Title: ...... / Given name:...... / Surname: ......
Residential address: ......
Postal address: ......
Email address: ......
Relationship to Parent/Carer 2: ...... / Relationship to child(ren): ......
Home number: ...... / Mobile number: ......
Occupation: ...... / Business number: ......
Parent/Carer 2
Title: ...... / Given name: ...... / Surname: ......
Residential address: ......
Postal address: ......
Email address: ......
Relationship to Parent/Carer 1: ...... / Relationship to child(ren): ......
Home number: ...... / Mobile number: ......
Occupation: ...... / Business number: ......
Details of all dependent school-aged children
Child 1 name:...... / Date of birth: ...... / Application:
Current school: ...... / Year level: ...... / YesNo
Child 2 name: ...... / Date of birth: ...... / Application:
Current school: ...... / Year level: ...... / YesNo
Child 3 name: ...... / Date of birth: ...... / Application:
Current school: ...... / Year level: ...... / YesNo
Child 4 name: ...... / Date of birth: ...... / Application:
Current school: ...... / Year level: ...... / YesNo
Please explain why you are choosing separate schools for these children (if applicable):
Faith Commitment
Carer 1 / Parent/
Carer 2 / Please tick only one statement which best captures the faith commitment of Parent/Carer 1
Parent/Carer 2.
/ / I am a practising Christian and I am part of a church community.
/ / I see myself as a Christian but I do not attend church regularly.
/ / I am sympathetic to Christian values but do not hold to any specific faith expression.
/ / I do not view myself as a Christian but I am happy to send my children to Bayside Christian College.
Bayside Christian College Faith Statement
- The Divine Inspiration and supreme authority of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
- The existence of One God in Three Persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- The Deity and Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Son of God, the second Person in the Holy Trinity.
- The fallen, sinful and lost state of all mankind.
- The salvation of men from the penal consequences and the power of sin, through the perfect obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ, His atoning death, His resurrection from the dead, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His unchanging Priesthood.
- The immediate work of the Holy Spirit in the regeneration of men, in their sanctification, and in their preservation to the Heavenly Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The necessity, for salvation, of repentance towards God, and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The Resurrection of the dead and the final judgment of all men by the Lord Jesus.
We/I accept that our/my child(ren) will receive a Biblical, Christ-centred education in accordance with the Faith Statement:
Parent/Carer 1 signature:...... / Date:......
Parent/Carer 2 signature:...... / Date: ......
Church attendance/affiliation
Church name: ...... / Denomination: ......
Minister’s name: ...... / Phone number: ......
Attendance: / Weekly / Fortnightly / Monthly / Infrequently
Parents’/Carers’ Declaration (please tick & sign)
We/I declare that the information supplied in this application – including the Family Enrolment Application Form and all attached Student Enrolment Application Form(s) – is to the best of our/my knowledge true and accurate at the time of signing, and that all pertinent information relating to the education/enrolment of the student(s) has been disclosed.
We/I understand that failure to disclose information or providing misleading or false information during the enrolment process may result in the College withdrawing an offer or terminatingan enrolment.
We/I agree to inform the College of any change in circumstances during the enrolment process.
We/I understand that our application will not proceed unless accompanied by the Application Fee of $75 per student or $200 per family.
Parent/Carer 1 signature: ...... / Date: ......
Parent/Carer 2 signature: ...... / Date: ......