21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
“Youth with Disabilities: Shaping Inclusive ASEM Societies”
27 January–10 February 2018. Melbourne, Australia & Christchurch, New Zealand.
Table of Content
Profile of Survey Participants
Views on Accessibility
Views on Disability
Organisers of the ASEFSU21
The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is an intergovernmental process established in 1996 to foster dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe. Presently it comprises 53 partners: 30 European and 21 Asian countries, the European Union and the ASEAN Secretariat. ASEM addresses Political, Economic, and Social, Cultural & Educational issues of common interest, in a spirit of mutual respect and equal partnership. For more information visit the ASEM InfoBoard website.
The ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU) is a 2-weekexperiential learning journey and “InterdisciplinaryInnovathon” for students and young professionals.Designed to foster crosscultural exchanges and networksamong youth from ASEM Partner countries, it offersopportunities for students and young professionalsto broaden their horizons, deepen their knowledge oncontemporary issues, and propose concrete solutionstosocietal challenges.
ASEFSU takes place on an annual basis, each year tacklinga different theme of socio-political concern within Asiaand Europe. ASEFSU makes a positive impact within ASEMsocieties as it offers tangible results and daring proposalsto innovate and promote sustainable development.
The 21stASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21) took place on 27 January – 10 February 2018 inMelbourne (Australia) and Christchurch (New Zealand),and focused on the topic of Youth with Disabilities. The project brought together a group of 48mixed-ability students and young professionals from 48ASEM countries.
Next to an invaluable international and intercultural experience, participantsworked on solutions to pressing challenges faced by ASEM youth with disabilities. These challenges related to 8 Key Areas that have a significant impact on the lives of youth with disabilities: 1) Mobility, 2) Rights Protection Legislation, 3) Economic Security Employment, 4) Inclusive Education, 5) Health Well-being, 6) Participation in Society, 7) Access to Information, and 8) Attitudes Perceptions.
The Open Call for Participation was launched across Asia and Europe during the end of 2017 (16 November to 10December 2017). A total of 5,028 students, young professionals and entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 30 applied to be part of the project.
As part of the Open Call, ASEF invited all applicants to join a survey to capturethe views of ASEM youthon accessibility and youth with disabilities. The survey results were analysed generally,as well as evaluated by comparing responses from Asia and Europe, male and female applicants, and by the applicants’ own assessments of being disabled or not.
This document highlightssome survey results, in particular withinthose areas where significant differences in the responses were identified.
Disclaimer: The survey results are meant to showcase general trends and might not necessarily follow strict empirical methodologies.
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
1. Gender
Female / Male / Total60.38% / 39.62% / 100%
2. Country of Citizenship
Asia / Europe / Total79.02% / 20.98% / 100%
The Asian countries in ASEMhavea population of almost 4 billion people (representing 89% of ASEM’s total population). The European ASEM countries have a population of about 520 million (representing 11% of ASEM’s total population) – Eurostat, 2016. Compared to previous Open Calls for Participation in ASEFEdu projects, the ASEFSU21 Open Call had a slightly higher representation of European applicants.
3. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
No / Yes / Total89.80% / 10.20% / 100%
4. Current Occupation
Undergraduate (BA, BSc, etc.) / Graduate (MA, MSc, MBA etc.) / Doctoral (PhD, etc.) / Diploma (Polytechnic etc.) / Professional / Entrepreneur / Seeking a job / Others / Total49.30% / 18.75% / 2.98% / 0.99% / 17.00% / 2.68% / 3.64% / 4.63% / 100%
5. Major Field of Work/Study
Social Sciences / Business Studies and/or Management Science / Engineering and/or Technology / Humanities / Law / Medical Sciences / Communication and Information Sciences / Natural Sciences / Total26.97% / 20.54% / 15.59% / 12.99% / 6.40% / 6.40% / 5.57% / 5.53% / 100%
