Assignment 10
This assignment is designed to enhance all of the skills you have already learned in Word and will require you to be creative and think on your own! You will use the toolbars, wizards and formatting commands as well as your new vocabulary to complete the projects successfully and in a timely manner. (Most importantly have fun with it and do not wait too long to get started!)
- Create and Utilize Templates
- Create a personal Web Page using Microsoft Word XP
- Integrate Graphics from the Internet to enhance documents
- Utilize Mail Merge for Business and Personal Use
You will meet all of these objectives through a real world activity in which you create a party invitation with graphics via an online template and send the invitations to friends through the mail merge and by creating a website for yourself.
You will begin to improve your proficiency in word by completing the following exercises in your text.
- READ Objectives and Overview on IW 139
- READ IW 139 through IW 164!—It is critical that you read these pages as we may not do all of the exercises but you will be asked questions about them on your exams!
- DO SBS 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4
- SKIP SBS 8.3 and 8.5 through 8.8
- DO SBS 8.9-8.10---DO NOT PRINT!
- RE-READ “Using Mail Merge” on IW 153 and follow the mail merge instructions below…remember to use common sense, your text, the help option and each other for this one!
- RE-CALL” your vast knowledge of templates, then follow the template instructions below
- RE-READ “Creating a Web Page” and follow the mail merge instructions below…remember to use common sense, your text, the help option and each other for this one too and remember CREATIVITY COUNTS!
- Email (3) HELLO, BBQ and THE ENTIRE FOLDR ASSOCIATED with your web page!
Mail Merge Instructions:
Go to the ABE 120 Website
Click on the Hello Document on the Home Page
Open it and save it to your Zip
Close the Website and open Hello from your zip
Change the signature/name to your name and SAVE
Go to the Tools Menu
Select Letters and Mailings, Mail Merge Wizard
The Mail Merge Dialog Box Appears on the Right Side (R)
Select Letters, Click Next
Select Use current document, Click Next
Select Type new list, Click Create
Enter the following (2) people and add a new entry for your parents, yourself, and a friend for a total of 5…you will start on record one, then after you enter the info on the appropriate lines hit new entry and it goes to the next blank entry for you.
Ms. Arin C. Haverland
Forbes 232
Tucson, AZ 85721
Dr Ed Franklin
Forbes 232A
Tucson, AZ 85721
Hit close, and Save as ABE120
A dialog box will pop up, unclick yourself and your parents…we are inviting them to a party so they do not need to know just yet! Click OK
Make sure the cursor is at the top of the page, on the first line
Click on Insert Address Block ( or wizard), uncheck company name…this is a social call but it is good to know it is there for when you send important stuff like resumes and cover letters!
Click OK
Hit Enter twice so you are just 2 lines above the first paragraph
Click on Insert Greeting Block (or wizard), Select Joshua for the first box and none for the second and click on OK
Click Next
Now Preview your 3 Letters, if this were a real letter you could hit print and all 3 would print! SAVE to your disk….and be proud because YOU CAN NOW MAIL MERGE!
Template Instructions
Open Word
Go to New
Lick on Select templates from
Type BBQ party in to the Search option
Go through licensing info and accept
Download the Invitation and save to your zip as BBQ
**If you get hung up on downloading this it is on the ABE120 Website!
Customize the Invitation (see sample attached) with your details for your imaginary BBQ, then minimize it
Click on Internet explorer,
Now you will add a map by going to
Click on get driving directions using the UA Address of 1140 East South Campus Tucson, AZ 85721 for the “start” and your home address as the “end” if you do not have a local address then just ask your neighbor!
Click on Get Directions, a map pops up
R click on the mouse with your cursor on the map, select save picture as, save it to your zip as “party map” and make sure it is saving as a gif file!
Close Internet Explorer, open the file “party map” from your zip, R click and choose edit, a box pops up-(or just go to copy then paste as you already know how to do that!)
Or you can Go to Edit, choose select all
Go to Edit and choose copy….
Now maximize the BBQ invitation and go to page 2, put your cursor on the picture of the burger and when it is highlighted by a border, hit delete to remove it then R click and choose paste! There is your map!
Save your BBQ Invitation and go onto the fun one below!
Web Page Instructions
Open word
Choose new on the file menu
In the new document pane click General templates
Click on the web pages tab
Select the web page wizard
Choose document under create new, then click on OK
The web page wizard opens (fig 8.18 in text), click next
In the website title box type your name’s Web Page ie) Arin’s Web Page
For your website location, hot browse and choose your zip , hit OK, and next
Select the vertical frame option, click next
You should see that you have 3 pages for your site, a personal one and two blank ones
Highlight Blank Page No 1, click rename and change it to “When I grow up”
Highlight Blank Page No 2, click rename and change it to “ My Top 10”, click next
Add a visual theme, choose expedition, click next and finish
Give it a sec and it opens up to page 1
Create a title for your page and type it where you see “Main Heading goes here”
Add some personal info by just typing over the areas and inserting stuff about you and deleting stuff you do not want EXCEPT FOR the section on hyperlinks-KEEP THOSE!
Now, go to where it says hyperlinks…you will see several items underlined, you are going to delete what is there so that the list shows :
X U of A
X Google
X your favorite celebrity site –this one you will pick ( ie Til Schweiger, Pamela Anderson, Dr Franklin etc,.)
Once that is typed in you will highlight the entire line, R click and choose hyperlink, and select “link to an existing web page” and type in the address, then hit OK. You will do this repeat this 3 times….once for each link and then once again for your contact info so that your friends can email you instantly, once it is a link it will underline itself! (see sample attached)
Info for links:
Link / Type in this addressU of A /
Google /
Celerity / You will have to find a web address
Contact Me! / Select link to email address, it will add mailto and you will need to type in your email address
ie) mailto:
Okay, that is all of the hard stuff…YOU are a pro now so get busy on the creative stuff and finish off the “When I grow up page” and make your own “Top 10 Reasons” list, take a look at my sample that I attached and go crazy, okay not too crazy, my email mail box is pretty tiny! But please everyone get funky with this one! Add some clip art or photos or whatever…
Then THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IS TO SAVE AS A WEB PAGE! Word will create a humongous folder for all of it and that is what you will email to me. Test your links too! I will leave my sample up on the ABE120 Website and you can view it in class tonight as well! You are doing a great job!