Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Student Centered Outcomes (SCO)
As we transition from using WEAVE online to a different system to report Student Learning Outcomes* (SLOs) and Student Centered Outcomes** (SCOs), we are utilizing a Word template to record each unit’s SLOs for the 2016-2017 academic year. Please add any additional SLOs as needed, however we ask that you focus on 2-4 SLOs per academic year. If you would like to look at data from past years, please refer to the attachment on the UAC websiteon how to download your reports from WEAVE. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Plouff at or (616) 331-2400. Please use the following link to reference the University’s SLOs from the General Education Program.
*Closing the loop: Please see SCO 1 and 2 for analysis of previously determined SCOs. Through the following analysis of our findings and planning as a result of these findings, we will close the loop on those SCOs.*
PROGRAM / UNIT NAME: Office of Student Life
COLLEGE/DIVISION: Division of Student Services
PERSON REPORTING: Melissa Baker-Boosamra
DATE: December 2017
SCO 1: Students who attend the Transitions New Student Orientation Program will be prepared for success at GVSU through making connections in and out of the classroom and developing an overall knowledge of resources and services that GVSU offers. (What will / does the student know, experience, or be able to do? Include a threshold for assessing the outcome)
Measure 1: (From Transitions survey) “Participating in the Transitions Orientation program has made me feel more prepared to begin my college experience.”
Strongly Agree/Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Total surveyed
2015 / 90.0% / 7.9% / 1.9% / 1166 students
2016 / 90.0% / 7.3% / 2.7% / 1043 students
2017 / 85.0% / 12.4% / 2.8% / 1623 students
Measure 2: (From Transitions survey) “Transitions has taught me about the resources and services available to me as a new student.”
Strongly Agree/Agree / Disagree / Strong Disagree / Total surveyed
2015 / 94.0% / 4.9% / 0.8% / 1166 students
2016 / 96.0% / 3.6% / 0.7% / 1043 students
2017 / 95.0% / 4.1% / 0.9% / 1623 students
Please provide a written response for each question:
- How did you collect data in relation to the outcome indicated? Provide a brief description of the two (or more) measures used.
- How do you define the level of achievement of the outcome? If applicable, what benchmark informs this threshold? What threshold or target did you define? What was the minimum threshold accepted?
- The goal is to develop more confidence relevant to the two measures above through engagement with Transitions’ material and experience.
- Provide a summary of the assessment findings. Include date or semester to attribute to the findings, source of the data (course/survey/etc.) and other important information such as population source, number of samples, etc., as applicable.
indicate that Transitions (1) “Made (me) feel more prepared to begin (my)
experience” and (2) “Taught (me) about the resources and services available to me as a new
- Provide analysis of the assessment findings. How do the findings support the threshold and/or benchmark? Analyze trends over time and changes since last reporting for this outcome (if applicable).
- What actions are planned based on your analysis? Who have/will the findings, analysis and action steps been/be shared with, and when?
- Did the assessment activity cause any new questions to emerge?
- In preparation for 2018, we will consider the feedback regarding additional topics to include to better prepare and collaborate with campus stakeholders to prioritize topics and messages, considering the time constraints of the program.
- Sharing what has been learned. Have you disseminated this information? If so, how?
SCO 2: Students involved in registered student organizations (RSOs) will indicate a greater connection with leadership ability than students not involved in RSOs.
Measure 1: (From OSL Annual Survey) “I consider myself to be a leader.”
No / Sometimes / Yes / Total surveyed
2012 / 54% (188) / 32% (112) / 14% (50) / 350 students
2017 / 50% (39) / 31% (24) / 19% (15) / 78 students
No / Sometimes / Yes / Total surveyed
2012 / 24% (153) / 38% (240) / 38% (241) / 634
2017 / 12% (14) / 37% (45) / 51% (62) / 121
Measure 2: (From OSL Annual Survey) “Student Life has enhanced my leadership ability.”
No / Yes / Total surveyed
2012 / 60.3% (599) / 39.7% (399) / 998 students
2017 / 80.6% (25) / 19.4% (6) / 31 students
(48 people answered N/A (not included in graph / percentages.)
