The Dunes - Course Report December 2017


The greens on both courses are in really good condition, the weather has been warm without being excessive. Constant hand watering has the greens with good moisture uniformity, with the daily goal of light even dryness by the end of each day.

The Nominee (Poa control) program has begun and will continue for six fortnightly applications. This is closely monitored and any sign of negative effect on the bent will be reviewed.

The firmness in the greens is around the desirable level with good firmness to maintain good speed and reduce pitch marks while keeping good moisture in the greens to maintain health and the ability to hold the ball on the greens in the high temperatures and winds.

Greens have received applications of:

  • Iron, Nitrogen and trace elements for plant colour and nutrition.
  • Primo (Plant Growth Regulator) puts its energies into root growth instead of leaf growth.
  • Wetting agent
  • Dusting all greens
  • Nominee
  • Terra spike with 8mm tines (improve water penetration and oxygen to the roots)


The fairways are also in great condition with 100% coverage.All fairways have received an application of wetting agent to help with moisture penetration into the sub-surface of the fairways, this aids in efficient water use. The fairways have been “shaved” down to 6mm with much organic matter removed. The fairways recovered very quickly and well with heights back at 10mm and mown twice a week. This has had great results already with the new leaf growth and water penetration.

Mowing down to 6mm with fairway mower Results after 6mm with tees mowers and catchers then blown

Tees and Surrounds

Tees have been top-dressed with dark native sand and couch tees also lightly scarified to reduce thatch accumulation and level the surface. The 1st tee has established well and we are preparing (spraying kikuyu) the 11th tee for replacement late January.

1st tee extension growing in


The bunkers are being raked most days and are constantly weeded and bases levelled to maintain a consistent hazard.


The heat is managing most of the rough areas with mowing only required around greens and tees which are irrigated.

Priority actions for next month

  • Dusting greens Dunes and Cup
  • Terra spike all greens
  • Nominee application A1 greens
  • Wetting agent throughout the course
  • 11th tee resurface and level