The First Week of Advent

Eileen & Bob Rozell will process with you and the acolytes

As soon as the procession has ended, Eileen Rozell will read the following:

We are people of expectation; we are waiting for the coming of Christ at Christmas. It is only because of Christ that we have Christmas. Since we know the exact time of His coming, we know how much time we have to prepare. We should work on different things each day to prepare our hearts and souls for Jesus


it’s that wonderful time

of the year again.

We’re going to celebrate

your son’s birthday soon.

We will be preparing our home,

or gifts, our food.

Help us to remember

to prepare our hearts.

Help us in all our busyness

to remember

it’s your Son

we’re getting ready for.

Help us

help a friend,

keep a promise,

or visit someone lonely.

let us stop now for a moment of silence

Come, Lord Jesus!

We need you.

Bob Rozell will light the Advent wreath as you bless all the wreaths

Priest: Let us bless these Advent Wreaths gathered here:

Lord God,

your Church joyfully awaits the coming of its Savior,

who enlightens our hearts

and dispels the darkness of ignorance and sin.

Pour forth your blessing upon us

as we light the candle and bless these wreaths

to be brought into our homes;

may their light reflect the splendor of Christ,

who is Lord, for ever and ever.