No / Yes / Total surveyed
2012 / 22.2% (141) / 77.8% (493) / 634 students
2017 / 26.3% (30) / 73.7% (84) / 114 students
(7 people answered N/A – not included in graph / percentages.)
Please provide a written response for each question:
- How did you collect data in relation to the outcome indicated? Provide a brief description of the two (or more) measures used.
- Moving forward, we will conduct this survey annually to develop a more dependable data set. The 2017 survey was sent via Institutional Analysis to a random sample of 6000 GVSU students. We will utilize incentives in the future to increase response rate.
- How do you define the level of achievement of the outcome? If applicable, what benchmark informs this threshold? What threshold or target did you define? What was the minimum threshold accepted?
- Provide a summary of the assessment findings. Include date or semester to attribute to the findings, source of the data (course/survey/etc.) and other important information such as population source, number of samples, etc., as applicable.
- Provide analysis of the assessment findings. How do the findings support the threshold and/or benchmark? Analyze trends over time and changes since last reporting for this outcome (if applicable).
- What actions are planned based on your analysis? Who have/will the findings, analysis and action steps been/be shared with, and when?
- Did the assessment activity cause any new questions to emerge?
- How many students are unaware and don’t utilize the OSL? Out of those who answered “no”, how many don’t know the OSL vs. those who think that we have impacted them?
- How do we reach more students and get more students involved in RSOs?
- What are ways that leadership skills can be objectively measured in students, in order to move from self-evaluation to primary evaluation.
- Sharing what has been learned. Have you disseminated this information? If so, how?
SCO 3: Student will indicate a sense of confidence regarding knowledge of communities and cultures different from their own. (Aligned with AAC&U VALUE rubric for civic engagement)
Measure 1: “I have gained knowledge concerning communities and cultures different from my own.”
Semester / Very Confident / Confident / Somewhat Confident / Not Confident / N/A
Fall 2016 / 42.6% / 44.3% / 11.7% / 0.6% / 1.0%
Winter 2017 / 61.4% / 33.2% / 4.6% / 0.2% / 0.5%
Fall 2017 / 45.0% / 46.2% / 5.9% / 1.0% / 1.8%
Semester Attendees # of Evals Return Rate
F16 304 231 76%
W17 191 175 91.6%
F17 357 277 77.6%
- How did you collect data in relation to the outcome indicated? Provide a brief description of the two (or more) measures used.
- How do you define the level of achievement of the outcome? If applicable, what benchmark informs this threshold? What threshold or target did you define? What was the minimum threshold accepted?
- Provide a summary of the assessment findings. Include date or semester to attribute to the findings, source of the data (course/survey/etc.) and other important information such as population source, number of samples, etc., as applicable.
- Provide analysis of the assessment findings. How do the findings support the threshold and/or benchmark? Analyze trends over time and changes since last reporting for this outcome (if applicable).
Fall 16 86.9%
Winter 17 94.6%
Winter 17 91.2%
- We will continue to measure and collect data for this SCO in order to detect trends over time. Given that the benchmark for achieving the outcome is indicated when students indicate “Confident” or “Very Confident”, we see a high percentage of students who are achieving the benchmark from Fall 2016-Winter 2017. We would like to continue to raise the bar and increase the number of students who indicate “Very Confident”, moving forward.
- What actions are planned based on your analysis? Who have/will the findings, analysis and action steps been/be shared with, and when?
- Did the assessment activity cause any new questions to emerge?
- Sharing what has been learned. Have you disseminated this information? If so, how?
- Additionally, we will share our assessment of these civic learning outcomes with campus stakeholders in alignment with campus-wide civic engagement and assessment efforts.
SCO 4: Student is more committed to their role as an active citizen in the community. (Aligned with AAC&U VALUE rubric for civic engagement)
Measure 1: “I am more committed to my role as an active citizen in the community and as a result I intend to continue serving in the future.”
