Supplemental Materials for:

The Eating Attitudes Test-26 Revisited using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM)

These online supplements comprise three sections, including:

(1)  Studies on the factorial structure of EAT-26 in nonclinical samples of adolescents

(2)  Six-Factor EFA solution for the initial 26-item version of the EAT

(3)  Goodness of fit indices of the measurement invariance tests conducted on the EAT-18 Models

(4)  Conversion of raw scores of the EAT-18 items to percentile ranks with 95% two-sided interval estimates in the total sample (n = 1779).

(5)  Conversion of raw scores of the EAT-18 items to percentile ranks with 95% two-sided interval estimates in the girls sample (n = 1006).

(6)  Conversion of raw scores of the EAT-18 items to percentile ranks with 95% two-sided interval estimates in the boys sample (n = 773).



Table S1. Studies on the Factorial Structure of EAT-26 in Nonclinical Samples of Adolescents

References / Country / Females / Males / Total / Sample / Analysis
(Reliability/correlation) / Mean age/SDage
(Range) / Supports original structure? / # factors / Factors and items / # items /
Ambrosi-Randić & Pokrajac-Bulian (2005) / HR / 525 / - / 525 / Ado / PCA* with VR
(.85 full scale/NR) / 16.0/1.2
(14-18) / No / 3 / 1- BU (1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 22)
2- DIET (2, 5, 7, 16, 17, 23, 24)
3- SP (8, 9, 13, 20, 26) / 23
Choudry & Mumford (1992) / PK / 271 / - / 271 / Ado / PCA* with VR
(NR/NR) / 15.1/1.4
(12-16) / No / 4 / 1- DIET (1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 19, 23)
2- DIS (9, 10, 15, 21, 22, 24)
3- FP (2, 3, 25)
4- SP (8, 13, 20) / 20
Dotti & Lazzari (1990) / IT / 1003 / 224 / 1227 / Ado / PCA* with OR
(.62-.87/NR) / NR/NR
(13-19) / Yes / 3 / 1- DIET (1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24)
2- BU (3, 4, 10, 18, 21, 22, 26)
3- OC (8, 13, 15, 20) / 23
Koslowsky et al. (1992) / IL / 809 / - / 809 / Ado/
Adult / PCA* with OR
(.56-.90/.00-.90) / NR/NR
(NR) / No / 4 / 1- DIET (1, 10, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 24)
2- OC (8, 13, 25)
3- AFC (6, 7, 16, 17)
4- FP (3, 4, 18, 19, 21) / 20
Lee & Lee (1996) / CN / 303 / - / 303 / Ado / PCA* with OR
(.75◊/NR) / 15.9/1.5
(14-19) / No / 4 / 1- FPWC (1, 6, 10 11, 12, 14, 17, 23)
2- SP (2, 8, 9, 13, 20, 24, 26)
3- FP (3, 4, 18, 21, 22, 25)
4- SPE (5, 15) / 23

Note. CA = Canada; CN = China; EG = Egypt; HR = Croatia; IL = Israel; IT = Italia; PK= Pakistan; UK = United Kingdom; Adol = adolescent; AFC = Awareness Food Contents; BU = Bulimia and food preoccupation; DIET = Dieting; DIS = Discomfort; FP = Food Preoccupation; FPWC = Fat Phobia and Weight Control behavior; NR = not reported; OC = Oral Control; OR = oblique rotation; PCA = principal component analysis; SD = standard deviation; SP = Social pressure to gain weight; SPE = Slow Pace Eating; VOM = Vomiting; VR = varimax rotation. * transformed scores. †first sample. ‡second sample. #third sample. ◊full scale.
Table S1. (Continued)

