Green Tea may help prevent & fight cancer, lose weight, fight diabetes, reduce blood pressure, detoxify the body, lower cholesterol, fight arthritis , boost energy and memory, aid digestion, boost immunity, fight allergy & asthma, protect teeth,help bowel movement, nose congestion, slower ageing, relieve stress, , strengthen bones, suppress the desire for alcohol, protect the heart, liver, kidney, prostate & etc.

Tai Chi Green Tea selects certified organically grown green tea from China’s mountainous regions. Only the baby leaves on the top of tea branches in early spring are selected (once a year). The baby leaves are so tender that they can be eaten raw or after being soaked in water.♣Tai Chi Green Tea has been kept refrigerated at all times to preserve freshness.

The edible green tea! Can be eaten raw & made with cold water!

How to Use Tai Chi Green Tea according to specific concerns.

Weight loss

  • Drink and eat the tea or just sprinkle the tea powder (from tea bag) or the loose tea on food to eat it raw. Consume as more as one can to achieve the best weight loss results (1-4 bags).
  • Do exercises after consuming the tea.
  • No (or less) cheese or butter while consuming green tea.

Diabetes, High Blood Pressure

  • Only make the tea with cool to cold water. Only consume green tea with food or after eating something. No green tea when you are hungry.
  • If taking medicine, take medicine and green tea separately.
  • Do not consume too much to let the tea interrupt sleep (Be cautious if you are too sensitive to caffeine).

Cholesterol, Arthritis, Digestion, Heart Burn, Cold, Heart Disease, asthma, nose congestion

  • Loose Tea and warm water will be better.
  • Use 8 oz warm water to make one packet of loose tea. Wait for 3-5 minutes, when the water turns light green, drink. Refill 3 times or so. Finish the tea within 30 minutes. Eat every piece of the leaves. Take 1-3 packet of loose tea a day.

Detoxify, bowel movement, Allergy, Low Energy, bladder or kidney problem, Cancer, HIV

  • Drink and eat green tea. Consume as much as one can take (1-3 servings).
  • Drinking the tea with a little more water will be better for detoxifying and bowel movement.

Skin Problem(Sunburn, eczema, acne, itching skin & etc)

Drinking green tea as much as one can, at the same time you may use the tea bag on the affected area as the following:

  • Open the little plastic bag. Take the tea bag out and put it back to let the string & little tag stay outside of the bag.
  • Drop a few drops of cool or lukewarm water into the bag. Hold the bag for 10 minutes. Take the soaked tea bag out. Squeeze the tea on the skin a few times. Discard the tea bag after 30 minutes or so.

Migraine, Headache

  • Enjoy it the way one likes the best. Limit the amount and only consume the tea after or during breakfast or lunch.
  • (For those with migraine, no alcohol or hot pepper. Have good sleep).

Cavity & Bad Breath, Toothache, to stop smoking and curb desire for alcohol

  • Chew a few pieces of green tea any time or sip the tea anytime during the day
  • For toothache, chew the tea and hold it between the affected teeth for 10-30 minutes.


  1. People who are allergic to caffeine should not drink green tea.
  2. Pregnant women should not drink too much green tea.
  3. Do not drink tea without some food while too hungry. Do not drink green tea late at night.
  4. Do not use foam cup or paper cup to make tea.
  5. For those with complicate health conditions, consult doctors before taking green tea.

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

If you have questions, please contact Zane at 847-387-9327 / Please go to to type in “Tai Chi Green Tea” to see people’s comments.

Tai Chi Green Tea is kept in the refrigerator

Da Hsin811 7th St NW Washington, DC 20001 202-789-5486. 202-789-4020