6. Have you heard about the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) before?
No / Yes / Total39.30% / 60.70% / 100%
7. Have you heard about the Asia-EuropeFoundation (ASEF) before?
No / Yes / Total33.11% / 66.89% / 100%
8. Across Asia and Europe, which ASEM Partner country do you think is the most accessible?
- All survey participants
ASEM Partner Country / Australia / Germany / Singapore / United Kingdom / Japan / Sweden / Others / Total
Percentage / 20.49% / 12.05% / 7.62% / 6.96% / 5.37% / 4.26% / 43.26% / 100%
- Asian survey participants
ASEM Partner Country / Australia / Germany / Singapore / United Kingdom / Japan / Sweden / Others / Total
Percentage / 23.03% / 10.67% / 8.99% / 6.27% / 6.29% / 4.51% / 40.25% / 100%
- European survey participants
ASEM Partner Country / Germany / Sweden / Australia / United Kingdom / Denmark / Finland / Others / Total
Percentage / 17.25% / 11.56% / 10.90% / 9.48% / 7.96% / 7.20% / 35.64% / 100%
- Survey participantswho identify themselves to be disabled
ASEM Partner Country / Australia / Germany / Singapore / United Kingdom / Japan / Indonesia / Others / Total
Percentage / 24.95% / 8.58% / 8.38% / 8.58% / 5.65% / 4.48% / 39.83% / 100%
- Survey participants who do not identify themselves to be disabled
ASEM Partner Country / Australia / Germany / Singapore / United Kingdom / Japan / Sweden / Others / Total
Percentage / 19.98% / 12.45% / 7.53% / 6.78% / 5.34% / 4.27% / 43.65% / 100%
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
9. How accessible do you think your own country is?
Survey participants could choose from 1 to 5, with 1 “Not Being Accessible at All” and 5 being “Completely Accessible”. "Own country" refers to country of citizenship.
- All survey participants
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
10.60% / 29.53% / 33.49% / 16.21% / 10.16% / 100%
From the results it was evident that a significantly larger number of respondents assessed their countries to not be accessible to persons with disabilities:About40% of respondents graded their countries 1 or 2,while only 26% graded their countries 4 or 5.
- Asian survey participants
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
11.75% / 29.37% / 30.71% / 16.26% / 11.91% / 100%
- European survey participants
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
6.26% / 30.14% / 43.98% / 16.02% / 3.60% / 100%
10. How accessible do you think your own country will be in 5 years from now?
Survey participants could choose from 1 to 5, with 1 “Not Being Accessible at All” and 5 being “Completely Accessible”. "Own country" refers to country of citizenship.
- All survey participants
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
4.63% / 10.14% / 27.47% / 35.44% / 22.32% / 100%
The comparison of the results of question 9 and 10 showcased optimism among the respondents regarding the future level of accessibility in their own countries. For example, the number of persons who assessed their own countries being significantly/completely accessible in the next five years compared to today doubled to about 58%.
- Asian survey participants
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
5.11% / 9.92% / 25.52% / 33.95% / 25.50% / 100%
- European survey participants
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
2.84% / 11.00% / 34.79% / 41.04% / 10.33% / 100%
Both Asian and European respondentswere positive about the outlooks of their countries becoming more accessible in the upcoming years, Europeans seemedthough to be even more optimistic than their Asian peers:
The number of Europeans that gave their countries the highest accessibility ratings for the coming years was about 200% higher than today’s figures.
Asian respondents were also positive in their projections of the future, but the increase or decrease compared to today’s figures is mostly around 100%.
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
11. What do you think is the main challenge disabled youth face today?
- All survey participants
Reduced employment opportunities / Reduced educational opportunities / Struggles to access decent standards of living / Limitations in accessing freedom of movement / Reduced likelihood of establishing relationships and a family / Others' limiting beliefs / Reduced opportunities to participate in leisure activities / Limited legal capacity and rights / Struggles to access information and the internet / Other challenges / Total
31.66% / 16.61% / 15.61% / 10.56% / 5.51% / 5.01% / 4.65% / 3.80% / 0.80% / 5.79% / 100%
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
- Asian survey participants
Reduced employment opportunities / Reduced educational opportunities / Struggles to access decent standards of living / Limitations in accessing freedom of movement / Reduced likelihood of establishing relationships and a family / Others' limiting beliefs / Reduced opportunities to participate in leisure activities / Limited legal capacity and rights / Struggles to access information and the internet / Other challenges / Total
30.46% / 18.58% / 15.78% / 10.02% / 5.13% / 4.81% / 4.58% / 3.98% / 0.93% / 5.74% / 100%
- European survey participants
Reduced employment opportunities / Struggles to access decent standards of living / Limitations in accessing freedom of movement / Reduced educational opportunities / Reduced likelihood of establishing relationships and a family / Others' limiting beliefs / Reduced opportunities to participate in leisure activities / Limited legal capacity and rights / Struggles to access information and the internet / Other challenges / Total
36.11% / 14.98% / 12.61% / 9.19% / 6.92% / 5.78% / 4.93% / 3.13% / 0.28% / 6.07% / 100%
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
Asian and European respondents shared the view that reduced employment opportunitieswere the biggest challenge that youth with disabilities face in ASEM countries. Both groups also expressed the view that accessing decent standards of living and freedom of movement are main areas of concern. Asian respondents were though significantly more concerned about educational opportunities for youth with disabilities (18.60%, compared to 9.20% among Europeans).