References / Country / Females / Males / Total / Sample / Analysis
(Reliability/correlation) / Meanage/SDage
(Range) / Supports original structure? / # factors / Factors and items / # items
Lee & Lee (2000) / CN / 244†/
266# / - / 796 / Ado / PCA* with OR
(.53-.80†; .32-.80‡; .52-.80#/NR) / 16.3†;17.5‡;17.3#/
(NR/NR/NR) / Yes / 3†,‡,# / 1- DIET (1, 2, 6, 7†,‡ , 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23†,‡,24†)
2- BU (3, 4, 10, 18†, 21)
3- OC (5†,#, 6‡, 7#, 8†,#, 9†, 13, 15, 18‡, 19#, 20, 26†)
3’- VOM (9#, 10#, 26#) / 24†/
Leichner Steiger, Puentes-Neuman, Perreault, & Gottheil (1994) / CA / 243†/
581‡ / - / 824 / Ado / PCA* with OR
(.54-.84†; .54-.86‡/NR) / 14.5†,‡/1.5†,‡
(11-18;10-18) / Yes / 3 / 1- DIET (1, 2, 3‡, 4‡, 6, 7‡, 9†, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22†, 23†, 24†, 26†)
2- BU (3†, 4†, 9‡, 18, 19†, 21, 25†)
3- OC (5‡, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22‡, 23‡, 24‡, 26‡) / 24†,‡
Mumford, Whitehouse, & Choudry (1992) / PK / 369 / - / 369 / Ado / PCA* with OR
(NR/NR) / 14.3/1.0
(14-16) / No / 4 / 1- DIET (1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24)
2- FP (3, 4, 18, 21)
3- SP (5, 8, 13, 20)
4- VOM (9, 26) / 24
Mumford, Whitehouse, & Platts (1991) / UK / 204†/
355‡ / - / 559 / Ado / PCA* with OR
(NR/NR) / 15.1†;14.9‡/
(14-16) / No / 4 / 1- DIET (1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23)
2- SP (5†, 8, 13, 15†, 20)
3- FP (3, 4, 18, 21, 25)
4- VOM (9, 19†, 24‡, 26) / 25†/
Nasser (1994) / EG / 351 / - / 351 / Ado / PCA* with VR
(.30-.80/NR) / NR/NR
(NR) / Yes / 3 / 1- DIET (1, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23)
2- BU (3, 4, 21)
3- OC (8, 13, 20) / 16

References used in Table S1:

Ambrosi-Randić, N., & Pokrajac-Bulian, A. (2005). Psychometric properties of the eating attitudes test and children's eating attitudes test in Croatia. Eating and Weight Disorders, 10, 76-82.

Choudry, I., & Mumford, D. (1992). A pilot study of eating disorders in Mirpur (Pakistan) using an Urdu version of the Eating Attitudes Test. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 11, 243-251.

Dotti, A., & Lazzari, R. (1998). Validation and reliability of the Italian EAT-26. Eating and Weight Disorders, 3, 188-94.

Koslowsky, M., Scheinberg, Z., Bleich, A., Mark, M., Apter, A., . . . Solomon, Z. (1992). The factor structure and criterion validity of the short form of the Eating Attitudes Test. Journal of Personality Assessment, 58, 27-35.

Lee, A. M., & Lee, S. (1996). Disordered eating and its psychosocial correlates among Chinese adolescent females in Hong Kong. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 20, 177-193.

Lee, S., & Lee, A. M. (2000). Disordered eating in three communities of China: A comparative study of female high school students in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and rural Hunan. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 27, 317-327.

Leichner, P., Steiger, H., Puentes-Neuman, G., Perreault, M., & Gottheil N. (1994). Validation d’une échelle d’attitudes alimentaires auprès d’une population québécoise francophone. Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie, 39, 49-54.

Mumford, D., Whitehouse, A., & Choudry, I. (1992). Survey of eating disorders in English-medium schools in Pakistan. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 11, 173-184.

Mumford, D., Whitehouse, A., & Platts, M. (1991). Sociocultural correlates of eating disorders among Asian schoolgirls. British Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 222-228.

Nasser, M. (1994). The psychometric properties of the eating attitude test in a non-western population. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 29, 88-94.



Table S2.

