Traffic Engineering Accident Analysis System
Standards and Guidelines
The State of North Carolina
Department of Transportation
Information Systems Technology
June 9, 1999
Version 2.0
Deliverable #74-17
Presented by:
Keane, Inc.
2525 Meridian Parkway
Suite 400
Durham, NC 27713
(919) 544-0891
TEAAS Standards and Guidelines
Table of Contents
2Database NAMING standards......
2.5Primary Key Constraints......
2.6Foreign Key Constraints......
2.7Check Constraints......
3Graphical User Interface......
3.1GUI Standards......
3.1.1Visual Design......
3.1.4Informative Feedback......
3.1.5Appropriate Functionality......
3.1.6Error Prevention and Correction......
3.2GUI Development Guidelines......
3.2.7Radio Buttons......
3.2.9Tab Navigation......
3.2.12Audit Groupbox......
3.2.13Error Dialog Boxes......
4.1Message Types......
4.1.1Error Messages......
4.1.2Override Messages......
4.1.3Debug Messages......
4.2Batch Processing Errors......
4.3Error Codes......
4.4Error Messages......
4.5Error Log......
5.1Directory Structure......
5.1.2Application Server......
5.1.3Database Server......
5.2Application Packaging......
5.3Application Upgrade Strategy......
5.3.1DDL Changes......
5.3.2Source Code Changes......
6Database Locking Strategies......
6.1Updates in TEAAS......
6.2Online Updates......
6.3Batch Updates......
7Java Coding Standards......
7.1Source Files......
7.1.1Heading Comments......
7.1.2Package and Import Statements......
7.1.3Class and Interface Declarations......
7.2.2Line Length......
7.2.3Line Wrapping......
7.2.4Blank Lines......
7.2.5Blank Spaces......
7.3Source Code Documentation......
7.3.1Block Comments......
7.3.2Single-line Comments......
7.3.3Trailing Comments......
7.3.4What to Document......
7.4Naming Conventions......
7.4.2Classes and Interfaces......
7.4.4Variables and Parameters......
7.4.6File Names......
7.6Simple Statements......
7.7Compound Statements......
8.1.3Line Length......
8.1.4Line Breaks......
8.1.5Blank Lines......
8.1.6Blank Spaces......
8.3.1Single-line Comments......
8.3.2Block Comments......
8.4SQL Script Files......
9.1File Headers......
9.2.3Line Length......
9.2.4Line Breaks......
9.2.5Blank Lines......
9.2.6Blank Spaces......
9.2.7Formatting Control Structures......
9.3.1Single-line Comments......
9.3.2Block Comments......
9.5Naming Conventions......
9.5.5Named PL/SQL Blocks......
10.1Revision History......
10.2Presentation Component......
10.3Business Rule Component......
10.4Interface Definition Language Component......
10.5Data Access Component......
11.1Module Description......
11.2Application Release Version......
11.4Clean Up......
11.5Unit Test Results......
12.1Presentation Components......
12.2Business Rule Components......
12.3Interface Definition Language Components......
12.4Data Access Components......
12.5SQL Scripts......
12.6PL/SQL Scripts......
12.7Database Generation Scripts......
13.3Screen Captures......
13.4User Documentation......
13.5Operations Documentation......
June 9, 19991
TEAAS Standards and Guidelines
This section provides a brief background to the Traffic Engineering Accident Analysis System (TEAAS) project and describes the overall objective of this document relative to the project.
The State of North Carolina Department of Transportation-Information Systems Technology (DOT-IST) has requested that Keane, Inc., design, construct, test, and implement a new N-tier client/server system, using CORBA technology and an Oracle database, for the Traffic Engineering and Safety Systems Management Unit (TSSMU) to replace the current mainframe Merge System.
The project officially began in January 1999 with the Technical Environment phase. This document, TEAAS Standards and Guidelines, establishes the standards for future phases of the project.
