PKA AGM October 29th 2016

Brean Village Hall

Uphill Beach



Chris Croft; Adrian Lavelle; Tommy Grierson; Matt Job; Alison Summersfield

James Martin; Sally Anne Fenneck; Mark Sherlock; Dai Wilmer; Leanne Stevens (non member); Ryan McGavin; Bart Bristow; Darren H (non member); Mark Coombs; Sue Coombs; Russ Oakley Winters; Kev Arlott; Barry Cook; Martin Thomas; Joanne Slaymaker (non member); Karen Cutbush; Josi Wilson; Chris Wilson; Rob Davies; Diane Davies; Andrew Hughes; Fran Hughes (non member); Stuart Turton; Sam Turton; Steve Webb.

1.0Minutes of Last meeting

Minutes accepted.

2.0Officer’s reports

2.1Chairman’s Report

2.1.1 Thanks to SWATK for organising this weekend.

2.1.2 Ryan McGavin– well done and congratulations on finally taking the championship last year with some really good flying. It has been good to see lots of people improving which means there is some good close racing happening. The changes seen in kiting technology have also brought improvements. No one person has dominated. All taking turns at winning which has been good to see.

2.1.3 New flags have been obtained at some considerable cost– if you hit one you will get the no. of penalty points matching the number! Please respect them and try and avoid hitting them to preserve them as along as possible.

2.1.4 Looking forward – the team need some practice for the Euros. Let’s see if we can be top team at Hoylake next year. The English team is much more competitive in Europe than it has ever been.

2.2Secretary Report

2.2.1 Another successful year. Thanks to all those in the clubs around the country for supporting with venues for the races and to those individuals who have helped with the organisation of each round - it has made the role and organisation a lot easier.

2.2.2 Other things to be brought up later eg organisation of the Euros.

2.3Treasurer Report Alison Summersfield

Date / Details / Payments In / Payments Out
Opening balance 01/1/15 / £ / £
26/10/2016 / Total balance for the year / 4,435.00 / 3,993.82
Difference between payments in & out for the 12 month period / £ 441.18

2.3.1 This year we have had successful rounds without the need to reimburse for any bad weather or non-running events so far.

2.3.2 We have had lower costs this year, for example with only a small team going to the Euros so funds have been spent on things like the food for this weekends’ social event for the benefit of all instead.

2.3.3 The PKA can consider holding fees or reducing them if the level of financial income versus outgoings continues.

2.3.4 The BKSA membership rebates to date have totalled £200 this year. Additional £230 received Dec 2015 so more expected.

2.4Licensing Officer – Matt Job

Quite a few new licences done – althoughnone here today.

Try and encourage more people to come along. You get what you put in – people to be encouraged to get involved and made to feel welcome.

2.5H&S Officer – Tommy Grierson

2.5.1 New first aid kit to be acquired for the main quad. CC to action and AS to reimburse.

2.5.2 Nothing to report from FISLY. Full face helmet is now mandatory. This must be solid fixed not clip in / out.

2.5.3 Numbers – need to make sure we have them clear and legible. The rules should be followed if possible. If the scorers complain you will need to change your numbers.

2.6Membership – no role (AL nominally)

2.6.1 No membership post exists now as deemed not required when we moved to BKSA affiliation as they keep the records for us. Unfortunately we have been having trouble getting the info out of BKSA. AS/AL pursuing.

2.6.2 It used to be that if you’re a PKA member you could get a number to identify you for racing. We’re getting a lot of members now that we don’t know and who don’t come and race with us as we are free to join. There is a finite amount of numbers available to us for historic reasons – no’s 1 - 300. Could allocate numbers in the 1000s. The FED don’t control the numbers now but historical club allocations are still the same.

Same rules to be applied in the coming year– if you don’t renew after a year you lose the number and it can be reallocated.

2.6.3 Message to be promoted - If you want to get a number, get a licence and come to the races and a number will be provided. Alternative is to put people in touch with a local club but they’re not members of the clubs either so same issue will occur.

