The Michele Landsberg CommunityAwardPresented by the Canadian Women’sFoundation
Deadline: Monday, July 25th, 2016
The Michele Landsberg Community Award will recognize an organization that is doingexceptional work empowering girls and young women to find their voice and raise awarenessabout women’s and girls’ equality issues in Canada throughmedia.
The award is named after Michele Landsberg, an award-winning Canadian journalist, author,social activist and feminist to acknowledge the tremendous impact that Michele has had as anadvocate and role model for all women and girls inCanada.
Purpose of theAward
- To encourage organizations to expand or enhance their media programs and activities forgirls and young women in Canada to assist them in understanding media and thinking criticallyaboutthe media messages theyexperience.
- To support organizations that give girls and young women a voice through media onissuesaffecting girls and young women inCanada.
- To encourage organizations working with girls and young women to find their voice through a feminist, intersectional and anti-oppression framework.
The award will be given as a $5,000 grant from the Canadian Women's Foundation to acommunity organization for the organization’s own activities, or for activities led by a group of girls or young women with a connection to the community organization.
- Must be: an incorporated, non-profit organization that has a valid charitable numberfrom Canada Revenue Agency; or partnering with an incorporated, non-profit organization that has a valid charitable numberfrom Canada Revenue Agency; or a First Nation that is designated by Canada Revenue Agency asa qualifieddonee.
- Must be an organization that is doing exceptional work empowering girls and young womento find their voice and raise awareness about women’s and girls’ equality issues in Canadathrough media.
- Consideration will be given to activities led by groups of girls or young women focused on using media to raise awareness about women’s and girls’ equality issues in Canada if the group is connected to a community organization that meets the first two eligibility criteria above.
- The media program or activity must be an existing or previously delivered program orinitiative that will be expanded or enhanced. Media may include, but is not limited to, socialmedia, digital storytelling, public service announcements, andprint.
Past Michele Landsberg Community Award Winners
Avalon Sexual Assault Centre – I Don’t Owe You Campaign and Feminist Speaking Tour
In 2015 Avalon Sexual Assault Centre was awarded the Michele Landsberg Community Award for their I Don’t Owe You Campaign and Feminist Speaking Tour. The award supported Avalon Sexual Assault Centre to build on theirexisting sexualized violence awareness and prevention campaign. It enabled Avalon to conduct a second Feminist Speaking Tour to schools, colleges, universities and community organizations showcasing the campaign and addressing issues of male entitlement and misogyny. Two videos and campaign posters are also available on the Avalon website and youtube channel. They have received several requests from organizations locally, provincially, in other areas of Canada, the USA, Spain, and the UK to adapt/use the campaign.
North York Community House – Village Bloggurls
In 2014, North York Community House was awarded the Michele Landsberg Community Award for their work with the Village Bloggurls program. With the grant, the girls (aged 9 to 13) and their mentors participated in interactive, media-based civic engagement activities to learn about democracy, politics, and citizenship. Specifically the girls:
- learned more about women in politics,
- participated in a “Women in Politics” private Jane’s Walk (i.e. just for them),
- explored how media can influence people’s perspectives of democracy and citizenship, and then discussed and promoted issues of democracy, equity, and citizenship through activities among themselves and throughout their community
- created digital media to promote discussions of democracy among girls/women/youth and posted through various social media channels
How toApply
All applications must be submitted through the online platform, Fluid Review, which can be accessed through
Once you click on the link for the platform you will be asked tocreate a login and password to begin the process of submitting your application. There are three sections you will be prompted to complete:
- Organization Information
- Application Questions
- Upload Additional Documents
For your information, we have provided the application questions below. The questions can be answered directly on the online platform.
1.Describe the media activity/project the girls or young women will be involved in withthis grant?
2.How are these activities helping girls and young women understand equality issues through a feminist, intersectional, anti-oppression framework?
3.Will this grant be usedto:
a.Expand or enhance an existing activity/program
b.Expand or enhance an activity/program that you previously delivered but arenot currentlyrunning
4.How are the girls involved in this activity? What role do they have in the decision makingfor thisactivity?
5.Describe at least one example of activities from your existing or previously delivered programthat demonstrates how girls found their voice and increased awareness by speaking upthrough media.
You will be asked to upload these additional documents directly to the online platform.
- Budget outlining how this grant will be used. If it is part of a larger project, alsoincludethe budget for the largerproject.
- Letter of reference from a community organization you have worked with in the past two years
- Optional - examples of media that has been produced by your program/project
- Most recent audited statement
- Board of Director’s list or Chief and Council list
Applicationsmust be submitted through the online portal byMonday July 25th 2016.
The applications will be reviewed in August and September 2016 and the winner will be informed in early October 2016. A public announcement will be made on October 11th 2016, International Day of the Girl.
If you require additional information or need assistance with the online portal, please send an emailto and we will respond to your questions by email orbytelephone. Please include your telephone number in youremail.