February 6, 2014
The Mayor and Council of the City of Franklin, Georgia, met in regular session Thursday, February 6, 2014 at city hall at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Rogers told the public the first order of business was a pubic hearing on the city ordinances. He asked if there was any comments from the public. There was none and he recommended the council approve the revised copy of the ordinances. Councilman Jiles made a motion, seconded by Councilman almond, to close the hearing.
Mayor Rogers welcomed everyone in attendance. Councilman Almond gave the invocation and led in the pledge to the flag.
MINUTES OF January 2, 2014
Councilman Hayes made a motion, seconded by Councilman Jiles, to approve the minutes as presented. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
Councilwoman Nelms made a motion, seconded by Councilman Jiles, to approve the order of the agenda. The vote to approve was unanimous.
Finance - City Clerk Myra Braswell submitted a written report. She also spoke briefly on the following:
1. 2013 expenditures have been posted and all accounts reconciled to the bank. Expenditures exceeded revenues by approximately $77,000.00. This is due to the decline in sales tax revenues.
2. January expenditures exceeded revenues by around $19,000.00. This is also due to the huge decrease in sales tax.
3. The franchise check from Georgia Power will come in this month and will help to alleviate the revenue shortfall.
4. There are still some business owners who have not purchased a license for 2014. Licenses not purchased by March 31st are subject to a penalty and interest.
5. The bond money has been transferred to BB&T and the $1200.00 custodial fee paid from the bond proceeds.
Police Department - Chief Hannah submitted a written report and spoke briefly on the following:
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1. The city employees and officials had met with the county officials prior to the recent storm to make certain plans were in place should the weather be as bad as predicted. As a result, the major roads were opened, schools were closed, local businesses cooperated by closing and there was only five minor accidents with no injuries.
2. Officers Chapman and Rowley attended a two day class in Forsyth on Clandestine Lab Awareness and Officer Repetto attended a Field Raining Officer class in Carrollton. All officers received P.O.S.T. certification for the classes.
3. He is currently working with the schools and Chamber to get ready for the Teen Maze.
Mayor Rogers said it was good to be able to work with the county and the schools. The city loaned their truck and spreader to the county to help on the main roads.
Street Department - Alan Holcomb spoke on the following:
1. All street department employees attended an eight hour class in Atlanta on chemical response and storage. They learned a lot and are currently working to get the shop in the order it should be to be EPD and OSHA compliant.
2. The hydraulic cylinder on the trash truck needs replacing. It will cost $300.00.
3. Rebel Steel can patch the holes in the bed of the trash truck for $600.00.
4. The 1984 tractor has been causing a lot of problems. A new Massey Ferguson will cost $15,300.00.
Mayor Rogers said he wanted to get quotes on other tractors first. He also told the council he approved the purchase a pallets and racks as recommended in the class The street department took. The city could have been fined for improper storage of chemicals and other items in the shop.
City Attorney David Mecklin - Mr. Mecklin told the council most of what he had to discuss was on the agenda.
1. He received a call from the city=s auditor who is also working with the Chamber of Commerce. Homeland Security regulations require the fireworks for the Fourth of July to be purchased by a government. The Chamber wants to pay the city for the fireworks and have the city pay the vendor.
1. Adopt City Codes
City Attorney David Mecklin told the council the last time the city ordinances were updated was in 1998. The previous council contracted with Municipal Code Corporation to revise all city ordinances. They have been revised and reviewed and are ready to be adopted. The effective date will be February 6, 2014. Mr. Mecklin read the adoption ordinance. Councilman Jiles made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Nelms, to approve the adoption of the revised city ordinances. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
2. Playground
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Chief Hannah told the council a representative of the playground equipment company had checked on warranties. Most of the equipment is covered. The surfacing is not. It had a three year warranty. It is in bad shape and needs to be repaired or replaced. Councilwoman Nelms said they had also looked at a different location for small children. She suggested removing some of the older equipment on springs and replacing it with equipment for children in the two to five year old range. She said this also needed to be a separate location, preferably close to the benches or pavilion. Chief Hannah will try to obtain prices.
1. Appoint Auditor
Mayor Rogers recommended the council continue to use Michelle Cotton as auditor. She is familiar with our accounts and it would cost the city a great deal more to bid the audit out. Her price was $7250.00. Councilman Almond made a motion, seconded by Councilman Jiles, to retain Michelle Cotton as the city=s auditor. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
2. Board Appointments
a. Water Authority - Carrie Rutledge
b. Zoning Board - Linda Phillips
c. Housing Authority - Maxine Ogletree
Everyone has indicated they would be willing to serve another four year term. Councilman Almond made a motion, seconded by Councilman Jiles, to reappoint the three different board members. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
3. Mixed Drink Referendum
Loco Rio has asked to be allowed to serve mixed drinks in their restaurant. The city does not currently have an ordinance governing the sale of any alcoholic drinks other than beer and wine. The council will have to vote to call for a special election to allow the citizens of Franklin to decide whether or not they are going to allow the sale of mixed drinks in the city. The council discussed the pros and cons of this and the consensus was to allow the public to make the decision. Councilman Hayes made a motion, seconded by Councilman Jiles, to place the question on the ballot. Council members Hayes, Jiles and Nelms vote to approve the motion. Councilman Almond abstained. The motion carried by a majority vote.
Councilman Jiles asked if the council could have an executive session to discuss land acquisition. He made the motion. Councilwoman Nelms seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
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Councilman Hayes made a motion, seconded by Councilman Almond, to reenter the regular session. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
Mayor Rogers said the council discussed land acquisition and no decisions were made.
1. Councilman Hayes said he would like to talk with the mayor at some point about the city square. It, in his opinion, looks horrible. He referenced buildings that were boarded up and or had covered windows. He wanted to see if the city had the authority to enact an ordinance that would prevent this.
1. Mayor Rogers told the council he will be going to Atlanta next week about the sales tax revenue.
There was no further business to conduct and Councilman Almond made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Nelms, to adjourn. The vote was unanimous.
Joel Rogers, Mayor
Members Present: Clerks Present:
Myra Braswell
Willie Almond, Jr., Post #2
Kevin Hayes, Post #3
Alane Nelms, Post #4
Cliff Jiles, Post #5
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