The Effect of the Bio Psychological Rhythm on some of the Psychological Skills and the Skillful Performance in Basketball

Dr. Abdul Wadood Ahmed Khatab([1])


The current study aimed at investigating the relationships between the psychological skills and the skillful performance in basketball for
Al-Toz Sports Club at the day top of the bio psychological Rhythm and also investigating the relationship between the psychological skills and the skillful performance in basketball for Al-Toz Sports Club players at the day bottom of the bio psychological Rhythm, as well as, investigating the differences in the skillful performance between the day top and the day bottom of the bio psychological Rhythm. The researcher assumed that there is not a relationship with a statistical sign between the psychological skills and the skillful performance in basketball for Al-Toz Sports Club players at the day top of the bio Rhythm. Also, there is not a relationship with a statistical sign between the psychological skills and the skillful performance in basketball for Al-Toz Sports Club players at the day bottom of the bio psychological rhythm.

The sample of the study consisted of (16) players represent
Al-Toz Sports Club, participated in first league degree for the sports season 2008-2009, where six of them were set aside for their participating in the explorative experiment, and the researcher used the statistical tools (percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and T-test). And according to the obtained results, the researcher concluded the following:

- The players level in the skillful tests was better than the psychological skills at the day top of the bio psychological rhythm.

- There are not significant differences between the skillful tests and the psychological skills at the day bottom of the bio psychological Rhythm.

- The players level in the skillful tests at the day top bio psychological Rhythm was better than the psychological skills at the day bottom of the bio psychological rhythm.

The researcher recommended the following:

- It is necessary for the trainers to train their players on the compound difficult skills at the day top of the bio psychological Rhythm.

- Educate the players to understand the bio psychological Rhythm and its effect on their sports life, and its great role in improving their performance.

- Putting the players aside from making high powerful trainings at the day bottom the bio psychological rhythm.

- Making similar studies in investigating the effect of the bio rhythm with its mental and intuitive circle on the level of the basketball players.

1- Presentation of the Research:

1-1 Introduction and Importance of the Research:

The sports psychology is considered one of the most important subjects for its direct effect in developing the performance level and improving it for the athletes, and it considers one of the important scientific studies axes in the sports education field. Its importance appears through its connection with the other sports sciences so that to study the sports behavior stimulators which affect the cognitive, humanitarian and sports side, and the psychologists started to concentrate their powers on the mental, intellectual, and psychological abilities in the total sports games, where their concern made on the various, different, and manner mental abilities which participate in increasing and decreasing the performance of the athletes. Also, the reasons of the psychological stress of the athletes which lead to commit some mistakes during the performance were studied (Khatab & others, 2005, 303).

The concern with the psychological skills and abilities of the athletes regardless the nature of the participating sports activity enable the trainer to make his duties and delivering his own instructions to ensure making performance and winning, and there are various bio Rhythm courses where some of them depend on time, and some of them on physical effort, so some of the researchers studied the bio Rhythm in general and no one studied the bio psychological Rhythm. The importance of the current study is compatible with making training opportunities for basketball players through presenting them with the psychological skills, the skillful performance, and the bio psychological Rhythm. The current research can submit a new scientific addition to the sports education library so that to participate in making the suitable opportunities to make scientific researches concern this field.

1-2 Problem of the Research:

The bio Rhythm and the way of its investment in the training and competitions process are fairly little, but the known achievement requirements are: the physical preparation both in general and particular, the psychological preparation, the succeed management, the good trainer, and the equipments availability, all of them complete each other in order to form the championship pillars, but this does not inhibit the research from other supporting pillars which did not mention in the training courses of the trainers (Al-Saeedy, 2007, 24).

The occurring development in the scientific investigation field led to pay attention to another elements which considered integral and operative for the trainer's mission equally, and may be one of the most important elements are the psychological preparation manners by using the mental abilities and dealing with them as sports skills which must be owned by the athlete so that to be able to improve and develop his level through finding relationships for some of the athletes psychological skills, and going into studying the bio psychological Rhythm for athlete. For the shortage of having an Iraqi study in this field, the research's problem was determined in answering the following question: Does the bio psychological Rhythm has an effect on the psychological skills on one hand, and on the skillful performance in basketball on the other hand for Al-Toz Sports Club players?

1-3 Aims of the Research:

1-3-1 Investigating the relationship between the psychological skills and the skillful performance in basketball for Al-Toz Sports Club players at the day top of the bio psychological rhythm.

1-3-2 Investigating the relationship between the psychological skills and the skillful performance in basketball for Al-Toz Sports Club players at the day bottom of the bio psychological rhythm.

1-3-3 Investigating the differences in the skillful performance between the day top and the day bottom of the bio psychological rhythm.

1-4 Research Hypotheses:

1-4-1 There is not a relationship with a statistical sign between the psychological skills and the skillful performance for Al-Toz Sports Club players at the day top of the bio psychological rhythm.

1-4-2 There is not a relationship with a statistical sign between the psychological skills and the skillful performance for Al-Toz Sports Club players at the day bottom of the bio psychological rhythm.

1-4-3 There is not a relationship with a statistical sign in the skillful tests between the day top and the day bottom of the bio psychological rhythm.

1-5 Research Fields:

1-5-1 Human Field: basketball players of Al-Toz Sports Club, first league degree, for the sports season 2008-2009.

1-5-2 Time Field: from 1/1/2009 to 1/3/2009.

1-5-3 Place Field: Al-Toz Sports Club.