Six-Factor EFA Solution for the Initial 26-item Version of the EAT

Factor (λ)
Items / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / δ
1- Je suis terrifié(e) à l’idée d’être trop gros(se)/ I am terrified about being overweight / .775 / .036† / -.029† / -.014† / .032† / -.050† / .447
2- J’évite de manger quand j’ai faim / I avoid eating when I am hungry / .327 / .015† / .057† / .349 / -.145 / .082† / .625
3- Je suis trop soucieux(se) de la nourriture / I find myself preoccupied with food / .242 / -.004† / .068† / .301 / .077† / .128 / .635
4- J’ai eu des épisodes de gloutonnerie durant lesquels je me sentais incapable d’arrêter de manger / I have gone eating binges where I feel I may not be able to stop / .217 / .010† / .094 / -.123 / .379 / .057† / .714
5- Je découpe mes aliments en petits morceaux / I cut my food into small pieces / .072† / .049† / .109 / .408 / .030† / -.267 / .803
6- J’ai conscience de la valeur calorique des aliments que je mange / I aware of the calorie content of foods I eat / .053† / .032† / -.033† / .523 / .021† / -.049† / .716
7- J’évite spécialement les aliments riches en hydrates de carbone (pain, pommes de terre, riz…) / I particularly avoid food with a high carbohydrate content (bread, rice, potatoes, etc.) / .040† / .024† / .174 / .486 / -.109 / .064† / .651
8- Je sens que les autres aimeraient mieux que je mange davantage / I feel that others would prefer if I ate more / .050 / .908 / -.007† / -.025† / -.096 / .017† / .217
9- Je vomis après avoir mangé / I vomit after I have eaten / -.009† / -.023† / .874† / .020† / -.004† / -.038† / .263†
10- Je me sens très coupable après avoir mangé / I feel extremely guilty after eating / .193 / .019† / .209 / -.012† / .166 / .493 / .365
11- Le désir d’être plus mince me préoccupe / I am preoccupied with a desire to be thinner / .751 / -.023† / .005† / .009† / .000† / .172 / .245
12- Quand je me dépense physiquement, il me vient à l’idée que je brûle des calories / I think about burning up calories when I exercise / .424 / -.065† / -.020† / .284 / .100 / -.017† / .594
13- Les autres pensent que je suis trop mince / Other people think I’m too thin / -.087† / .620 / .060† / -.002† / .033† / -.072† / .564
14- Je suis préoccupé(e) d’avoir trop de graisse dans le corps / I am preoccupied with the thought of having fat on my body / .855 / -.002† / -.033† / .029† / .014† / .002† / .249
15- Je prends plus de temps que les autres à prendre mes repas / I take longer than others to eat my meals / -.021† / .157 / .021† / .286 / .144 / -.113† / .857

Table S2. (Continued)

Factor (λ)
Items / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / δ
16- J’évite de manger des aliments trop sucrés / I avoid foods with sugar in them / .030† / -.051† / -.044† / .780 / -.101 / .053† / .380
17- Je mange des aliments diététiques / I eat diet foods / -.085† / -.080 / -.013† / .509 / .066† / .118† / .718
18- J’ai l’impression que la nourriture domine ma vie / I feel that food controls my life / .081† / -.046† / .017† / .077 / .667 / .052† / .448
19- Je parle volontiers de mes capacités à contrôler mon alimentation / I display self-control around food / -.099† / .083† / .027† / .374 / .223 / -.068† / .802
20- Je sens que les autres me poussent à manger / I feel that other pressure me to eat / -.025† / .694 / -.028† / .031† / .133 / -.073† / .459
21- J’accorde trop de temps et je pense trop à la nourriture / I give too much time and thought to food / .061† / .016† / .020† / -.029† / .696 / .053† / .451
22- Je me sens mal à l’aise après avoir mangé des sucreries / I feel uncomfortable after eating sweets / .008† / .016† / -.034† / .267 / .166† / .641 / .294
23- Je m’oblige à me mettre à la diète / I engage in dieting behavior / .347 / -.025† / .095† / .126 / -.003† / .373 / .445
24- J’aime avoir l’estomac vide / I like my stomach to be empty / .060† / .115 / .159† / .152 / -.057† / .366 / .677
25- J’aime essayer des aliments nouveaux et riches / I enjoy trying new rich foods / .019† / -.117 / .039† / -.088† / -.299 / .180 / .876
26- Je ressens le besoin de vomir après les repas / I have the impulse to vomit after meals / -.016† / .013† / .665 / -.007† / .045† / .168† / .436

Note. λ = factor loading; δ = uniquenesses. †non-significant parameter estimate.