The objective of this document is to define practical standards and guidelines that will be used by the Keane TEAAS software development team during the creation of design specifications, coding, and testing of the new system.
Standards and guidelines are provided to:
- Improve productivity
- Ensure consistency and continuity
- Minimize the learning curve for project staff
- Facilitate maintenance and support.
2Database NAMING standards
Naming conventions make software products readable and easily maintainable. The TEAAS database naming conventions outlined here will be adhered to throughout the project to ensure consistency among all products developed by the project team.
Database creation scripts will be created using PowerDesigner’s Data Architect modeling tool. Within this application and the table creation environment, database names will be entirely uppercase, using the underscore character (“_”) to separate words. No dashes or special characters will be used. Database names may not exceed 30 characters in length.
Table names will be in singular tense, and descriptive of the information contained within the table. As required by DOT –IST, table names will be prefixed with the DOT-IST billing code “FTV”, which identifies TSSMU.
Table synonyms will begin with the prefix “FTV_S_” followed by the table name it references.
View names will begin with the prefix “FTV_VW_” followed by a name descriptive of the information contained within the view. View names will be in singular tense.
Column name abbreviations will be created in accordance with the NC DOT-IST Standard Word-Phrase-Abbreviation Glossary. Column names will be in singular tense.
2.5Primary Key Constraints
Primary key constraint names will be comprised of the prefix “PK_” concatenated to the table name.
2.6Foreign Key Constraints
Foreign key constraint names will be comprised of the prefix “FK_”, the current table name, an underscore, and the table being referenced. An incremented, numeric suffix will be used for each subsequent reference to the same table.
2.7Check Constraints
Check constraint names will be comprised of the prefix “CKC_”, the column name being checked, and the table name.
- Primary key indexes will be named identically to the primary key constraint.
- Foreign key indexes will be comprised of the table name, “_FK”, a sequential number, and the suffix “_IDX”.
- Alternate indexes will be comprised of the table name, “_ALT”, a sequential number, and the suffix “_IDX”.
3Graphical User Interface
The primary goal of the graphical user interface (GUI) design standards and guidelines is to ensure the development of a consistent and appealing user interface, one with a standard look and feel to reduce the time it takes for a user to learn the system.
A well-designed user interface is built on principles and a development process that centers on users and their tasks. The following “GUI Standards” sections summarize the standards to be employed in developing the TEAAS user interface. The objective of the standards is to benefit the system’s users, not to enforce a rigid set of rules. Consistency in design will make it easier for the user to transfer skills from one task to another within the new system. The subsequent “GUI Development Guidelines” sections will outline the specific GUI development guidelines to be followed by the project team developers.
3.1GUI Standards
The main consideration of the GUI standards is the composition of the GUI. Composition covers the form layout, aesthetic appeal, and usability.
3.1.1Visual Design
Visual design is the way in which information is displayed on the screen. The GUI visual design should incorporate the following principles:
- The primary aim of the interface is to enable the users to find the information they require, quickly and easily.
- A relevant and informative title or description should be clearly located and presented to provide the user with an explanation of what is displayed.
- The location, layout, and order in which information is displayed should appear to be logical; for example, menus should be organized by probable sequence of selection.
- The color of the foreground and background should differ significantly. The choice of colors is extremely important, especially when users are likely to spend lengthy periods of time looking at the screen. Effective use of colors can greatly enhance visual design by:
-Drawing attention to different parts of the screen
-Highlighting important information
-Separating different types of information.
- The use of color should be only as an enhancing, secondary form of information.
- The size of the characters on the screen should be readable.
- To increase both speed and efficiency of interactions, it should be obvious to users:
-Where the information should be entered on the screen
-The format in which this information should be entered.
- Where the user overwrites information on the screen, the system should clear the previous information.
Consistency concerns creating and reinforcing user expectations by maintaining predictability across the entire interface.
- Colors should be used consistently throughout the system. For example, errors should always be highlighted in the same color.
