Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 11th July 2013 at 7.30 p.m.

at the Village Hall Committee Room

PRESENT: Cllr Bruce Ralfs in the chair, Cllrs John Banks, David Franks, Alan Hooley, Ann Loader, Pam Trenchard, Roger Triggol and Mike Woodey.

In attendance: Lyndon Watkins (North Somerset council) and Vena Prater (Clerk)

76/13APOLOGIES for absence were received from Cllrs Jane Brock, Alan Hooley and Mike Perrott.

77/13MINUTES of the meeting held on13th June 2013, copies of which had been circulated, were approved and signed as a correct record.

78/13MATTERS ARISING from the minutes

(a) Website

The Clerk was arranging a meeting with Mark Crocker and Ann Loader.

(b)Notice Boards

The notice board at the school had been replaced after refurbishment by the suppliers. The Clerk was asked to put a note in the parish magazine asking people to restrict the size of their posters to A4 portrait.


The Clerk circulated pictures of the proposed notice and would discuss with Mr Stewart Plant. It was noted that the cost was likely to be just under £300.

(d)Roadside advertisements

The Clerk had been informed that North Somerset Council (NSC) was able to remove roadside advertisements: any of concern should be reported.



Resurfacing works were in hand.


Thanks were recorded to NSC for excellent work in repairing dropped gullies. One or two service covers requiring attention had been reported.

(c)Signage, Stone Edge Batch

The Clerk had requested the re-instatement of the direction sign at Stone Edge Batch.


Tickenham Landscapes had informed the Clerk that a machine would be needed to complete the work to the walkway at the eastern end of the village. A revised quotation was awaited. Concern was expressed that work to the path beside the wide verge had not yet commenced.


There had been an incident near Jacklands Farm on the Tickenham/Nailsea border.

(f)Road closure

The Clerk reported that the B3130 from Washing Pound Lane to the junction with the B3128 would be closed for drainage and resurfacing work at the end of August. The Clerk was asked to enquire whether it would be possible to have “No HGV” signs at Clevedon to deter large vehicles from using the Causeway. The Clerk would also remind NSC of the request for a “SLOW” sign just after the Star Inn.

(g)Church parking

Concern was expressed about the lack of parking for the church, particularly when weddings, funerals and social events were taking place. The Clerk was asked to make enquiries as to ownership of the small area of land at the junction of Church Lane and Washing Pound Lane.


(a)New applications:

There were no new applications.

The Clerk had received plans for the proposed extension to the front of the Village Hall, copies of which were circulated. The question of disabled access arose: it was noted that the present access for the disabled entailed negotiating a ledge, but it was appreciated that appropriate access from the front was not practicable. The Council was content with the proposal. The Clerk reminded the Council that it had previously agreed to meet the cost of the planning application.

(b) Up-dates:

13/P/0786/F: 98 Clevedon Road: Alterations and extensions: Approved

13/P/0816//F: Golden Acres Lodge: Front and side extensions: Approved

13/P/0977/F: Proposed development on land between 92 & 98 Clevedon Road:The Clerk read a letter from the applicant, Mr D Withers. Further information was available on the NSC website.

A copy of a letter of objection from Mr R and the Rev G Bunce had been previously circulated. Their objection focussed on the need for smaller 1-2 bedroom accommodation, rather than 4 bedroom houses. It was noted that the NSC strategy stipulated that, provided a need was evident, new development should sustain communities and to that end proposed developments in neighbouring towns included 1-2 bedroom accommodation. This led to discussion about a possible Parish Plan. Lyndon recommended that the time to embark on this would be when NSC was consulting on its development strategy. Following a point made by Cllr Trenchard regarding consultation with neighbours, Lyndon acknowledged that the NSC website was not always up-to-date and more resources were being directed towards its maintenance.

Landside, Stone Edge Batch: Appeal: It was agreed that the objectionspreviously made should be submitted to the Appeal Officer.

Former Bonsai Nursery:Suspected breach of planning permission:The Enforcement Officer had visited the site and confirmed that the design of the chimney was in accordance with the approval, albeit it was not yet completed.

(c)Paperless working The Clerk and Cllr John Bankswere meeting with a NSC representative on 19th July.


(a) The following were approved for payment

Clerk’s salary June £173.05

Clerk’s expenses June £9.75

HMRC June £43.20


(a) Maintenance (southern boundary)

The Clerk reported that Tickenham Landscapes proposed removal of all the growth along the southern boundary, including small self-seeded trees. It was understood

that the garage owner was content with this, but the Clerk would check before proceeding.

Strimming under the boundary hedges would be undertaken prior to the Flower Show.

(b)Booking by School

The Clerk reported that the School had requested use of the field on Saturday 13th July for their school fair, following the village market. The School had been asked to provide a copy of their alcohol licence and confirmation of a risk assessment and public liability insurance would be requested.

(c)Management Committee

The Clerk was asked to enquire when the Committee’s Annual General Meeting would be held.


The Council noted that the Village Hall had requested payment of the approved grant.

Violets: The Clerk had spoken with Joan Chapman: it appeared that, contrary to the understanding at the interview, theproposal was that Jean Burrow’s book on Clevedon Violets should bere-published, not that Joan would undertake research into unpublished material to produce an enhanced publication. It was agreed that the first step was to locate a copy of the original book and the Clerk was asked to make enquiries.


Cllr Trenchard had attended a meeting with parents about road safety. Parents did not consider that walking to school was safe because of narrow pavements, traffic speed and inadequate signage. Suggestions from parents included a parking area behind the school with a footpath to the school, improved signage and re-instatement of the fixed speed camera. Mr Kevin Speakman, the NSC representative present, suggested that the school should promote road safety education andsuggested signs produced by the children on the approach to the school. He said that NSC was prepared to assist by showing the children how a speed camera worked and this could be incorporated into the mathematics curriculum.

Cllr Perrott reported that some seventy children travelled to school by car, some from a wide area. Although the parking and congestion problem seemed to have escalated recently, the Council acknowledged that the School did everything it could to remind parents not to park inconsiderately, particularly in private lay-bys and in Barrow Court.


The Clerk reported that NSC was seeking suitable sites for an electrical waste amnesty. After consideration it was agreed that the Village Hall car park was not appropriate and the Clerk was asked to reply accordingly.


It was understood that the Tickenham Drama Group would be using the Field for a picnic, but no booking had been made. The Clerk was asked to make enquiries.

Cllr Trenchard suggested that it would be prudent to advise immediate neighbours of the felling of some trees on the Village Field. The Clerk would speak with Cllr Hooley.


The Chairman confirmed that expenses associated with Council business could be reimbursed.


Cllr John Banks referred to proposed changes to certain chapters of the NS Joint Strategic Needs Assessmentdocument and the interesting information and statistics contained therein.


North Somerset Council:

North Area Committee agenda

Central Area Committee agenda

Local Access forum agenda

Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Generation supplementary planning
document – consultation:

TickenhamSchool newsletters


8th August if required]

10th October

[14th November

12th September

12th December