Registrations available online at
On behalf of the organising committee and ANZICS New Zealand we cordially invite you to attend the Annual NZ Regional Conference to be held, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Auckland, March 17-19 2009.
This will be the first time the Conference is being hosted by the Greenlane Cardiothoracic & Vascular ICU. A high quality and dynamic scientific programme has been put together with a very strong line up of local and international speakers. The theme "State of the heART" is befitting of the hosts and the programme will provide some interesting insights into current cardiothoracic ICU topics relevant to both specialist and general ICUs. The session topics will include Cardiology, Echo in ICU, ECMO and Paediatric Cardiac to name a few.
The Hyatt Regency Auckland is a 5 star luxury hotel, it enjoys stunning views of the Auckland harbour and parks and is located just a few minutes walk from Auckland city centre. Auckland's numerous attractions are easily accessed from its central location.
We look forward to welcoming you to Auckland in March 2009.
Alastair McGeorge Shay McGuinness
Rachael Parke Nina Dobson
Keynote Speakers
Edwards Lifesciences International Visitor International Nursing Speaker
Mr Giles Peek Jayne Fawcett
Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery & ECMO Director of Critical Care Clinical studies
Lead Investigator CESAR Trial Edwards Lifesciences
Leicester, United Kingdom Irvine, California
For more information on other conference speakers, please visit the conference website for full biographies and photos –
Call for Abstracts
The Scientific Convenor welcomes submission of abstracts for presentation at the conference in either the free paper session or as a poster. A number of prizes are available for best presentation, and we would especially encourage investigators who have not presented at a conference before to consider doing so in this friendly and supportive environment! Please visit the conference website for instructions on abstract submission.
This programme is subject to change without notice
Tuesday 17 March
1300-1400 / Registration1400-1415 / Official Welcome / Main room
1415-1545 / Session 1 – The Heart Chair Alastair McGeorge / Main Room
1415-1445 / Electrical mischief: Managing Rhythm problems in ICU – Nigel Lever
1445-1515 / Advances in the Management of Patients with End-Stage Heart Failure - Peter Ruygrok
1515-1545 / Surgical Management of Heart Failure – Peter Alison
1545-1615 / Afternoon Tea / Trade Display and Patio
1615-1745 / Session 2 – ECMO Chair Shay McGuinness / Main Room
1615-1645 / The CESAR trial and its implications – Giles Peek
1645-1715 / The ECMO Team – Nicola Gini
1715-1745 / Small Combined ECMO Programs – John Beca
1800-2000 / Cocktail Reception St Patrick’s Day / Trade Display & Patio
Wednesday 18 March
0900-1030 / Session 3 – Nursing Topics Chair Nina Dobson / Main Room
0900-0945 / The Challenges of Haemodynamic Monitoring Jayne Fawcett
0945-1030 / Transplantation – The rollercoaster Helen Gibbs
1030-1100 / Morning Tea / Trade Display & Patio
1100-1230 / Session 4 – Scientific Chair Rachael Parke / Main Room
1100-1215 / Free Papers
1215-1230 / Intensive Care Foundation Presentation
1230-1330 / Lunch / Trade Display & Patio
1330-1500 / Session 5 – Paediatrics Chair John Beca / Main Room
1330-1400 / The Blue Neonate – Initial Rx David Buckley
1400-1430 / Title to be advised – Giles Peek
1430-1500 / Care of the Paediatric Cardiac Patient – Nikky Parley
1500-1530 / Afternoon Tea / Trade Display & Patio
1530-1700 / Session 6 – / Main Room
1530-1615 / The Secrets of Successful Research – Jayne Fawcett
1615-1700 / Lessons from ICU - Ron Paterson, Health & Disability Commissioner
1700-1800 / AGMS
ANZICS / Room 1
JFICM following ANZICS / Room 1
CCNS / Room 2
1930-0000 / GALA DINNER / Maritime Museum
Thursday 19 March
0930-1100 / Session 7 – The Lungs / Main Room
0930-1000 / Massive PE – Margaret Wilsher
1000-1030 / Pulmonary hypertension – Tanya McWilliams
1030-1100 / Rare Pneumonias – John Kolbe
1100-1130 / Morning Tea / Trade Display
1130-1230 / Session 8 - Guest Lecture – Giles Peek / Main Room
1230-1330 / Lunch / Trade Display
1330-1530 / Session 9 – Echocardiography in ICU / Main Room
1330-1430 / Cardiac Echo in ICU – To be advised
1430-1530 / Ultrasound in ICU – Ubbo Wiersema
1530-1545 / CLOSING
Social Functions
Welcome Reception
Tuesday 17th March 1800 - 2000
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hyatt Hotel
Cost: Included for full registrants
Additional tickets $70.00
Includes: Drinks and canapés
Dress: Smart casual
enjoy refreshments amongst the Exhibition booths as you renew old acquaintances and meet new colleagues.
