The following members were in attendance:March 10, 2017

Becky RosenbalmMonroeCarrie SurberLockland

Julie SheetsForest ParkVonda SecoyGreenhills

Suzie Solzsmon – Police ClerkForest ParkKelly CarrollSpringboro

Michele NaishReadingCynthia WilmotMorrow

Judy MersfelderSt. BernardDenise VanPeltSt. Bernard

Linda LuttsSharonvilleJessica EasthamWyoming

Ginny WagnerNorth College HillBrenda TraxlerBlue Ash


Kelly Carroll welcomed everyone to Wyoming and thanked Jessica for hosting. Police Chief Rusty Herzog also welcomed everyone to Wyoming and spoke for a few minutes.

New Clerk:Suzie Solzsmanis a police clerk with Forest Park and will be assisting Julie with Court. Welcome! 

A motion to approve the January 2017 minutes was requested by Carrie Surber with a second by Michele Naish.

Jessica Eastham presented the Treasurer’s Report. The 2017 Dues notice was emailed out. If you did not get a copy emailed to you, please contact Jessica Eastham at or Becky Rosenbalm at

Courts who have paid their dues for 2017 & 2018 will receive a $50.00 payment back toward the cost of the Ashland Conference in the spring of 2018. Stay tuned for more details regarding this.

A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was requested by Vonda Secoy with a second by Ginny Wagner.

Old Business:

Our Spring Conference is scheduled for April 27 and 28, 2017 in West Chester. Everyone should have received the registration and hotel information. Please contact Becky Rosenbalm if you did not receive this.

New Business:

The Bureau of Motor Vehicles has sent out their annual reminder to submit your convictions within 7 days. Please see attached memo in case you did not receive it from the Bureau.

Open Discussion:

Nothing at this time.

With nothing further a motion to adjourn the meeting was requested by Cynthia Wilmot with a second by Ginny Wagner.

~Next member meeting will be held in Wyoming on Friday, May 12, 2017 at 12:30 p.m.~

Lunch will be served so please RSVP to Robin Kemp at 513-531-2040 or

Amberley Village Police Department

7149 Ridge Rd.

Cincinnati, Ohio 45237

Directions are as follows :

71 North/South: Exit at Ronald Reagan Highway and take Ronald Reagan West to Ridge Rd. Turn Left onto Ridge and take that thru 2 traffic lights and the Muni building will be on the right before the 3rd light.

75 North: Exit onto Ronald Reagan East and take to Ridge Rd. Turn right off of the exit and go thru 1 traffic light and the muni building will be on the right before the 2nd light.

75 South: Exit at Galbraith Road and turn left off the exit. Follow Galbraith thru the S curve and the next intersection is Ridge. Turn right on Ridge and the muni building will be on the right before the next light.

Park in the rear of the building and enter thru the double doors to the community room.

****There are signs on the right side of the building for only authorized vehicles to enter. You may go thru there but please pull thru all the way to the rear of the building. You may also go around the left side of the building freely*****

Respectfully Submitted,

Rebecca Rosenbalm
