
HE SocialEntrepreneurship Try It or Do It Award

Ifyou needassistancefillinginthis form,pleasecontactyour University team on or UnLtdon08458501122andaskfor yournearestofficeandtheywill behappytohelpyou.Pleasewriteclearlyinblackinkorinballpointpen.

Youcan continueonaseparatesheetifnecessary.

AAbout you

1Personal details



Date stamp:

Firstname: / Surname:
Projectname (if you have one):
Homeaddress and postcode:
Phone(home): / Phone(day/work):
Phone(mobile): / Dateof birth://
NationalInsurance Number: / Emailaddress:

Pleasenote:Weonly use National Insurance numbers to check that you have not applied before. We will not use them for any other purpose. If youdo not have a

NationalInsurance number, we will use your last name or date of birth (or both). We will not consider applications from individuals who are under 16.

WhichHigher Education Institution do you currently work for/study at?

Areyou applying as a member of staff or student?

Please tick the appropriate box

Memberof StaffStudent Graduate

Doyou have any special needs? If so, please state them below.

Pleasetick here if you are happy to share your contact details with other Award Winners.

2Have you previously been the recipient of an UnLtd Award?


If‘Yes’, please provide a brief description of the project and tell us the name of the Award Scheme?

3 Pleaseprovidedetailsaboutyourbackground,includinganypreviousinvolvementincommunityactivities.

4 Please telluswhyyouwant todevelop thisproject. What areyour main reasons forbeing involved?

5 Pleaseoutlinetheanticipatedlearningpoints,alongwithwhatyouhopetogainbyundertakingthisproject.

6 Pleasetelluswhatroleyouwillhaveinthegroupandwhoistheleadapplicant?

7Your signature

Iconfirm that as far as I know, all the information on this application form is true and correct. I understand

thatUnLtd may ask for more information at any stage of the application process or when the project is running.


(Ifstamped) Please return completed application form to:

DataProtection Act 1998

UnLtd and the Millennium Awards Trust collect and share elements of this information with other organisations for research, educational, training administrative and funding purposes, and to ensure that the Fellowship and Trust comply with regulations and required standards. Statistics will be gathered to monitor provision and to plan future provision. We do not trade or share our mailing lists with any other body.


Howdid you find out about the Award you are applying for?

Personal referral/word of mouth

University staff member or student UnLtd staff member

Another UnLtd Award Winner Another organisation or individual


University website UnLtd website

Another website

Personal referral/word of mouth

University staff member or student UnLtd staff member

Another UnLtd Award Winner Another organisation or individual

Marketing and media

Marketing e-mail/mailshot Newspaper Radio or TV

Social media (eg. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn Leaflet or poster

Other(please give details)

Role and Area of Study

Which of the following best describe/s your position in the university?

Tick all that apply

Undergraduate student Postgraduate student Recent graduate

Academic staff Professional/administrative staff

Other(please specify)

If relevant, what is your main academic discipline or area of study?

Please tick one only

Agriculture, veterinary and food scienceAnthropology and development studies

Architecture/built environment/planningBiological sciences

Business and management studiesChemistry/physics/environmental sciences

Communication, cultural and media studies, library and information management

Computer science/informaticsCreative and performing arts/design


Geography, environmental studies and archaeology


Mathematical sciencesMedicine, public health and health care

Psychology, psychiatry and neuroscienceSocial work and social policy

Sociology, politics and economicsSport and exercise sciences, leisure and tourism

Not applicable

Other(please specify)

Your Social Venture or Project

What type/s of benefit will you create?

Please tick any that apply.

EducationEmployment and skillsHousing and shelter

Mental healthPhysical healthSocial cohesion

EnvironmentAccess to basic services and utilities

Access to finance and legal services

Other(please specify)

Who will benefit as a result of your activities?Please tick any that apply.

Children and familiesYoung peopleAdults in need

Older peoplePeople with disabilitiesCommunities

People with high-risk behaviours, e.g. (ex-)offenders, people with addictions

Other(please specify)

Is your venture new or is it already set up?

New Already set up

What impact do you expect the Award to have on you and your venture?Please tick all that apply

Development of my ideaDevelopment of my skills

Increased geographical operationIncreased financial sustainability

Increased investment readinessIncreased networks and contacts

Establishment of legal form/governance arrangements

Development of operational capacity – systems and products

Development of operational capacity – employment of staff

Don’t know Other(please specify)

How do you intend to use the Award? Please tick all that apply

Market researchMarketing – website development

Marketing - other than website developmentProduct development

Property purchase/refurbishmentPurchase of new equipment

Running/operating costsLiving expenses

Training in a skill needed for my ventureDon’t know

Legal costs (establishing legal forms/governance arrangements)

Other(please specify)

Equal Opportunities

Allour staff, clients, partners, suppliers and any other person who we work with must follow our equal opportunities policy and not to discriminate against anyone for any reason.

Pleasehelp us monitor this policy by giving us the following details. We will use the information we ask for on these sheets solely for statistical purposes, and it will not form part of your application assessment. We will separate this sheet from your application form when we receive it.


Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability that has lasted, or expected to last, at least 12 months?

Yes, limited a little Yes, limited a lot No

Age16 to17 18 to 25 26 to 36 37 to 47 48 to 58 59 or over

Pleasetick the box or boxes that best describe your ethnic origin.

WhiteEnglish/Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish/British


Gypsy or Irish Traveller

Any otherWhite background


Black/African/Caribbean/Black British


Any otherBlack/African/Caribbean background

Other ethnic groupArab

Any otherethnic group

Mixed/Multiple ethnic groupWhiteand Black CaribbeanWhite and Asian

Whiteand Black African

Any other Mixed/Miltiple ethnic background

Pleasetick one box which best describes your main current occupation.

Self-employed / Full-timeemployed / Lookingafter your home or family

Unemployed /
Part-timeemployed / Volunteering
Full time education Retired Unable to work due to sickness
or disability
Unableto work due to sickness or a

Other(please give details)

Please tick one box that best describes your highest level of qualification.

No formal qualifications

NVQ 1, intermediate 1 national qualification or equivalent

GCSEs, intermediate GNVQ, NVQ 3, higher or advanced higher national qualifications

or equivalent

A Levels, advanced GNVQ, NVQ3, higher or advanced higher national qualifications

or equivalent

HND, Degree and Higher Degree level qualifications or equivalent

Other qualifications, including foreign qualification