Conference Dinner
Wednesday 18th March, 1900 - Late
Venue: New Zealand Maritime Museum
Cost: Included for full registrants
Additional tickets $NZ150.00
Includes: Three course meal, beverages (beer, New Zealand wine and soft drinks) and entertainment
Dress: Smart Casual
Delegate Registrations
Earlybird delegate registrations will open for the meeting in mid January, 2009. The regular registration rate will apply from mid February. Full registrations include all conference catering, a ticket to the welcome function (Tuesday evening) and a ticket to the conference dinner (Wednesday evening). Day registrations do not include tickets to either of the social functions
Registration Types (including GST):
Nurse Early Registration – $675
Nurse Late Registration – $800
Nurse Day Registration – $400
Doctor Early Registration – $900
Doctor Late Registration – $975
Doctor Day Registration – $500
For assistance please contact us by email on
Hyatt Regency Auckland is a 5 star luxury hotel in Auckland, New Zealand. The hotel enjoys stunning views of the Auckland harbour and parks and is located just a few minutes walk from Auckland city centre. Within easy access of Auckland's numerous attractions and just 40 minutes from Auckland Airport, Hyatt Regency Auckland awaits you with a warm welcome.
Hyatt Regency Auckland
Cnr Princes St & Waterloo Quadrant
PO Box 3938
Tel: 64 9 355 1234
Fax: 64 9 303 2932
All room rates are GST inclusive and do not include daily breakfast.
Queen Room – Double/Twin $190.00 per night
Car parking
Hyatt Regency Auckland offers a secure indoor parking facility at $10 a day and $15 overnight. Valet parking is also available for $25. There are 290 car park spaces available. To enter the carpark you must drive into the hotel driveway, go down the right hand side of the hotel between the Quadrant and Hyatt.
Registration Desk
The Registration Desk at the conference venue, located in the foyer outside the Princes Ballroom will be open as follows:
Tuesday 17th March 2009 1000 - 1800
Wednesday 18th March 2009 0700 - 1730
Thursday 19th March 2009 0800 - 1600
Delegates will be given their satchel and a personalised envelope at registration check-in. The satchel will contain the Program Handbook and other materials of use during the meeting.
Platinum Sponsor
Edwards Lifesciences PTY
Contact: Sandy Scott
NZ Critical Care Specialist
A: PO Box 30 4006
Hauraki Corner, Auckland
T: 0800 222 601
F: 09 488 7820
E: s
Gold Sponsor
Contact: Kathryn Hawkins
Product Specialist
A: 15b Vestey Drive
Mt Wellington, Auckland
T: 0508 489 264
F: 0508 489 263
E: i
Silver and Satchel Sponsor
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Contact: Jacqui McKanny - Manager NZ
A: 7 Challenger Street
St Heliers, Auckland
T: 09 574 0123 ext 8030
F: 09 574 0130
Silver Sponsor
GE Healthcare
Contact: Leanne Hearne
Marketing Specialist, Clinical Systems, Australia & New Zealand
A: Building 4B, Parkland Estate
21 South Street, Rydalmere
New South Wales, 2116 Australia
T: 61 2 9846 4737
M: 61 425 255 497
F: 61 2 9846 4762
Bronze Sponsor
Contact: Matthew Quinnell
Product Manager – Simdax, Operations – New Zealand
A: 32-34 Lord Street
Botany, NSW 2019
T: 61 2 9384 9721
F: 61 2 9384 9999
E: i
Conference Committee
Alastair McGeorge
P: 64 21 310 366
Shay McGuiness
Scientific Programme Convenor
Rachael Parke
P: 64 9 307 4949 ext 24489
Nursing Convenor
Nina Dobson
Conference Manager
Paul Walker
Convention Management Services Limited
P: 64 9 835 1531