CECIP/RES. 03 (IX-07)
The proposal of the 2008-2009 Work Plan of the Subcommittee on Cargo Services (document CECIP/doc.37/07); and
That by resolution CIDI/CIP/RES. 75 (V-07) the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) approved the creation of the Subcommittee on Cargo Services, presided by Brazil, with Mexico as Vice Chair, and also integrated by Barbados, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Peru, Saint Lucia, Suriname, United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela;
That by resolution CIDI/CIP/RES. 83 (V-07) the 2008-2011 Action Plan of the CIP was approved, which is executed through the Executive Board (CECIP) and its Subcommittees; and
That it is necessary to define the 2008-2009 Work Plan of the Subcommittee on Cargo Services,
- To approve the following 2008-2009 Work Plan of this Subcommittee:
- Promote the application of concepts of productivity, excellence, quality, and marks of guarantee to contribute to the competitiveness of companies in the port community.
(i)Organize the Hemispheric Conference on Port Logistics and Competitiveness in Manzanillo, Mexico, September 8-12, 2008.
(ii)Ibero-American Course on Port Operation and Technology, SantanderSpain, May 2008 and May 2009.
- Disseminatethe use of systems of information for the port community that allow for the electronic process of all information relative to commerce.
(i)Seminar on platforms of information for port communities that provide services to vessels and cargo.
- Disseminate the Normative Framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the measures endorsed by the United States Custom and Borders Protection Agency, look for unique referential guidelines for improving the security of logistical chains and evaluate its impact in port competitiveness with tangible indicators.
(i)Regional seminar to promote the WTO Normative Framework and present measures endorsed by the United States Custom and Borders Protection Agency.
(ii)Working Group that elaborates a study model on costs, time, quality and protection in the logistical chain of specific products.
- Strengthen the information and training of human resources of the port companies that provide cargo services in collaboration with organizations from developed states.
(i)National courses for port service companies.
(ii)Seminars on Port Marketing for the development of alternative outlines of traffic during the process of expanding the Panama Canal.
- To entrust the delegation of Brazil, which presides this Subcommittee, and the delegation of Mexico as Vice Chair, to remain vigilant for the fulfillment of this resolution.
- To urge MemberStates and particularly members of this Subcommittee, to collaborate actively in the development of activities for this Subcommittee.
Note: The U.S. delegation assigns high priority to the issues covered by the Ports Committee and has actively participated in all meetings. We would like to register a formal, official complaint that the English version of the resolutions has not been made available in time for review. Our delegation will follow-up on this issue at higher levels of the OAS to ensure that this is not repeated at future meetings.