
(First, Middle & Last Name of Importer/Exporter) (AND if any, Business Entity hereby referred a the Importer/Exporter).

(Importing as: Complete Business Address, City, State and Zip (No PO. Box):

Phone # Email

S.S.N # or EIN/IRS # or CAN # (Importing as)

Here are theterms and conditions:

1. 101 Shipping inc, its officers,employees; and/or specifically authorized freightforwarding agents,toactforand onitsbehalf asa true and lawfulagent of the Importer for and in thename, placeandstead of said Importer,fromthis date, in theUnited States(the “territory”) either in writing, electronically,or byother authorized means, to:Make, endorse, sign,declare,or swear toany customs entry,withdrawal,declaration,certificate, bill of lading, carnet or any other documents required by law or regulation or otherwisenecessaryinconnection withthe importation, exportation,transportation, ofany merchandise in orthrough the territory, shipped orconsigned by ortosaid Importer;Performany act or condition whichmay be required by law or regulation or otherwisenecessary in connection withsuchmerchandise deliverable to said Importer; toreceive anyMerchandise;make endorsements onbillsof lading conferring authority to transfertitle;make entryorcollect drawback; and tomake, sign,declare, or swear to any statement or certificate, schedule,supplemental schedule, certificateof delivery, certificate of manufacture, certificate of manufacture anddelivery, abstract of manufacturingrecords,declaration of proprietor on drawbackentry, declaration of exporter on drawback entry, oranyotheraffidavit or document which may berequired by law or regulation fordrawback orother purposes, regardlessof whether such document is intended for filing with government entities;Sign,seal,anddeliver for andastheactof saidImporterany bond required by law orregulationinconnectionwiththeentryor withdrawal ofimportedmerchandise ormerchandiseexported with or withoutbenefitof drawback orin connection withtheentry, clearance, lading,unladingor navigationofany vessel or othermeansofconveyance owned or operated by said Importer,andany and allbonds whichmay be voluntarily given and accepted underapplicablelaws and regulations,consignee’sand owner’s declarations,or affidavitsor statements inconnection with the entryofmerchandise;Sign andswear toany document andto performany act that may be necessary or required by law or regulationor otherwisenecessaryinconnection withthe entering, clearing, lading,unlading, or operation ofany vessel or othermeans of conveyanceowned or operated by saidImporter;Authorizeother Customs Brokersduly licensedwithin the territory to act as Importer’s agent toreceive,endorse and collectchecksissued for Customs duty refunds inImporter’s name drawnon government entities; if theImporter is a nonresidentof theUnitedStates, to accept serviceof processon behalfof theImporter;

Toexecute anydocument ormake payments forserviceson behalf oftheImporter inconnection with thefollowingactivities:

(a) represent Importer in relation to other agentsof Importer in connection withshipments;

(b) arrangeand provide Transportation (barge or trucking) for Importershipments;

(c) receiveoriginal commercial documentationfromvendorsofImporter;

(d) reissuecommercial documentation on behalf oftheImportercustomers;

(e) makeappointmentsfor delivery of Importer shipments;

(f) represent Importer in connection with discrepanciesin the shipments transported by air orocean; and

(g) take anyotheraction reasonably relatedtoaccomplishtheforegoingactivities or other additional actions authorized by Importer inwriting;

And generallytotransact Customs business,including filing of claims or protestsunderlawsofthe territory, in whichsaid Importeris or

may beconcerned orinterestedand which may properly be transacted orperformedby afreight forwardingagent;Givingtosaid freightforwardingagent authority to doanything necessary to bedoneinthepremisesasfully assaidImportercould do it presentandacting,hereby ratifyingand confirmingallthat the saidafreight forwarding agent shall lawfully do byvirtue of thesepresents.


2. This authorityis toremainin full force and effect solongas 101 Shipping inc ishandling theUS CustomClearance for Importer, by air or ocean. Inaddition,Importeragrees toindemnify and hold harmless101 Shipping inc., itsofficers, employeesand/or specifically authorized agents withrespect to claims arisingoutofor inconnection withperformance by the foregoing ofits/ theirauthorized dutiespursuant to thehandlingofImporter’scargo shipment airoroceanandcustomclearance.

