February 2017
Kia OraPrincipals, Directors of Religious Studies & Heads of Religious Education
Tēnā koutou katoa. Warm greetings to you and all your family/whānau. I hope you can have a refreshing and relaxing break with time to reflect on both the year past and the year ahead.
Dedication Mass 2017
Like previous years, Bishop Pat will celebrate the Dedication Mass with us at
Christ the King Church, Owairaka. The date for this is Tuesday,21st February
at 7.00pm. The theme for the Mass during this Year of Grace is,‘Weaving Bonds of Belonging.’
Please see the advertising fliers attached. Please make a copy for your staffroom and one for the Church. Also, please encourage members of your BoT and Parish Priests, to come along and be part of this celebration of Catholic Education.
Blessing of the Candles
Each school is invited to bring a school candle to be blessed and taken back to your school. If for some reason no one from your school will be able to attend, you are welcome to send your candle in to me and it will be brought forward on the night to be blessed and then returned to your school.
You are invited to stay after the Mass and share in a light supper provided by the Catholic Schools Office.
St Vincent de Paul
Each year we ask that you bring a grocery item/items for the St Vincent de Paul Food Bank to be placed in the baskets at the back of the church. The SVDP Society really appreciates these generous donations that make such a difference to the families with whom they are in contact.
Professional Learning Opportunities
Teachers New to Catholic Schools
This day is held for any new teachers to Catholic Schools and is compulsory for Secondary teachers who do not teach Religious Education.Thank you to those schools who enrolled teachers in the January course. A repeat of this course will be held on Friday 10th March 9-3pm at the St Columba Centre, Vermont St, Ponsonby. A flyer is available from
DRS Conference
The Term 1 DRS & HoD RE Conference will be held at Vaughan Park Retreat Centre, Long Bay on March 20th and 21st (Monday & Tuesday). I look forward to meeting with, and getting to know, new DRSs/ HoDs. It is expected that all in these key roles come to these days to network, share ideas and gain professional development. Please register on the database.A flyer is available from
NCEA Best Practice Workshops
They are aimed at increasing assessor confidence when making assessment judgements. The next one for RE in Auckland is March 2nd or online March 6th. Enrol with NZQA
I will also be running a day in term 2 here at the centre that is specifically for those new to teaching Religious Studies and Achievement Standards.
TCI Courses
I cannot stress the importance of RE teachers being equipped with qualifications to teach this subject. Many of you understand this and have demonstrated your passion for RE via your past or present studies in Theology / RE. For RE teachers in your RE Department without qualifications the Diploma in Religious Studies (RE). This qualification is eligible for consideration towards a B Theol from Otago, Good Shepherd College, Auckland or the Catholic Institute of Sydney. Further information can be sourced from the TCI website
A 2017 timetable for Auckland for this qualification can be sourced from
“Beyond Laudato Si’”
We are delighted to be included in the New Zealand visit of Margaret Galiardi OP and Sharon Zayac OP, Dominicans Sisters from the USA, on March 9, 4-6pm here in Ponsonby.
Please see the flyer for details and be sure to book in early for this opportunity to hear them speak. These speakers come highly recommended.
Discovering Religious Diversity
The following course came to my attention via the Auckland Council website.
Exploring the diverse religious traditions contributing to New Zealand society - a programme organised by the Religious Diversity Centre. Each Term will consist of 8 weekly classes. The classes will be taught by Dr Todd Nachowitz.
Term 1 Selected Topics in World Religions: Week 1: Foundations and Founder Figures; Week 2: Sacred Texts; Week 3: Image and Iconography; Week 4: Prayer and Worship; Week 5: Sacred Time; Week 6: Sacred Music; Week 7: Sacred Spaces; and Week 8: Sacred Journeys and Pilgrimage.
Term 2 Selected Topics in World Religions
Term 3 Eastern Religious Traditions
Term 4 Western Religious Traditions
CLASS DATES AND TIMES FOR TERM 1:Mondays7:00-9:00pm. (13 February to 3 April 2017)
Religious Diversity Centre, the University of Otago House, 385 Queen Street, Auckland.
Parking is available in the Wilson Car Park underneath the building.
Waged: $95 per term. Unwaged/Students/Seniors: $65 per term
To register contact:
Please bring a cheque made out to the "Religious Diversity Centre Trust" to the first night of class.
Go well as the term unfolds.
Nga mihi nui,
Secondary Religious Education Advisor
Phone: 09 - 3603087
Mobile:021 - 0789109