
The film, Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa is a metaphor for the study of history.

Write an essay that explains how this film is symbolic of the study of history.

Please reference/use the Historiography Terms, Historical Thinking Skills, and the 7 Big APUSH Themes, even SPRITE.

5 paragraphs



Rashomon Reflection

The film, Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa is a classic depiction of “The Nature of Truth.” As we begin our journey into reconstructing and understanding the past, an appropriate starting point may be with the story of Rashomon.

As you watch this film, consider how this film symbolizes the nature of history, the writing of history, and the study of history.

Take notes as necessary.

Choose one of the following essay prompts:


To what extent does the Story of Rashomon offer the student of history insight into the nature of history, the writing of history, and the study of history?

Explain your answer in a five paragraph essay, include a thesis and supporting arguments.


1. Which terms are reflected in the video Rashomon?

2. Identify 2-3 history study terms and explain how they are reflected or symbolized in the film, Rashomon, by Akira Kurosawa.

3. Include a paragraph reflection:

What did you learn from this film?

Was this a valuable experience?

What did the film teach you about the study of history?

History Study Terms:

  1. Bias
  2. Social History
  3. Political History
  4. Distinguish Fact from Opinion
  5. Cause and Effect
  6. Compare and Contrast
  7. Point of View
  8. Evaluating
  9. Multicultural Perspective
  10. Analyzing

Steps in Planning and Writing Rashomon Essay:

  1. Watch the movie
  2. Take good notes
  3. Know the story of the:
  • Woodcutter
  • Bandit
  • Woman
  • Man
  1. Brainstorm
  2. Think about the Historiography terms
  3. Choose which terms are symbolized in the film
  4. Historical Imagination
  5. Multicultural Perspective:
  6. Point of View:
  7. Compare and Contrast:
  8. Cause and Effect:
  9. Analyzing:
  10. Distinguishing Fact From Opinion:
  11. Evaluating:
  12. Political History:
  13. Social History
  14. Military History:
  15. Comparative History:
  16. Economic History:
  17. Interpretation
  18. Bias/Subjectivity
  19. Evidence
  20. Primary Source
  21. Artifact
  22. Context
  23. Objective; Objectivity:
  24. Frame of Reference
  25. Credibility:
  1. Plan your Essay:
  • Introduction (1 Paragraph)
  • Thesis: 3 part argument regarding the film and the study of history.
  • “The film Rashomon reflects main concepts in the study of history including (A)credibility, (B)compare and contrast, and (C) multicultural perspective.”
  • Or
  • “Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa offers the student of history insight into the (A) nature of history, (B) the study of history and (C) the writing of history.”
  • Body (3 Paragraphs) choose the three parts of the thesis and write one paragraph on each.
  • (A)
  • (B)
  • (C)
  • Include explanation
  • Examples
  • Clarification (make it clear)
  • Conclusion (Sum up the thesis)
  • “The Film Rashomon was a valuable experience for students of history because it symbolizes history study terms…
  1. Type it.
  2. Then proof read and make sure it’s clear and no errors.