12. Which area of improvement do you think would have the greatest impact for youth with disabilities in your country?
- All survey participants
Increasing employment opportunities / Making education accessible to all / Improving physical access to buildings and transportation / Increasing social welfare and financial support, including free healthcare / Organising awareness raising campaigns among all population / Improving their legal protection / Making travel and leisure activities accessible / Improving access to information and the internet / Other areas / Total
22.91% / 19.21% / 16.69% / 16.41% / 11.42% / 4.04% / 3.42% / 2.45% / 3.46% / 100%
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
- Asian survey participants
Making education accessible to all / Increasing employment opportunities / Improving physical access to buildings and transportation / Increasing social welfare and financial support, including free healthcare / Organising awareness raising campaigns among all population / Improving their legal protection / Making travel and leisure activities accessible / Improving access to information and the internet / Other areas / Total
21.57% / 21.29% / 15.88% / 17.34% / 11.02% / 4.15% / 2.77% / 2.74% / 3.22% / 100%
- European survey participants
Increasing employment opportunities / Improving physical access to buildings and transportation / Increasing social welfare and financial support, including free healthcare / Organising awareness raising campaigns among all population / Making education accessible to all / Making travel and leisure activities accessible / Improving their legal protection / Improving access to information and the internet / Other areas / Total
29.00% / 19.72% / 12.89% / 12.89% / 10.33% / 5.88% / 3.60% / 1.33% / 4.36% / 100%
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
The survey results for question 11 showcased thatyoung people in Asia were significantly more concerned about education opportunitiesfor youth with disabilities.Likewise, Asian participants identified this area as the one which has the greatest impact on the lives of youth with disabilities in their countries. The European respondentsonly gave this area the 5th rank and prioritised instead,amongst others,employment opportunitiesor the physical access to buildings & transportation. It is also worth noting that double the number of European respondents assessedaccessibletravel & leisure activities to be an area that would have a significant impact on the lives of youth with disabilities, compared to their Asian peers.
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
- Survey participants who identify themselves to be disabled
Increasing employment opportunities / Making education accessible to all / Increasing social welfare and financial support, including free healthcare / Improving physical access to buildings and transportation / Organising awareness raising campaigns among all population / Making travel and leisure activities accessible / Improving their legal protection / Improving access to information and the internet / Other areas / Total
25.15% / 19.69% / 14.04% / 11.70% / 10.92% / 6.63% / 5.46% / 3.12% / 3.31% / 100%
- Survey participants who do not identify themselves to be disabled
Increasing employment opportunities / Making education accessible to all / Improving physical access to buildings and transportation / Increasing social welfare and financial support, including free healthcare / Organising awareness raising campaigns among all population / Improving their legal protection / Improving access to information and the internet / Making travel and leisure activities accessible / Other areas / Total
22.66% / 19.16% / 17.25% / 16.68% / 11.47% / 3.88% / 3.46% / 3.10% / 2.35% / 100%
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
The responses between disabled and non-disabled participants were rather similar in their order of prioritisation of areas of improvement. However, certain differences could be identified: Disabled respondents considered improvements in the financial support & social welfare as well as access to travel & leisure activities as areas that would have a significant impact on their lives. Non-disabled respondents assessed physical access to buildings, among others, to be an area of high importance for persons with disabilities.
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
13. Why do you think, it is important to integrate disabled youth in mainstream higher education systems?
- All survey participants
Education should be universally accessible to all / It is a matter of respect of their human rights / It empowers the individuals / It stimulates and increases all youth's awareness on disability / It improves employment prospects / Mainstream education is cheaper for families with disabled youth / Total
41.51% / 18.89% / 16.79% / 15.83% / 6.30% / 0.68% / 100%
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
Swinburne University of Technology
University of Canterbury
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade (New Zealand)
Deakin University (Australia)
RMIT University (Australia)
University of Alicante (Spain)
European Disability Forum (EDF)
European Network on Independent Living (ENIL)
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
SkillWise (New Zealand)
Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) (Australia)
European Students’ Forum (AEGEE-Europe)
International Association of Political Science (IAPSS)
European Students’ Union (ESU)
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) | 21st ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU21)
ASEM-wide Youth Surveyas of 26April 2018