The Finance Committee offers the following Substitute to File No. 2017-665:
Introduced by Council President at the Request of the Mayor:
ORDINANCE 2017-665
AN ORDINANCE related to city of jacksonville fees; Repealing Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Chapter 123 (Public Fees),Ordinance Code, in its entirety; CREATING a new Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Chapter 123 (Public Fees), Ordinance Code; Amending the following sections and chapters of the ordinance code to remove fee amounts and provide for an online webpage address:Section 37.111 (Schedule of Fees), Chapter 37 (Office of the Sheriff); Chapter 92 (Uniform Community Development Districts); Section 104.305 (Application for issuance of bonds; fees), Chapter 104 (Bonds); Chapter 122 (Public Property); Section 124.108 (Maps, plats, manuals, books and real estate records), Chapter 124 (Public Records); Chapter 150 (Adult Entertainment and Services Code), Part 2 (Administration); Chapter 151 (Dancing Entertainment Establishment Code), Part 2 (Administration); Chapter 158 (Emergency and Nonemergency Medical Transportation Services); Chapter 177 (Business Security); Chapter 179 (Mortgage Foreclosure Registration); Section 191.104 (Permit application), Part 1 (Special Events), Chapter 191 (Special Events and A. Philip Randolph Entertainment District); Chapter 220 (Vehicles for Hire); Section 230.102 (Wreckers required to register with Sheriff), Chapter 230 (Wreckers); Chapter 250 (Miscellaneous Business Regulations); Section 260.201 (License), Chapter 260 (Disposal of Waste Tires); Chapter 307 (Historic Preservation and Protection); Part 4 (Permits), Chapter 320 (General Provisions), Title VIII (Construction Regulations and Building Codes); Chapter 342 (Construction Trades Regulations); Section 368.109 (Special Noise Standards for Special Events at Metropolitan Park), Chapter 368 (Noise Control); Chapter 380 (Solid Waste Management); Chapter 462 (Animals); Section 482.106 (Clerk to record claim of lien), Chapter 482 (Hospital Liens); Chapter 518 (Jacksonville Property Safety and Maintenance Code); Section 650.413 (Schedule of Fees), Chapter 650 (Comprehensive Planning for Future Development); Chapter 655 (Concurrency and Mobility Management System); Chapter 656 (Zoning Code); Section 667.109 (Fees and Charges), Chapter 667 (Park Vending); Section 685.103 (Registration fee), Chapter 685 (Sexual Offender and Sexual Predator Regulation); Chapter 692 (Bingo), Part 2 (Administration); Section 714.106 (Initiation of neighborhood assessment program), Chapter 714 (Neighborhood Assessment Programs); Section 744.101 (Acceptance and naming of new streets; right-of-way requirements; changing names; construction inspection service fees), Chapter 744 (Street Construction Regulations); Section 745.232 (Appeals), Chapter 745 (Addressing and Street Naming Regulations); Section 754.106 (Authority for service charges, and for the levy, collection, payment and enforcement thereof), Chapter 754 (Stormwater Management Utility Code); Chapter 770 (County Business Tax); Chapter 772 (Municipal Business Tax); Section 796.103 (User fee imposed), Chapter 796 (User Fees); Chapter 802 (Public Parking); 804 (Jacksonville Traffic Code); Repealing and Reserving Part 5 (Recreational Excavations), Chapter 664 (Parks and Recreational Areas, Facilities and Activities), Ordinance code; Amending Chapter 630 (General Provisions; Limitations), Subtitle A (Offenses), Title XVI (Judicial Code), Ordinance Code, to repeal, reserve and provide for an editor’s note for Sections 630.101 (Service charge for civil actions, suits or proceedings—Legal aid program for Duval County), 630.102 (Same—Facilities for courts in Duval County), 630.103 (Additional service charge established and filing fees allotted), and 630.104 (Service charges for mediation and arbitration); providing for a current list of City of Jacksonville fees for historical and informational purposes only; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Jacksonville:
Section 1. Amending Section 37.111 (Schedule of Fees), Chapter 37 (Office of the Sheriff), Ordinance Code. Section 37.111, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:
CHAPTER 37. Office of the sheriff
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Sec. 37.111. – Schedule of Fees.