3. Importer furtheragreesto pay101 Shipping incimmediately for servicerendered, whichincludes, but isnot limitedtothefreight charge, airor ocean,storage fees,brokersfees, import service fees, taxesand duties related to Importer’s cargo, and for any outof pocket expenses oramountsspent by 101 Shipping inc that werenotpre-paid by Importer, inconnectionwiththe freight transportation of Importer’s cargo by airorocean. If such amounts arenot paid after 101 Shipping inc providesImporterwrittenemail noticeofsuch payments such amountsshall includeinterest at acumulativerateof 10%perseven days (upto thehighest ratepermittedby applicable law).

4. Importerhereby acknowledges andto NOT hold101 Shipping inc liable for anydelays relating tothefollowing: custom inspection,domestic orinternational, anactofnature and god,an act of civil or economic strifeor unrests, an act ofwar,domestic or international, anactof insurrection,domesticor international, unforeseen accidentssuchas fire onthevessel or haul,sinking ofthe vessel,piracyor hijacking of thevessel andor sinkingof thefreightvesselby thenegligenceof thevessel crewsand or athird party acts.Further, importerwill NOThold 101 Shipping inc liable for any actsor conductsofthefreight carriers, which may resultin damagesor losses toimporter’s cargo. Further, importer shall hold101 Shipping inc harmless forany acts and incidents that occursand/orhappens onthefreight carrier’s vesselregardlessofwherethefreightvessel is ininternationalwaterornot.

In addition, Importershall NOT hold101 Shipping incliablefor anypackagesorproductsor cargoshipments that are confiscateddue to the breachofany city,local law,state law,federal lawor international governmental lawsandregulations, such ascopy rights,FDA/ATF/TTB/DOT/EPA/USDA/(Fumigation Report) & other US Government agencies,butare not limited toimportingillegal firearms,materials that canbe usedto produce home-made explosive devices, the importing ofpeople fromanothercountryandothers. Importer is fully responsible for all law. Moreover, if there isanunforeseen incidentand freightcarrier exercise a generalaverageact, importer must complywiththe general averageact asstated in theYorkAntwerp Rule which is created and established into themaritime rules and regulation.


5. In addition, Importerhereby agrees to pay 101 Shipping inc for any andall transporting servicerendered by 101 Shipping incto Importer,ifImporterfails to pay theinvoice presentedby 101 Shipping inc, then101 Shipping inc thru legalactions cancollect therendered servicesfromImportereither by takinga legal actions or by auctioning off Importercargoshipment toathird partyorthirdentity.

6. Importerhereby acknowledges that the transportation ratescanbechangeddue tothevariouseconomicseasonsandthefluctuating world economy and thatImporter will notholdliable 101 Shipping inc for any variousrates modificationsor adjustments. Importer alsoagrees to hold101 Shipping inc harmless for any and all fluctuatingfuel surchargesthat Airlines or Freightliners and Freight Carriersmay chargethruthe monthsand quarters.

7. Further, in consideration of this Agreement, theImporter shallmakeprompt payment,when due of all invoices and claims 101 Shipping incmay have against the Importer. In the event ofdefaultbythe corporation, company,or limitedliabilitycompany, the officersof these entity shall personally andindividually guaranty (Signer & Company) to 101 Shipping incthe full prompt payment when due, including butnot limitedtoall losses orexpenses whichmay havebeenincurred by101 Shipping incinthecollection of thedefaultpayment againstImporter.


8. All information are Confidentially Protected by 101 Shipping inc.: such as shipping bill of lading, import/export bond, factory information,importer invoice andpackinglist will be protectedby 101 Shipping inc andwill notbe shared withany thirdparty entity.

9. The executionofthisServiceAgreementDesignationwithAuthoritytoCustomClearing &/or Air Shipments &/orOceanShipmentsformis anacknowledgementthattheImporterhavereadthetermsandconditions on this two page agreements & our / disclaimer/teams ofthisservice documentasoutlinedinthe paragraphsreferencedabove. NOTE: 101 Shipping inc is an Arrangement of logistic/Shipping.

10. Aftersigning,pleaseemail () or fax (424-702-3262) thisforms. Signedfaxedor email copyisjustasgoodasan original copy.

BysigningthisAgreement,ImportersareNOTobligatedtouse101 Shipping incserviceforanyoftheirCurrent or Future or PastImport/Export shipments. However, if Importer does use(d) the service(s) with 101 Shipping inc., then this Agreement will be in full effect & our Disclaimer/Terms/Conditions on our/ Shipping inc will be in full effect.

Importer Signature (Officer/Individual): Date:

(Before signing, Please double check 3 (Three) initial are mark)