2.6.4 One reason for wanting a number was noted - In Les Hemmes, France, on the left hand side of the beach as you enter it you have to display a number and country to fly. The authorities want to know which countries are causing trouble – 5 incidents of pilots flying in the dunes 3 of which were Belgian who got banned.

Local French pilots will enforce the rules – it is illegal to fly on the left side of the pylons without number plates ie Calais end of the beach. End Sept / Oct until March the duck shooters are found in the dunes to the right and will shoot at you and your kites.

2.6.5 If adamant not to come and try racing just say that they should use BKSA number. Speak to BKSA to discuss the approach – post mtg note numbers are up to 6 digits long so may not be workable. Generally we request that if you want a K number pass your race test or join another club.

2.6.6 SWATK numbers have SW in front of their numbers so if their members don’t want a K number they can still have a number. If someone joins and their no. doesn’t clash they get that number.

2.6.7 The Treasurer noted that we had 86 members reimbursed over the 2015 year. The reimbursed funds to date equate to 40 members so far but more likely to be higher based on last year’s numbers. No details of members have been available from BKSA to date. This is probably more than double the numbers we had prior to BKSA affiliation.

Prior to joining the BKSA the PKA had less than 40 members so it has been beneficial.

2.6.8 Question: Can you be a member of another club as well as PKA – this has been discussed with BKSA at length but we have been told it’s too complex currently. PKA committee can’t see why it can’t be done. We can make a local agreement for where other members can fly. It’s the ease of access to other clubs. Action AL to raise again at BKSA level.

3.0Officers Elections


This will be the last year for AL as secretary – we will run the Euros and organise 2018 events but then AL wants someone to shadow and take over next Autumn. AL doesn’t have the time and enthusiasm required to get involved and promote the sport as will be required. There is pressure from the BKSA to be more vocal now – we want recognition for land based kiting.

AL gave an idea of activities involved in the role. Risk assessments for the year need to be done. Hoy has a template for how to request an event. Quite straight forward now. It is quite quiet usually from now until the first round. Support from the other clubs has made it easier and helped to keep things running.

Not asking for a nomination at this point but if you want to assist now is the time to get involved.

Nominated and seconded by all.


Chris is happy to stay as Chairman.

Nominated and seconded by all.


TG to stay as H&S and executive.


Assistance with registration from Sally this year has been great. James may not be at all events next year so if there is anyone else who can assist it would be appreciated. SF outlined what is involved. Speak to AS if you can help.

AS to remain. Final year also – this will be the 10th year as Treasurer so will be looking for someone to take over from next Autumn.


Kev Arlott to remain in post.


3.6.1 Matt Job has been doing it a while. Most people unsure what Matt does, he represents the PKA and BKSA at KBA and FISLY meetings to ensure people are aware of our views.

3.6.2 Additional tasks Matt undertakes include scoring. Help with scoring would be good. It has to be done at the event and Matt has to leave the beach to do it at the end of every day when he doesn’t necessarily want to. Mark S and Matt have generally done the scoring recently with others assisting when he isn’t available.

3.6.3 Two new scoring programmes are in development. Marc van den Berg and Simon Arlott are both investigating components and the flexibility we need. Marc was testing last week at an event. Nothing has been discussed on what will be required to make use of it. AL could possibly supply a waterproof tablet. We would need to have one scorer with a book and one with the tablet on the beach. Alternative is two tablets and results could be published straight away. Current programme is running on an old machine with Windows 95 and has limited future.

Kev did it in Excel as has Matt. .

3.6.4 Looking for other support to help with organisation from next year. Suggestion that at the next events perhaps we should show others how to do things – Kev would be happy to be shown how to do the scoring and take responsibility for that but not to take on being Licencing Officer.

4.02016/17 Dates

2017 Provisional dates are on FB page and will be published on the web page. All the clubs involved have agreed but final input needed from the meeting – the second Brean round is scheduled for a date when Dan Trainor is having his stag do and a number of the organising committee are going. Alternative date proposed April 8th – low tide is an hr later. Those on shift need to check first before any change would be made. A FB poll to be set up with a deadline – does everyone use FB? If not to be contacted by other means. Alternative was to nominate the WWH round as a series and Brean as Icicles but rejected for the same reason as some can’t attend.