The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following Jacksonville Sheriff’s webpage:
The Office of the Sheriff shall charge the following fees:
(a)The costs of production, inspection, and/or duplication of records or documents requested by the public shall be collected by the Sheriff, consistent with the manner and amounts authorized by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.
(c)The Sheriff is authorized to collect a daily fee at the rate of $54 a day from each prisoner who is sentenced to serve his time on a part-time basis and who volunteers in the alternative to participate in the community restitution program.
(d)The Office of Sheriff-Correction's Division shall charge the following fees:
(1)Inmate Medical Co-Pay at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility:
(i) Sick Visit ..... $5
(ii) Emergency Visit ..... 10
(2)Inmate Dental Visit ..... 5
(3)Inmate Prescription ..... 5
(4)Inmate Subsistence Fee (per day) ..... 2
(5)Notary Services ..... 5
Section 2. Amending Chapter 92 (Uniform Community Development Districts), Ordinance Code. Chapter 92, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:
CHAPTER 92. Uniform Community Development Districts
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Sec. 92.06. - Local Petition filing fees.
Local Petitions filed seeking to establish a CDD shall be accompanied by a $15,000 filing fee and other Local Petitions shall be accompanied by a $1,500 filing fee found in The City may decline to accept the filing of a Local Petition that is not accompanied by the requisite fees.
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Sec. 92.15. - Consent requests.
Consent Requests may be made by Local or State Petition, but are not effective until made or adopted by formal resolution of a CDD's governing board of supervisors and filed with CounselCouncil together with a fee in the amount of $1,500as found in resolution shall become a part of the Consent Request.
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Section 3. Amending Section 104.305 (Application for issuance of bonds; fees), Chapter 104 (Bonds), Ordinance Code. Section 104.305, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:
CHAPTER 104. Bonds
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Sec. 104.305. - Application for issuance of bonds; fee.
Application for the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Part shall be made in writing by the applicant to the Economic Development Officer and shall include the following information:
(a) The applicant's name, its parent company's name, the names of the principal operating officers, business address and telephone number.
(b) A description of the applicant, its history and operations, including the state(s) of incorporation.
(c) A description of the proposed project, including its function.
(d) A specific amount (in U.S. dollars) of the proposed industrial development revenue bonds and a statement by the applicant as to the allocation pool (state or County) from which the bonds are requested to be allocated.
(e) A detailed schedule of the intended use of the bond proceeds with regard to land acquisition, renovation, construction, engineering and architectural fees, machinery and equipment and legal and financial fees.
(f) A statement indicating the applicant's estimate of company performance as a result of new investment made possible by industrial development revenue bonds, including the number of new employment positions to be created. This statement shall include a listing of the types of new jobs to be created, including job title of the personnel to be hired, if known.
(g) A statement indicating the proposed security for the bonds.
(h) A statement as to the project's compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, to the effect that interest on the bonds will be exempt from federal income taxation, together with an opinion of the applicant's legal counsel as to the project's compliance with all other applicable laws and regulations. This opinion shall also note under which definition of project in the Florida Industrial Development Financing Act the proposed project intends to qualify and shall contain statements as to whether the project is subject to the state allocation cap, whether the project qualifies as a priority project, and whether the project requires or would be eligible for carryforward consideration.
(i) The economic and environmental impact of the project upon Duval County and the municipality, if any, in which the project is to be located, together with letters from the appropriate authorities giving evidence of the availability of all necessary utilities and other required public services.
(j) Independently audited or reviewed financial statements for the applicant for the preceding three years or for such other period as may be required and a schedule of principal repayments of long-term liabilities for such period. In the event of a new company, a letter of commitment from a recognized bank and/or underwriter may be accepted in lieu of the financial statements or in the event the applicant is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a parent company, and no separate financial data is available for such subsidiary, the consolidated financial statements of the parent company may be accepted. All applications submitted shall include that financial information required by and in the detail specified in F.S. § 159.29(2).