Semester / Very Confident / Confident / Somewhat Confident / Not Confident / N/A
Fall 16 / 43.7% / 46.0% / 8.7% / 1.2% / 0.7%
Winter 17 / 52.0% / 34.3% / 11.9% / 0.9% / 0.9%
Fall 17 / 67.1% / 26.2% / 6.6% / 0.1% / 0.0%
Semester Attendees # of Evals Return Rate
F16 304 231 76%
W17 191 175 91.6%
F17 357 277 77.6%
- How did you collect data in relation to the outcome indicated? Provide a brief description of the two (or more) measures used.
- How do you define the level of achievement of the outcome? If applicable, what benchmark informs this threshold? What threshold or target did you define? What was the minimum threshold accepted?
- Provide a summary of the assessment findings. Include date or semester to attribute to the findings, source of the data (course/survey/etc.) and other important information such as population source, number of samples, etc., as applicable.
- Provide analysis of the assessment findings. How do the findings support the threshold and/or benchmark? Analyze trends over time and changes since last reporting for this outcome (if applicable).
Fall 16 89.7%
Winter 17 86.3%
Winter 17 93.3%
- We will continue to measure and collect data for this SCO in order to detect trends over time. Given that the benchmark for achieving the outcome is indicated when students indicate “Confident” or “Very Confident”, we see a high percentage of students who are achieving the benchmark from Fall 2016-Winter 2017. We would like to continue to raise the bar and increase the number of students who indicate “Very Confident”, moving forward.
- What actions are planned based on your analysis? Who have/will the findings, analysis and action steps been/be shared with, and when?
- Did the assessment activity cause any new questions to emerge?
- Sharing what has been learned. Have you disseminated this information? If so, how?
- Additionally, we will share our assessment of these civic learning outcomes with campus stakeholders in alignment with campus-wide civic engagement and assessment efforts.
SCO 5: Student can describe how their civic participation impacts the community. (Aligned with AAC&U VALUE rubric for civic engagement)
Measure 1:
“I am able to describe how my civic participation impacts the community.”
Semester / Very Confident / Confident / Somewhat Confident / Not Confident / N/A
Fall 16 / 51.8% / 38.6% / 8.2% / 0.5% / 0.5%
Winter 17 / 46.5% / 32.6% / 19.9% / 0.6% / 0.0%
Fall 17 / 59.4% / 29.6% / 10.7% / 0.4% / 0.0%
Semester Attendees # of Evals Return Rate
F16 304 231 76%
W17 191 175 91.6%
F17 357 277 77.6%
- How did you collect data in relation to the outcome indicated? Provide a brief description of the two (or more) measures used.
- How do you define the level of achievement of the outcome? If applicable, what benchmark informs this threshold? What threshold or target did you define? What was the minimum threshold accepted?
- Provide a summary of the assessment findings. Include date or semester to attribute to the findings, source of the data (course/survey/etc.) and other important information such as population source, number of samples, etc., as applicable.
- Provide analysis of the assessment findings. How do the findings support the threshold and/or benchmark? Analyze trends over time and changes since last reporting for this outcome (if applicable).
Fall 16 90.4%
Winter 17 79.1%
Fall 17 89%
- We will continue to measure and collect data for this SCO in order to detect trends over time. Given that the benchmark for achieving the outcome is indicated when students indicate “Confident” or “Very Confident”, we see a high percentage of students who are achieving the benchmark from Fall 2016-Winter 2017. We would like to continue to raise the bar and increase the number of students who indicate “Very Confident”, moving forward. Achievement of this SCO dipped significantly during winter 2017. We will explore that further.
- What actions are planned based on your analysis? Who have/will the findings, analysis and action steps been/be shared with, and when?
- Did the assessment activity cause any new questions to emerge?
- Sharing what has been learned. Have you disseminated this information? If so, how?
What are the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) you plan to focus on next year? Please indicate the 2-4 SLOs that will be assessed next year. If assessment of an SLO this year resulted in action steps, please carry-over that SLO to next year, implementing the action(s), and re-assessing the SLO to determine if the action(s) were effective in addressing the SLO issue/deficiency. SEE SEPARATE DOCUMENT.