Action KA. Post meeting note. Original date stands. No changes to be made.

5.02017 European Championships

5.1 Dates are Tues 29th Aug to Sat Sept 2nd 2017.

The dates had to be moved as the availability at Hoy is limited with 2 day and 6 day stints but not long enough in mid Sept for the full championship.

Dry bank Sun to Sun.

Waiting for info and confirmation from the Council before public announcements.

5.2 Monday bank holiday is Lifeboat day and Beer Festival at the Community Centre. Events at Hoylake Sailing Club and Leasowe Lighthouse so won’t be able to use the car park for camping until Tues.

5.3 Full fleet expected. Marshalls needed

Anybody organising and running the event can’t compete.

Question from KC on BKSA support - Mentioned at BKSA AGM that support needed. First Aiders will have to be paid for. Lou proposed to support.

Marshalls will need training / briefing / info pack. SWATK volunteers would come up to Hoy for any training needed.

5.4 Sponsorship – who and when discussed

Red Bull and Virgin are the obvious ones to approach.

CC will follow up

BC will check with Thatchers. JM will follow up Red Bull.

MC will be happy to help if he doesn’t qualify

Other SWATK members may be able to help. MC to follow up.

Jo and Sue will assist.

BC will ask UFO for sponsorship

KC suggests we outline what is needed and all then fill in names.

Steve Warren will come and produce the videos for the week so we can help promote the sport. He has been asked if he would be willing to sit on the BKSA Board.

Any sponsorship needs to be sought as soon as possible.

5.5 Registration:

On line KA suggesting setting up something – KA to see whether Nudge can help.

If there is a cost need to know – KA to confirm.

5.6 Skype call to go in following confirmation with BKSA – AL/AS to arrange

6.0 FISLY & BKSA Update

6.1 KC query about minimum wind speed. Discussion around acceptable minimum wind speed.

Special rules need to be agreed. Minimum wind speed – expectation is that people are top pilots with sufficient equipment.

PKA rule is to be 4 m/s minimum wind speed. JM point is that that needs to be changed if we are to be competitive and have a lower wind speed at the Euros.

Further investigation needed.

3 m/s? CC main aim is fair play for everybody. Different from sponsored pilots wanting to prove their result.

Meeting agreed to test lower wind speed one weekend before agreeing. – CC/AL

6.2 BKSA – discussion around payments and number of members as recorded under finance.

7.0KBA Meeting

No info discussed.


To remain the same

Reimbursement for any no race weekends (ie due to bad weather) will be agreed and given as discounts at the following weekend to those who attended.


9.1 DW queried would an alternative insurance be possible – open question. Liability cover was noted as one of the major benefits of the BKSA affiliation for Committee and PKA as a club.

9.2 Social Media Discussion

On line forums have declined ie Kite Crowd etc – KA recommending a FB advertising targeted campaign

  • would be good for the Euros
  • Live streaming of events possibility.
  • Marketing queries could be followed up with targeted info

KA to put forward a proposal.

Twitter account encouraged for SWATK – would it make other people (non members) accessible.

Use of #tags would access a different audience. Sam Turton, to coordinate with Russ and support from BC / KA others could all link. Any licencing do a photo of people.

Create your own #tags.

9.3 Support for scoring at the beaches – raised by DD – Hoy is fine as local for DD and JW but those further afield are costly and puts people under pressure and feeling obligated. Giving scorers help – tablet would make things easier. Could be used by the local clubs. Assurance from the Secretary that Scorers support is very much appreciated as we cannot race without it. We can arrange alternatives if necessary just keep AL informed.

Ideal would be more people to support and for other roles as well eg marshals.

Transponders discussed again – they were previously ruled out as too expensive and sand not good for them plus start finish gate and lack of care with the equipment that the users didn’t own.

9.4 Rob Thomas apologies – Rob raised the experience of open pilots is limited as some not getting more than one lap in. Discussion held around Masters / Open pilots and separate races to allow more scorers / marshals. Bigger fleet needed to allow this.

Used to have 1hr races with 3 laps.