(k) The names and addresses of the attorney and certified public accountant who presently represent the applicant.
(l) A statement as to the applicant's intent to go, or not to go, through validation proceedings as permitted by the Council, which statement shall also be included in all legal documents pertaining to the issue.
(m) Copies of all proposed documents which will be utilized in connection with the sale of the bonds, which may be submitted after preliminary approval by the Issuer.
(n) A draft of the resolution to be considered by the Issuer.
(o) A draft of the resolution to be considered by the Council giving elected official approval of the bonds in a form approved by the Office of General Counsel.
(p)Application fee. The amount of the fee is found in
The application shall be accompanied by payment to the Issuer of a nonrefundable application fee in the amount of $15,000. Applicants shall pay to the Issuer at closing an issuance fee of 0.25 percent of the principal amount of the bond issue, provided that with respect to an applicant that is a not-for-profit organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, (i) the issuance fee to be paid by such applicant shall not exceed $25,000 and (ii) to the extent that such applicant (including for this purpose affiliates of such applicant that are obligated to repay such bond issue) demonstrates that such applicant is a health care provider that provides indigent patient health care to residents of the City, an amount equal to one-sixth of the amount of such indigent patient health care provided during such applicant's most recent fiscal year for which audited financial statements are available shall be taken as a credit against the issuance fee. All applicants shall also pay at closing all fees charged by the Issuer's special review counsel for its review of the bond documents and representation of the Issuer. As provided in Section 490.108, Ordinance Code, the provisions of this Section 104.305, Ordinance Code, relating to the amount of the application fee, issuance fee and special review counsel fee, shall apply to all bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 490 (Jacksonville Health Facilities Authority), Ordinance Code, in the manner provided in Section 490.108, Ordinance Code. Should inordinate costs occur to the City in the review of the application, such as travel, express mailing or other such extended review costs, the applicant shall be responsible for reimbursement or payment of these costs. Both the application fee and the issuance fee shall be deposited into the City's Countywide Economic Development Fund. If it is intended that interest on the industrial development revenue bonds be excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, then the sum of the application fee and the issuance fee shall be reduced, if necessary, to the maximum fee permitted by applicable federal income tax laws and regulations, as advised by bond counsel for the issue.
Section 4. Amending Chapter 122 (Public Property), Ordinance Code. Chapter 122, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:
CHAPTER 122. Public property
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Sec. 122.202. - Parking rates at municipal parking lots.
(a)The Economic Development Officer shall develop hourly, monthly and special event rates for each municipal parking lot facility managed by the Office of Public Parkingas found in Rates shall be designed (1) to be competitive with similar private facilities, (2) to provide for the most efficient use of facilities, and (3) to achieve other economic development and downtown revitalization goals as determined by the Office of Economic Development. The Economic Development Officer shall present any proposed rates for downtown, as defined in Part 3, Chapter 55, to the Downtown Investment Authority Board for review and for the Downtown Investment Authority Board to make an advisory recommendation with respect to such rates. The Economic Development Officer shall file the rate schedule and any subsequent change to the rate schedule with the Council Secretary and the Council Auditor and emailed to each Council Member, and such rates shall become effective 30 days after such filing, unless and until the Council enacts an ordinance to the contrary.
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Sec. 122.451. - Communication tower and antenna lease.
An application for a lease of City property for the erection of a communication tower or antenna shall be filed with the Real Estate Division and shall be accompanied by payment to the Real Estate Division of a $1,000anapplication feeas found in The Chief of the Real Estate Division is authorized and directed to establish:
(a)A lease application form for requesting permission to install communication towers and antennas;
(b)The information and documents required to be submitted to the City by applicants for leases.
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Section 5.Repealing Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Ordinance Code, in its entirety.
Section 123.102 (Fees Established), Ordinance Code, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1, is hereby repealed.
Section 6.Creating a newSection 123.102 (Fees Established), Chapter 123 (Public Fees),Ordinance Code.Section 123.102, Ordinance Code, ishereby created to read as follows:
CHAPTER 123.Public Fees
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Sec. 123.102. Fees Established.