Table S3.

Goodness of Fit Indices of the Measurement Invariance Tests Conducted on the EAT-18 Models

Studies / Models / N° / Descriptions / χ² / df / CFI / TLI / RMSEA / 90% CI / Δχ² (df) / ∆CFI / ∆TLI / ∆RMSEA /
Study 1 / ESEM, genders invariance / 8-2 / 1-Configural invariance / 180.75** / 120 / .987 / .967 / .031 / .021-.040 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Stage 3 / 2-λ invariant / 272.82** / 192 / .983 / .973 / .029 / .020-.036 / 94.58 (72) / -.004 / +.006 / -.002
3-λ, τs invariant / 315.12** / 204 / .976 / .965 / .032 / .025-.039 / 50.02 (12)** / -.007 / -.008 / +.003
4-λ, τs, δs invariant / 399.26** / 222 / .962 / .948 / .039 / .033-.045 / 60.31 (18)** / -.014 / -.017 / +.007
4’-λ, τs, δs (7, 10, 11, 17 free) invariant / 340.67** / 218 / .974 / .964 / .033 / .026-.040 / 24.12 (14) / -.002 / -.001 / +.001
5-λ, τs, δs (7, 10, 11, 17 free), ξ/φ invariant / 483.60** / 239 / .948 / .934 / .044 / .039-.050 / 88.21 (21)** / -.026 / -.030 / +.011
6-λ, τs, δs (7, 10, 11, 17 free), ξ/φ, ηs invariant / 480.76** / 224 / .946 / .926 / .047 / .041-.053 / 127.64 (6)** / -.028 / -.038 / +.014
Stage 4 / ESEM, ages invariance / 9-2 / 1-Configural invariance / 203.28** / 120 / .983 / .957 / .037 / .028-.045 / --- / --- / --- / ---
2-λ invariant / 251.65** / 192 / .988 / .981 / .025 / .015-.032 / 59.91 (72) / +.005 / +.024 / -.012
3-λ, τs invariant / 267.76** / 204 / .987 / .980 / .025 / .016-.032 / 16.42 (12) / -.001 / -.001 / .000
4-λ, τs, δs invariant / 340.61** / 222 / .976 / .967 / .032 / .025-.039 / 49.13 (18)** / -.011 / -.013 / +.007
4’ λ, τs, δs (1, 7, 9 free) invariant / 304.56** / 219 / .983 / .976 / .027 / .020-.035 / 29.09 (15) / -.004 / -.004 / +.002
5-λ, τs, δs (1, 7, 9 free), ξ/φ invariant / 329.26** / 240 / .982 / .977 / .027 / .019-.034 / 26.36 (21) / -.001 / +.001 / .000
6-λ, τs, δs (1, 7, 9 free), ξ/φ, ηs invariant / 353.21** / 246 / .978 / .973 / .029 / .032-.036 / 25.32 (6)** / -.004 / -.004 / +.002
Study 2 / CFA, genders invariance / 11-2 / 1-Configural invariance without ETEC / 478.44** / 240 / .954 / .935 / .037 / .032-.041 / --- / --- / --- / ---
Stage 2 / 2- λ invariant , no ETEC / 494.80** / 252 / .954 / .937 / .036 / .031-.041 / 16.37 (12) / .000 / +.002 / -.001
3-λ invariant with ETEC / 549.26** / 255 / .944 / .924 / .039 / .035-.044 / 54.46 (3)** / -.010 / -.013 / +.003
4-λ, τs invariant / 564.42** / 267 / .943 / .927 / .039 / .034-.043 / 15.16 (12) / -.001 / +.003 / .000
5-λ, τs, δs invariant / 591.64** / 285 / .941 / .930 / .038 / .034-.042 / 27.22 (18) / -.002 / +.003 / -.001