Village of Winnebago
Police Committee Meeting
June 16, 20145:30 p.m., Village Hall
Present: Kris Kieper, Don Kimes, Stan Maligranda, Chief Todd Stockburger
Guests: Randy Smith
- Call to Order – 5:30 p.m.
- Public Comment - None
- Disclosure of any conflict of interest - None
- Approve Minutes – April 21, 2014 minutes; Don Kimes motioned to approve, Seconded, Approved.
- Officer Nick Haff Update – Officer Haff began work 5/19/14 and has completed his firearms training requirements as well as the 40 hour Illinois law requirement. He is scheduled to take the Illinois State Equivalency Exam on 7/1/14.
- Notification to Candidates who Tested 1/18/14 – We will be sending letters notifying them that we have successfully hired an individual and that they are welcome to retest during future hiring cycles.
- Part-time Officer – We have only one part-time officer at this time and his availability is severely limited due to his full-time work commitments. The Committee grants permission for advertisement of part-time officer positions. Will seek candidates who are certified police officers and who will qualify as a lateral hire.
- Police Fine Revenues – 16 vehicles have been towed and fined under the administrative tow fee. Five have not paid to retrieve their vehicles; 12 have paid. Next hearing date is set for July 9th.
- Utility Vehicle – Kris Kieper and Chief Stockburger have briefly discussed a utility vehicle that will hold four occupants, without a truck bed, for policing the Prairie Path. Will continue to review and inform the Committee and will look to budget accordingly for 2015. We will solicit Community Development for a portion of the funding.
- Community Policing Update - Statistics were reviewed.
- Lexipol Policy Approvals – Chief Stockburger and SGT White are working on internal policies that need coordinated with Village policies and County policies. Will work towards setting a next meeting date to move forward with Committee Chair Kieper and Attorney Gaziano.
- Opioid Overdose Prevention (Narcan) – WPD is able to obtain training from OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center, along with the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department. A policy must be in place in order to obtain the 40 minute training. Chief Stockburger will draft a policy based on Winnebago County’s policy and will share with the Committee prior to the Board of Trustees meeting on July 7th, for approval. Will share with the Board and ask for approval of the policy.
- Emergency Operation Plan - Tabled
- Sergeant’s Report: No report
- Chief’s Report:
- The Village has purchased two window tint meters to enforce window tint laws.
- Officer Symonds is not working due to a non-WPD related condition; awaiting a physician’s note to return to duty.
- New Business:
- Police Garage Maintenance & Upgrades – The Police Garage needs work done to prevent freezing this next winter. Officers also need restrooms that are accessible from the inside of the garage, in addition to a shower that will enable them to clean up and get out of sweaty uniforms at the end of shift. Stan Maligranda will review and prepare a plan to address the interior bathroom and shower. Chief Stockburger will talk with Public Works Director Insko about taking out the windows and putting in walls.
- NIMS – Chief Stockburger is reviewing any NIMS requirements that Officer Haff must complete in order to become compliant.
- Children in unsecured cars –Public awareness is needed.
- Loud Mufflers – A letter was received by Committee Chair Kieper and Village President Eubank regarding loud mufflers in the Village. Discussion regarding enforcement of ordinances/legislation regarding illegal mufflers was held; officers will be asked to be more aggressive in talking with residents regarding illegal or loud mufflers and issue warnings and citations when appropriate.
- Traffic Triangle in front of Sullivans – Trucks continue to turn illegally into Sullivans at the cement triangle. It is believed this is occurring due to the layout of where the docks are located and the difficulty trucks have navigating the parking lot and layout. Discuss the removal of the triangle at the July Board meeting.
- Executive Session - none
- Adjournment–Trustee Maligranda motioned for adjournment at 6:30; seconded, ADJOURNED.
Respectfully submitted:
Kris L. Kieper
Chairwoman, Police Committee