The Coffee County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, March 14, 2011 at the Coffee County Board of Education.

The following members were present: Milburn, Morris, Johnson, Sims, Norton, Henley, and Galyen. Mrs. Galyen led a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Board recognized the following individuals for their continued outstanding efforts for the Coffee County School System:

North Coffee Back Pack Program provides meals to 39 students - Lynda Carden, RN and Elizabeth Price

Deerfield Weekend Backpack Program- "Pals for People" - provides meals to 22 students Donna Trail, RN and June Fann

East Coffee Back Pack Program- "Food for Thought" - provides meals to 18 students Lindsay Ridner, RN and Donna Jones

Hickerson Back Pack Program “Common Ground" - provides meals to 39 students and 21 siblings Bonnie Scott, Donna Jones, Maurina Ferrell, RN, Angela Ridner, RN, Liz Fulks, Joy Barton, Gretchen West

Hillsboro Back Pack Program this was our first back pack program in our school system....It was organized by their former school nurse Mrs. Jan Henley, RN. It provides meals to 54 students and 4 siblings. Linda Willis helps maintain records and Mrs. Henley has continued to operate the program for Hillsboro Elementary School.

The following presentations were provided: Mary Jane Myers – Discount Travel and Vacation Packages; Derek Anderson – Future Farmers of America - Creed Recital and Stephen McBride – Future Farmers of America - Prepared Public Speaking Contest

I.Mr. Henley made the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of the Bonnaroo

Facility use request for the Coffee County Central High School.

  1. Minutes of the previous meetings: February 2, 2011, February 14, 2011, and February 28, 2011
  2. Sheriff Graves Department to utilize the CCCHS cafeteria on 3-26-2011 for a benefit for a court officer.
  3. Coffee County Central High School Band members would request permission to participate in the Tennessee Music Educators Association sponsored All-State Clinic on April 6-8, 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee at Opryland Hotel.
  4. Coffee County Central High School Summer Institute

Approved unanimously.

II.Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Galyen, seconded by Morris

To approve the budget report as presented.

Approved unanimously.

III.Mr. Ricky Milburn made the motion to purchase the Gilley/Driver property, seconded by Johnson.

Voting for: Milburn, Morris, and Johnson

Voting against: Sims, Henley, Norton and Galyen

Motion failed.

IV.Mr. Johnson made the motion to have a work session on April 4, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the properties, seconded by Henley.

Voting for: Sims, Henley, Norton, Galyen, Morris, and Johnson

Voting against: Milburn

Motion carries.

V.Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Johnson, seconded by Galyen to approve the Handicapped School Bus Bids with the bid being awarded to Central States Bus Sales, Lebanon, Tennessee for 2012 BlueBird A3FE buses at $101,569 each.

Approved unanimously.

VI.Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Morris, seconded by Johnson

To approve the Coffee County School System 2011-2014 Technology Plan as presented by Randy Damewood, Director of Technology.

Approved unanimously.

VI.Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Henley, seconded by Galyen to approve the 2010-2011 textbook adoption recommendations as presented:

Approved unanimously.

VI.Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Galyen, seconded by Norton to approve the

General Purpose School Fund budget transfers as presented.

Approved unanimously.

VII.Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Galyen, seconded by Henley to approve the

Adjustments in the Special Education Transportation Aide’s wages according to regular drivers.

Approved unanimously.

VIII.Upon the recommendation of the Director, motion made by Morris, seconded by Johnson to approve the Bonnaroo utilization of Coffee County Central High School during June 4 -14, 2011.

Approved unanimously.

IX.Other Items for Discussion

Mr. Barry West and Mr. Lucky Knott requested that the Board consider naming the Coffee County Central High School Gym could be named after Joe Frank Patch former educator in the Coffee County School System.

X.Committee Reports

No Committee Reports

VII.Director's Report

Mr. Casteel reminded the board that we set a work session for April 4th at 4:00 p.m.