If you intend to submit a paper and presentation for the 2014 Financial Services Forum you need to provide a Synopsis (using the template on the next page), complete this Submission Form and submit both to by Friday 22 November 2013. Synopses and submission forms must be sent as MSWord attachments, please do not supply them in the body of an email. You will be advised of the outcome and, if accepted, your synopses will be uploaded to the Institute website.


Name: Company:

T: M:


Title of Paper / Presentation / Session to appear in program:


1. 2.

3. 4.

Peer Reviewer Name:

T: E:

What will your final submission be? Presentation and Paper Presentation Only

If selected, what level of knowledge will delegates attending your session require? (please select one only)

No prior knowledge General industry knowledge assumed Technical/specific industry knowledge assumed

Please indicate the ‘capabilities’ that will be addressed in your presentation by ticking one or more boxes below.

Tick Box / Capability Function / Definition
Contribution to Business Strategy / Actuarial contributions to business strategy. This encompasses understanding the context and need for reassessment, followedby the generation and assessment of ideas, strategy and modeling, through to the explanation, promotion and selling of the strategy to ensure implementation.
Leadership / Demonstration of leadership in deriving some or all of self, others, business or thinking at a high strategic level.
Actuarial Approach to Problem Solving / Employment of a holistic approach utilizing technical knowledge, skills and judgement to enable valued advice and authoritative comment to be provided to stakeholders.
Valuing Uncertain Future Cash Flow / Provision of reasoned, relevant and justifiable projected cash flows. Application of professional judgement in analysis, communication, reporting, monitoring and advising clients.
Risk Management / Application of a broad, proactive approach to the development and improvement of a client’s risk culture ensuring the strong engagement of the Board and senior management. Systematic development, implementation and promotion of policies, processes and support at all levels for the defined risk framework.
Professional Governance / Adoption of professional approaches and practices required to provide Prescribed Actuarial Advice, while maintaining currency of own capability and contributing to the development of the Profession.
Product Development, Management and Pricing / Demonstration of product management, development and pricing which incorporates and balances stakeholders needs, commercial realities, the external market, sales and marketing consistency, financial objectives and risk management.
Investment Advice and Governance / Provision of documented, demonstrated advice on management and development of investment portfolios, including consideration of investment objectives, market knowledge, asset liability modeling, Strategic Asset Allocation and communication with stakeholders.

Note: If you are asked to present at the 2014 Financial Services Forum, it will still be necessary for you to register and pay to attend the Forum. The Institute does not subsidise, discount, pay for, or extend special registration offers for presenters or delegates.



(Name of Author/s)

Key words: (enter up to 10 key words applicable to your synopsis / paper / presentation)

Purpose of your paper: (To assist delegates / readers searching for your paper on the Institute’s website after the event, please enter a brief description (maximum 220 characters) on the purpose of your paper.)

Synopsis: (Place text here using font size Century Gothic 11)

Note: If you are not presenting a paper for this Forum, please include as much detail as possible in your Synopsis (maximum three pages) to enable delegates to prepare for your session.