The Founding & Development of the 13 Original Colonies

Virginia (founded 1607)

Founded by: London Company (joint-stockcompany)

Key facts:

-first permanent English settlement in New World (Jamestown)

-tobacco (John Rolfe perfected methods)

-House of Burgesses: 1st form of representative self government

Key people:

-John Smith: helped colonists through “starving time” winter of 1607

-Pocahontas: “peacemaker”; daughter of Chief Powhatan

-ChiefPowhatan: Powhatan Wars (1st warfare with Indians)

-John Rolfe: perfected tobacco

Massachusetts (founded 1620)

Founded by: Puritans

Key facts:

-1st was Plymouth- Pilgrims (separatists) but later overshadowed by Bay Colony

  • Mayflower Compact (agreement for self-rule)

-Massachusetts Bay Colony (BibleCommonwealth)- Puritans (1628)

-Religious; townships

-Franchise given to all freemen (members of Congregational Church)

-Strict moral codes

-Halfway Covenant (to increase church membership) 1677

Key people:

-William Bradford- chosen governor 30 times (Plymouth)

-John Winthrop- “city upon a hill”; one of leaders that founded the Bay Colony

-Anne Hutchinson- banished from Bay Colony for antinomianism

-Roger Williams- banished for his belief in separation of church & state and religious freedom

New Hampshire (founded 1623)

Founded by: John Mason

Key facts:

-intended to create a fishing colony but died before he could build towns

-part of Massachusetts until England granted Massachusetts a royal charter in 1679

Key people:

-John Mason- founder

-John Wentworth- British colonial governor during Revolution

Maryland (founded 1634)

Founded by: Lord Baltimore

Key facts:

-desire for profit & to create a refuge for Roman Catholics who were being persecuted in Protestant England

-proprietorship (ran by one person; business term)


-Act of Toleration in 1649- religious freedom for all Christians

-“Haven for Catholics”

Connecticut (founded 1635)

Founded by: Thomas Hooker & group of Massachusetts colonists

Key facts:

-colonists were starting towns in 1635; towns join together to form Connecticut in 1636

-looked for more freedom & financial opportunities

-Pequot War (1636-1637)- fought between Connecticut settlers & Pequot Indians; decimated Pequot in the end

  • Led to King Philip’s War

-Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639)- first written form of Constitution (became basis for later U.S. Constitution)

Rhode Island (founded 1636)

Founded by: Roger Williams

Key facts:

-Roger Williams was banished by the Bay Colony for his beliefs in sseparation of church & state and freedom of religion

-Anne Hutchison, who was also banished, formed Portsmouth

-2 other settlements arose & all 4 joined together

-Nicknamed the “sewer of New England”

-First to guarantee freedom of religion/worship to all its citizens

-Founded on separation of church & state

-Known for its independence

Delaware (founded 1638)

Founded by: Peter Minuit & New Sweden Company

Key facts:

-Peter Minuit (Dutch) formed New Sweden as part of New Netherland

-Charles II (King of England) gave his brother (James, the Duke of York) New Netherland, he demanded it and Dutch surrendered it; nicknamed it Delaware

-Part of Pennsylvania until 1703

-Governed by Pennsylvania until Revolutionary War

North Carolina (founded 1653)

Founded by: Virginians/ eight nobles w/ royal charter from Charles II

Key facts:

- Carolinas known as Restoration Colonies since monarchy was restored under Charles II

-some Virginians settled in what would become North Carolina 1653

-1663: King Charles II issued royal charter to 8 nobles to settle region

-Carolinas spilt officially in 1729 because of cultural differences & internal conflicts with proprietors

-Grew tobacco, sold timber & tar but lacked good harbor

South Carolina (founded 1663)

Founded by: eight nobles w/ a royal charter from Charles II

Key facts:

-1719: settlers in South Carolina seized control from its proprietors

-Officially split in 1663

-Prospered from fertility of Low Country & harbors—trade in lumber, deerskin, beef

-Rice & indigo cultivation

New Jersey (founded 1664)

Founded by: Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret

Key facts:

-Duke of York received control of New Netherlands in 1664—granted 2 of his friends (Lord Berkeley & Sir George Carteret) land (became New Jersey)

-Advertised and promised settlers representative government & freedom of religion for colonizing

-Diversity of congregations (had 45)

New York (founded 1664)

Founded by: Duke of York

Key facts:

-Duke of York received control of New Netherlands in 1664 & renamed it New York

-Diversity of religious congregations (18)

Pennsylvania (founded 1682)

Founded by: William Penn

Key facts:

-intended to create a colony that allowed for freedom of religion & desire to protect Quakers from persecution

-third biggest & richest colony by 1700

-allowed for representative assembly elected by landowners

-freedom of worship & religion to all citizens

-friendly relations towards Indians


-unlimited immigration

-city of brotherly love

Georgia (founded 1732)

Founded by: James Edward Oglethrope

Key facts:

-James Oglethrope given charter by King George II in 1732 to create a “buffer colony” against Spanish expansion from Florida

-Served as a place for debtors & prisoners to start anew

-Toleration to all Christians except Catholic

-Wanted to avoid slavery but when it became royal in 1752, plantations and slavery became major part of its economy

New England, Chesapeake/Southern, and the Middle Colonies

New England (Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire)


-focused on trading, farming, lumbering, fishing, later manufacturing

-Triangular trade (rum from New England for slaves in Africa -> molasses in West Indies -> New England)

-Small manufacturing—mostly for naval stores (tar, pitch, pine, turpentine)


-settlers moved by families

-emphasized on education & religion

-townships, center= church


-Franchise to freemen (male church members); some to all citizens

-Ran by assemblies

Chesapeake/ South (Virginia, Maryland, NorthSouth Carolina, Georgia)


-Relied heavily on cultivation of tobacco

-Headright system (sponsor indentured servants to work on plantations/cultivation)

-By 1750, slaves were the main workers; came by the way of the “Middle Passage”

-Indigo & rice also made a profit


-mostly men; little women (came in search for economic opportunities)

-unhealthy population

-social pyramid: planter aristocrats > small farmers (yeomen) > landless whites > slaves

Middle Colonies (Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey)


-“bread colonies”


-unlike the North & South, did not establish state religions

-distinguished by its racial & religious diversity—Dutch Mennonites, French Huguenots, German Baptists, Portuguese Jews, Lutherans, Quakers, African Americans, Native Americans, etc)