquewelcome to country by award winninglocal Biripi dancers. Enjoy canapésfeaturing the freshest and finestlocal produce, paired with a tastingof delicious regional wines. Listen totalented local musicians while watchingdragon boats break the stillness of theglassy river.

Conference Dinner, Monday 13 March,7.00pm – 10.30pm, The Winning PostFunction Centre, Taree-Wingham RaceClub

Transfer buses will take you toWingham’s Winning Post FunctionCentre for the conference dinner.Enjoy a welcome drink upon arrivaloutside the grandstand overlookingthe racecourse, and take in the rurallandscape as the sun sets. The eveningwill feature special guest speakers andentertainment provided by local artists.


If you are interested in sponsoring theconference, giving support or takingpart in our trade display, please contactTeresa Bildstein on 02 9242 4031 oremail NSW is committed to environmentalsustainability at events andconferences. Please visit more information.

Registration options

Book now to get the benefit of reduced rates. Discounts are also offered for groups of three delegates to assist councils in sending teams.

members / Fee (incl.
GST) Non-
AVIC optional summit / $120 / $240
AVIC optional summit with welcome reception / $197 / $394
Early bird registration (by Monday 18 January 2017) / $583 / $1166
Early bird registration with AVIC summit (50% discount
AVIC summit[MF1]) / $643 / $1286
Group registration early bird (three people by Monday
18 January 2017) / $1650 / $3300
Group registration early bird with AVIC summit / $1830 / $3660
Conference registration standard rate (by Monday
22 February 2017) / $693 / $1386
Conference registration standard rate with AVIC
(50% discount for summit) / $753 / $1506
Group registration standard rate (by Monday 22 February 2017) / $1980 / $3960
Group registration standard rate with AVIC summit / $2160 / $4320
Monday registration - day only (inclusive site visits) / $330 / $660
Tuesday registration - day only / $220 / $440
Welcome reception - extra tickets / $77 / $154
Conference dinner - extra tickets if available / $154 / $308

Cancellations prior to Monday 22 February will receive a full refund (less $100 administration fee).

Cancellations after Monday 22 February will receive no refund. However, registration can be transferred to another person.

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