Fees established for the Departments listed below are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provisions found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code. An updated fee schedule shall be maintained electronically and can be accessed at the electronic address noted below. A schedule of fees can be reviewed during business hours in the Finance and Administration Department.
The fees listed below can be found electronically on the followingCity of Jacksonvillewebpage:
Downtown Investment Authority
- New Construction (Section 656.361.9)
- Downtown Sidewalk Vendors
- Downtown Cafe Permits
- Commercial Surface Parking Lots
- Office of Public Parking
Finance Department
Fleet Management Division Motor Vehicle Inspection
Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department
- Fire and Rescue Ambulance/Report Fees
- Fire and Rescue Plan Reviews Fees
- Fire and Rescue Inspections
- Place of Assembly Fees
- Marine Permits
Neighborhoods Department
Animal Care & Protective Services
Mosquito Control
Environmental Quality Division
- Well Permit Type
- Water Quality
- Waste Water
- Water Maintenance Inspection
- Air Pollution Sources
Municipal Code Compliance Division
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department
Senior Services Division
Recreation and Community Programming Division
- Cecil Field
- Legends Center
- Tennis Courts
Natural and Marine Resource Division
- Metropolitan Park Marina
- Sisters Creek Marina
Huguenot Park
Hanna Park
County Extension Office
- Canning Center
Planning Department
- Construction in Right-of Way
- Plat Review
- Certificates of Appropriateness (COA)
- Land Use Amendments - Small Scale
- Land Use Amendments - Large Scale
- Development Regional Impact - Related (DRI)
- DRI Reviews
- Conventional Rezonings
- Planned Unit Development (PUD)
- Zoning Counter
- Review Group
- Subdivision Infrastructure Inspection
- Zoning & Rezoning Interpretations
- Administrative Deviations
- Cell Towers
- Plans Examining Fee
- Concurrency Management
- CRC not preceded by CCAS
- CRC preceded by CCAS
- Application for Development Agreement
- Historic Preservation and Protection
Building Inspection Division
- New buildings
- Foundation only
- New construction other than buildings
- Alterations
- Window/door replacement
- Moving buildings
- Roofing
- Swimming Pools
- Demolition of buildings
- Demolition of structures other than buildings
- Sign Erections
- Site clearing with protected trees
- Site clearing without protected trees
- Removal or relocation of private protected trees
Electrical Permit Fees
Plumbing Permit Fees
Mechanical Permit Fees
Miscellaneous permit fees
Public Works Department
Engineering and Construction Management
Traffic Engineering Fees
Real Estate Division
Solid Waste Division
Sports and Entertainment
- Ritz Theatre and Museum
- Permit Application
Section 7. Amending Section 124.108 (Maps, plats, manuals, books and real estate records), Chapter 124 (Public Records), Ordinance Code. Section 124.108, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows:
CHAPTER 124. Public Records
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Sec. 124.108. - Maps, plats, manuals, books and real estate records.
The Director of Public Works shall charge and collect the chargesfees listed below for the indicated real estate documents.The fees listed below can be found electronically on the following City of Jacksonville webpage:
(a) / Plats / $5 for each page(b) / Maps / 2.50 for each page
(c) / Land Development Procedures Manual / 50.00 per manual
(d) / City Standard Detail Manual / 40.00 per manual
(e) / City Standard Specifications Manual / 80.00 per manual
(f) / Street Code Listing Book / 15.00
(g) / Other real estate documents 8½ × 11 or smaller / $1 for each page
(h) / Other real estate documents larger than 8½ × 11 / 2.50 for each page
These documents shall be reproduced on paper for the above stated charges. Reproduction on Van Dyke (Sepia) shall be an additional $1 for each page and reproduction on cloth shall be an additional $2 for each page. Funds collected shall be accounted for and paid over to the Tax Collector daily for deposit into the General Fund. The fees contained within this Section are subject to the Annual Review of Fees provision found in Section 106.112, Ordinance Code.
Section 8. Amending Chapter 150 (Adult Entertainment and Services Code), Part 2 (Administration), Ordinance Code. Chapter 150, Part 2, Ordinance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: