The Doctrinal Belief of the AOG Movement

Back to God 1, No. 1 (April 1955)

The members of this mission declare their belief concerning:

1. The Trinity of the Godhead, i.e. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: co-equal and eternally existing in three persons as one God.

2. The deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, that He was begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, possessing a sinless human nature; that His death was penal, vicarious and substitutionary; and that He was raised bodily from the dead on the third day.

3. The personality of the Holy Spirit, and that as promised, He came down from Heaven on the Day of Pentecost, to dwell permanently in the Church and in the body of each believer, and that He is the efficient power for godly living, Christian service, and spiritual worship.

4. The supernatural plenary inspiration of the Scripture, that it is inerrant in the original writings and of supreme, absolute and final authority, in all matters of doctrine, faith and conduct.

5. The ruin of the human race is universal, total, and irremediable by any human effort whatsoever.

6. The shed blood of Christ is the only ground of justification by God, forgiveness of sins, and peace with God.

7. The necessity of the new birth as the only ground of entrance into the Kingdom of God.

8. Salvation by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ.

9. The observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper.

10. It is the privilege of all who are born again by the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ Jesus to be assured of their salvation, and that they are in present possession of eternal life, and delivered from judgment and the wrath to come.

11. Satan is a living personality, a veritable being.

12. The true church which is His body, of which Christ is the absolute Head, is composed of all regenerate persons.

13. That the Gospel of Christ issuing from His death and resurrection should be preached without reserve or qualification to every creature under Heaven.

14. That the return of the Lord Jesus will be personal and pre-millenial, and so far as the Church is concerned it is imminent.

15. The literal resurrection of the body of both the just and the unjust.

16. The eternal blessedness of the just and the eternal punishment of the unjust.