Submitted By CLES

CONTENT: 5.15The student, given a problem situation, will collect, organize, and interpret data in a variety of forms, using stem-and-leaf plots and line graphs.
TOPIC: Probability and Statistics
What do your students need to KNOW? / DEMONSTRATORS
What do your students need to be able to DO? / ASSESSMENT
How will you assess what your students ALREADY KNOW, and assess WHAT THEY’VE LEARNED? / ACTIVITIES
HOW will you teach it?
All students will know:
  • Understand how to interpret collected and organized data.
  • Understand that stem-and-leaf plots list data in a meaningful array. It helps in finding median, modes, minimum and maximum values, and ranges.
  • Understand that line graphs show changes over time.
/ Students will:
  • Formulate the question that will guide the data collection.
  • Collect data, using observations, measurement, surveys, or experiments.
  • Organize the data into a chart, table, stem-and-leaf plots, and line graphs.
  • Display data in line graphs and stem-and-leaf plots.
  • Construct line graphs, labeling the vertical axis with equal whole number, decimal, or fractional increments and the horizontal axis with continuous data commonly related to time.
  • Construct a stem-and-leaf plot to organize and display data, where the stem is listed in ascending order and the leaves are in ascending order, with or without commas between leaves.
  • Title the given graph or identify the title.
  • Interpret the data in a variety of forms.
/ Already Know-
SOL 4.14
Lesson 5.14
Harcourt Math- Check What You Know Pg95
12-13 Flanagan Materials, Math, 5th- 5.15 Bank Questions (Pre or Post Assessment)
What they’ve learned-
12-13 Flanagan Materials, Math, 5th- 5.15 Bank Questions (Pre or Post Assessment)
IXL 5th Grade S. 3 Line Graph
IXL 5th Grade S. 10 Interpret Line Plot
IXL 5th Grade S. 13 Stem-and-leaf Plot / I would teach this lesson after the core lesson of 5.14
1. Prepare sets of five envelopes, each with a different colored dot on it. Give each student a set of envelopes and five small pieces of paper. Ask students to write numerical answers to each of the following questions on separate pieces of paper.
How many brothers and sisters do you have? (Put answer in the envelope with the blue dot.)
On what day of the month (number) is your birthday? (Put answer in the envelope with the green dot.)
What is the total number of letters in your whole name—first, middle, and last? (Put answer in the envelope with the yellow dot.)
What month (number) were you born in? Example January=1 (Put answer in the envelope with the purple dot.)
What is your favorite grade in Elementary School? (Put answer in the envelope with the red dot.)
2. Split class up into 5 groups. Have each group collect all their responses and hand them to you. Divide all student responses into five large, color-coded envelopes.
3. Give each group one of the large envelopes, and have each group use the data and markers to create a stem-and-leaf plot on a large sheet of poster board. Do not title your stem-and-leaf plot. Each group should find the mean, median, mode, and range of the data and include that information on their plot.
4. Display the stem-and-leaf plots along with five graph titles on sentence strips. Have students identify which title each plot represents.
How will you meet the needs of all students? / RESOURCES / TEACHER NOTES:
For struggling students provide a stem-and-leaf chart as a guide. Provide more complex data to chart for higher ability students.
Heterogeneous grouping arrangements in which whole classes of students of varying intellectual ability learn together in one classroom. Within-classroom groupings in which students of varying abilities learn together in cooperative learning arrangements. / Harcourt Math Lesson 5.4 Problem Solving Strategy
Harcourt Math Lesson 5.5 Analyze Graphs
Harcourt Math Lesson 6.3 Make Line Graphs
  • – A Web site containing many word problems involving probability and their solutions.
  • – National Center for Education Statistics Web site with probability activities for students and many other resources.
  • – Probability activities and information from the Math Forum.
  • – An interactive Web site for students that allows them to create several types of graphs.
  • – In this lesson, students make paper airplanes and explore attributes related to increasing flight distances. Each student collects data from three flights of the airplane and finds the median distance. Students then collect, organize, display, and interpret the median distances for the class in a stem-and-leaf plot.
  • – A lesson plan that uses small individual bags of “M&M’s”® Candies to review students’ understanding of estimating, sorting, graphing, mean, median, mode, fractions, percentage, and averaging.
  • – An interactive Web site for students using probability concepts.
  • – Having Fun with Baseball Statistics. These activities allow students to explore statistics surrounding baseball. They are exposed to connections between various mathematical concepts and see where this mathematics is used in areas with which they are familiar.
/ Extension
Have students write questions about their data for others groups to answer.
2. Next step/day have students illustrate data in another graph format and compare the graphs/
How can you use the mean, median, mode, and/or range to help you decide which title goes with which graph in the mystery data lesson?
What are some other types of data that can be displayed in a stem-and-leaf plot?
What type of job would you use a stem-and-leaf plot and how would it help them?
Additional Activity: Create a survey question that can be displayed in a stem-and-leaf plot. Collect data from the class and present it in a stem-and-leaf plot.