1-6 Determination of Terminology:

The Bio Rhythm:

The amount of the occurring changes in body as a result of the of the external effect such as: light, darkness, geographical features like: air pressure, temperature, humidity, rise and fall of sea level, internal effects like: difference in the work of the body hormones, and difference in the work of some of power sources and the reflection of that on the general abilities of the individual (Hamoudat, 2004, 10).

The Bio Psychological Rhythm:

It is defined by (Al-Saeedy, 2007): As the bio rhythm which differ from the bio physical Rhythm with five days increasing which called the female Rhythm and it takes 28 days and it is divided into two stages each one takes (14) days (Al-Saeedy, 2007, 28).

The Psychological Skills:

It is defined by (Ratib, 2000): As educational organized programs which were designed for helping the trainer and the athletes to acquire the psychological skills and practicing them so that to improve the sports performance and making the sports practicing a source of enjoyment (Ratib, 2000, 81).

And it is defined by (Al-Khafaf, 2002): As a group of the psychological programs and abilities which enable the athlete to make the best sports achievements and participate in developing the performance level and improving it through the organized using of the mental abilities and loading with the psychological power in a scientific manner which coincides with the required sports situation.

The Skillful Performance:

It is defined by (Ameen, 1997): As a test to measure the performance efficiency for the student in the dynamic skills and the degree of his usefulness from learning (Ameen, 1997, 13).

And it is defined by (Khowela, 1999): As a phenomenon which is characterized with proficiency, accuracy in implementing the dynamic performance of the sports activity (Khowela, 1999, 14).

2- Theoretical Framework and the Former Studies:

2-1 Theoretical Framework:

2-1-1 Bio Rhythm Concept:

The bio Rhythm is a word which consists of two Greek words (Bio which means life, and Rhythm which means periodical reputation) and it is the science which studies the bio courses which distinguish the nature of the whole living creatures. Scientists approved that the human adopts with the bio daily, weekly, monthly and yearly rhythm of the natural factors, where a one hundred physiological function responses of the human body systems are changed, and the bio rhythm does not depend only on the changes in the body systems efficiency level round the day but it extends to include time period may be long or short, and it includes all the human biological, psychological, and social creations
(Shalabi, 2000, 182).

2-1-2 Bio Rhythm Characteristics:

The bio rhythm period is almost equaled to the earth circle around its axis, and it includes the all living creatures bodies and form their genetic characteristics, and it differs in the multi cells living creatures (so as to be on the level of the cell and the body as both), and the bio rhythm periods can be changed in case of the external factors changing, and its cells and body systems rhythm is connected with its nervous centers in the brain, and the sleeping rhythm is considered the main one which represents a key for all different body systems (Hamoudat, 2004, 35).

2-1-3 Bio Rhythm and Individual Differences:

Individuals are differed in their daily bio rhythm, where some of them are being more activated during the day, but they become less activated during the night and he retires to bed early and wakes up early too, but there are another group of the individuals vice versa, where they characterized with the increasing of the bio activity during the night, and they become less activated during the day, also there is another group of the individuals characterized with the unorganized highness, where they become activated through certain hours of the day and then decrease through other hours, and there are many tests made to determine the person's mode, does it activated during the day or the night, or it is varied through the one day? (Abdul Fatah and Hsaneen, 1997, 399).

2-1-4 Bio Rhythm and the Sports Training:

Preparing the high level athlete requires many years, and it is happening in the natural circumstances of the surrounding environment, and also the adopted environment circumstances, and if the athlete exposes to different environmental conditions, he will be under different functional effects affect with the climatic changes, and here it will be appeared the individuals differences among the athletes and through that it will appear "the differences in the training and paying attention to the individuals differences among the athletes even if their ages and results were equal, where every athlete has hits own characteristics" (Al-Besaty, 1998, 69).

2-1-5 The Psychological Skills Concept:

Sports education teachers are attempting from their educational programs to acquire the psychological skills for their students or perfecting the acquired skill, and it is naturally to say that learning is the only way to acquire the knowledge or the abilities as a result of experiment or training. "Allah has given the human a great abilities so as to acquire these knowledge and skills available in the environment, and the same thing is appeared in training and competition fields, where teaching as an organized methodical manner aims at having development in the physical, skillful and planning sides and then developing them and it includes the psychological skills so that the physical, skillful and psychological sides of the athlete will be completed" (Anan, 1995, 375).

2-1-6 Classification of the Psychological Skills:

The psychological skills are classified into:

1. Being able on mental imagination.

2. Being able on paying attention.

3. Being able on self confident.

4. Being able on implementation

5. Being able on relaxing.

6. Being able on facing anxiety.

3- Similar Studies:

3-1 Hamoudat's Study, 2004:

"The effect of the bio rhythm on some of the physical, emotional, and mental variables for college of education students aged from 18-22 years"

This study aimed at investigating the differences in the physical, emotional, and mental abilities with continuous measures according to the different bio rhythm curves (birthday, day of the top, day of the falling into the starting line, day of the falling into the bottom, and day of returning to the starting line), the study's sample consisted of (24) students from college of sports education, and the researcher has used the statistical tools (arithmetic mean, probable arithmetic average, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient, multi correlation coefficient, and T-test) for the correlated samples by using (Spss program) which deals with all these data. The researcher concluded that there are not differences with significant sign between the bio rhythm stages in the physical abilities (speed, explorative power, muscular endurance characterized with speed, and prolonging the respiratory system). The researcher recommended on the necessity of paying attention to the bio rhythm courses in distributing the endurance degrees of training so as to be high in strength and high in volume during the top stage, and the decreased strength during the starting line stage (Hamoudat, 2004, H-W).

3-2 Al-Saeedy's Study, 2007:

"The relationship of the bio rhythm and its two physical and psychological periods with the performance level on the parallel bar for girls"