- Icons and symbols should be used consistently throughout the system so users can learn to recognize them quickly and accurately.
- Menus, messages, and titles should be displayed in the same location on the screen and in the same layout so users can recognize and respond to information quickly.
- The method of entering information should be consistent throughout the system as well as the format in which the users enter particular types of information on the screen, in order to increase the speed of information entry.
- Similar operation sequences, such as updating and deleting information, should require a similar set of actions. This saves the users extra learning time, reduces potential errors, and increases the speed of interaction.
- The system should respond consistently to similar user actions.
Compatibility ensures the user interface conforms to user expectations.
- Where abbreviations and codes are displayed, they should be easy to recognize and understand.
- All terminology used within the system should be familiar to the user in order to avoid unnecessary confusion.
- The sequence of activities required to complete a task should follow what the user would expect according to the requirements specification.
- Access to common, basic operations should be provided through single-click interaction.
3.1.4Informative Feedback
Informative feedback ensures the user is given clear information about where they are in the system, what actions they have taken, whether these actions have been successful, and what actions should be taken next.
- Instructions and messages displayed by the system should be concise in order to save users from having to read through unnecessary material.
- The language used in the instructions and messages should be appropriate to the users, phrased positively, and indicative of what to do, rather than what to avoid.
- It should be made clear what the user needs to do to take a particular action at any stage, what information the user should enter, and what changes occur on the screen as a result of a user action or input.
- There should always be an appropriate system response to a user action as well as an indication that the action has been completed successfully or unsuccessfully.
- Status messages are very important, particularly with respect to lengthy system response times, and therefore should be used whenever appropriate.
3.1.5Appropriate Functionality
Appropriate functionality concerns the user’s perceived requirements of the interface when carrying out a task.
- Each screen should provide all the information the user requires at that stage of the task.
- Users should be provided with all the options they feel are necessary at any particular stage in a task.
- Users should be able to access all the information they feel they need for the current task.
- The system feedback should be appropriate for the task.
- Where users are presented with a list of options, it should be clear what each option means.
- It should be clear why the series of screens are sequenced as they are.
3.1.6Error Prevention and Correction
Error prevention and correction aims to reduce the likelihood of errors on the part of the user, and to ensure those that do occur are rectified before they cause problems.
- The system should validate user inputs before further processing is carried out.
- Where possible, a drop-down list should be used to ensure data entry of valid values.
- Where possible user actions are not easily reversible, confirmation requests should be made.
- Error recovery should be made as easy as possible.
- The system should prompt for input until it is fully valid.
- If the input is of a kind that cannot be validated, the user must be able to check the input before it is processed.
- The system must prevent unauthorized user actions.
- The system must ensure users double-check any requested actions that may be catastrophic if requested unintentionally.
3.2GUI Development Guidelines
The following sections define a standard layout and guidelines for the Java GUI. The TEAAS development team will use these guidelines to create GUI screens that have a standard look and feel.
Below is an example application window:
Each topic of the application will have a Java frame as its navigational entry point. Each frame will be created from a Java class. Where appropriate, new frames should inherit from the base class
Each window’s visible title should be in the format: TEAAS – {Grouping} – {Screen Topic}
XY Layout should not be used when designing the GUI screens. Any of the other layouts are acceptable to use in trying to create the desired window look and feel. Vertical Flow Layout and Flow Layout, in combination with Jpanels, have proven to be the most effective.
Windows should have their data divided into logical groupings based upon the topic being displayed. If the data contains Inventoried Route information, the data pertaining to the Inventoried Route should be placed in a groupbox labeled “Inventoried Route” immediately below the toolbar. Other information should be grouped in an appropriately titled groupbox below the Inventoried Route information. The Intersection screen shown above provides an example.
Labels listed vertically should be right aligned, with their text right aligned as well. Text boxes/data items listed vertically should be left aligned, with their text also left aligned. Labels should be horizontally aligned with their corresponding data items. Text boxes listed horizontally should be bottom aligned. The corresponding horizontal labels should be bottom aligned with each other, and centered above the text box they describe. Labels should not contain an ending colon.
All screens should have a background color of Control. Label text should be Active Control. Button text and text field text should be Black. Text boxes should have a background color of White. When a text box is disabled due to security, conditional logic, or some other reason, its background should be set to Light Gray.
Cross-platform Java programs support only five built-in fonts. These are Courier, Dialog, Helvetica, Symbol, and Times New Roman. The fonts for user interface items should be Dialog. Labels should use standard Dialog 16. Text boxes, combo boxes, and lists should use standard Dialog 15. Buttons should use bold Dialog 16.
Swing, the Java Foundation Classes, support very customizable buttons. They are capable of displaying an image icon, text, and tool tip text. Tool tip text is simply a hint that appears when the mouse highlights the button. Buttons should display any icon image at the top with accompanying text underneath. If there is no icon image, text should appear centered vertically and horizontally.
3.2.7Radio Buttons
Radio buttons should always have a default value. This value should be the first member of the radio group.
Wherever possible, GUI components should come from the library available on the Jbuilder component palette under the tabs Swing and Swing Containers. Only if a component is not available in this library should components from other libraries be used. Component names should follow the Java Naming Conventions outlined later in this document and consist of a descriptive name plus the naming suffix listed in the following table. The following table only summarizes the most commonly used components. Developers are not limited to using these components exclusively:
Component / Library / Naming Suffix / Example NameJbutton / / Jbtn / OkJbtn
JradioButton / / Jrdobtn / SameJrdobtn
JCheckBox / / Jchk / YesNoJchk
Jlabel / / Jlbl / MilepostNumJlbl
JtextField / / Jtxt / StreetNmJtxt
JpasswordField / / Jpwd / PassJpwd
JcomboBox / / Jcbx / CountyJcbx
Jlist / / Jlst / DirectionJlst
Jpanel / / Jpnl / panel1Jpnl
GroupBox / borland.jbcl.control / Gpbx / groupbox1Gpbx
Jtable / / Jtbl / countyJtbl
JtabbedPane / / Jtbpne / intersectionJtbpne
JScrollPane / / Jsclpne / userRoleJsclpne
3.2.9Tab Navigation
Navigation should be achieved through the use of the tab key as well as through the mouse. Tabbing should move from top to bottom and left to right.
The menubar will have the following standard menus defined:
- Edit-Shortcut key is Alt+E.
- Help-Shortcut key is Alt+H.
Any additional menus should be developed using default fonts and text size, to match the currently defined menus. Menu
The Edit menu will consist of the following menu items:
- New-Add a new record. Shortcut key is ctrl+N.
- Modify-Modify an existing record. Shortcut key is ctrl+M.
- Save-Save changes that have been made. Shortcut key is ctrl+S.
- Delete- Delete a record. Shortcut key is ctrl+D.
- Cancel- Cancel the current action. Shortcut key is ctrl+L.
- Search-Search for a particular record/recordset. Shortcut key is ctrl+E.
- Exit-Exit the current screen. Shortcut key is ctrl+X. Menu
The Help menu will consist of the following menu item:
- About - Displays the application “About Box”. Shortcut key is ctrl+A.
Each TEAAS screen, depending on its functionality, will have one or more of the following toolbars. Toolbar
The system toolbar will be located at the top of each screen, immediately below the menu bar. It will appear as follows:
The system toolbar will consist of the following buttons:
- Add-Add a new record.
- Modify-Modify the current record.
- Save-Commit changes that have been made.
- Delete-Delete the current record.
- Cancel-Rollback the current transaction.
- Search-Search for a record/record set.
- Exit-Exit the current screen. Toolbar
The navigation toolbar will be located at the bottom left of each screen that has records to be scrolled through. It will be painted as follows: