as at 1 July 2008

Fisheries (AkaroaHarbour Taiapure) Order 2006

(SR 2006/28)

Silvia Cartwright, Governor-General

Order in Council

At Wellington this 27th day of February 2006

Her Excellency the Governor-General in Council


Changes authorised by section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 have been made in this reprint.

A general outline of these changes is set out in the notes at the end of this reprint, together with other explanatory material about this reprint.

The Fisheries (Akaroa Harbour Taiapure) Order 2006 is administered by the Ministry of Fisheries.

Pursuant to section 175 of the Fisheries Act 1996, Her Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the recommendation of the Minister of Fisheries, and on the advice and with the consent of the Executive Council, makes the following order.




3Akaroa Harbour taiapure constituted

Akaroa Harbour taiapure


  • This order is the Fisheries (Akaroa Harbour Taiapure) Order 2006.
  • This order comes into force on the 28th day after the date of its notification in the Gazette.
3AkaroaHarbour taiapure constituted
  • The New Zealand fisheries waters (being estuarine or littoral coastal waters) described in the Schedule are a taiapure-local fishery.

AkaroaHarbour taiapure / cl 3
1AkaroaHarbour waters
  • (1)All the marine and estuarine waters of the Akaroa Harbour, other than those described in subclause (2), that are enclosed by a line—
  • (a)commencing at Timutimu Head at 43°53.99′S and 172°56.96′E; then
  • (b)proceeding in a generally south-easterly direction to a point at 43°54.23′S and 172°57.14′E; then
  • (c)proceeding in a generally east by north direction to a point that falls on the line described as the Wainui Leading Lights at 43°54.05′S and 172°57.94′E; then
  • (d)proceeding in a generally north-westerly direction along the line described as the Wainui Leading Lights to a point at 43°51.78′S and 172°56.22′E; then
  • (e)proceeding in a generally north-easterly direction to the entrance of Manukatahi Stream at 43°51.48′S and 172°56.55′E; and then
  • (f)following the inner AkaroaHarbour coastline back to the point of commencement.

(2)The taiapure does not include the areas known as the marine farming areas of Sea-Right Investments Ltd and Akaroa Salmon New Zealand Ltd which encompass the following waters of AkaroaHarbour:

  • (a)Sea-Right Investments Ltd (OhinepakaBay): the waters enclosed by a line—
  • (i)commencing at a point at 43°50.31′S and 172°54.53′E; then
  • (ii)proceeding to a point at 43°50.25′S and 172°54.53′E; then
  • (iii)proceeding to a point at 43°50.25′S and 172°54.62′E; then
  • (iv)proceeding to a point at 43°50.31′S and 172°54.62′E; then
  • (v)proceeding back to the point of commencement:
  • (b)Sea-Right Investments Ltd (MatWightBay): the waters enclosed by a line—
  • (i)commencing at a point at 43°51.36′S and 172°54.79′E; then
  • (ii)proceeding to a point at 43°51.44′S and 172°54.93′E; then
  • (iii)proceeding to a point at 43°51.52′S and 172°54.85′E; then
  • (iv)proceeding to a point at 43°51.44′S and 172°54.71′E; then
  • (v)proceeding back to the point of commencement:
  • (c)Akaroa Salmon New Zealand Ltd (TitokiBay): the waters enclosed by a line—
  • (i)commencing at a point at 43°51.73′S and 172°54.92′E; then
  • (ii)proceeding to a point at 43°51.79′S and 172°55.10′E; then
  • (iii)proceeding to a point at 43°51.85′S and 172°55.06′E; then
  • (iv)proceeding to a point at 43°51.78′S and 172°54.88′E; then
  • (v)proceeding back to the point of commencement:
  • (d)Akaroa Salmon New Zealand Ltd (LucasBay): the waters enclosed by a line—
  • (i)commencing at a point at 43°52.13′S and 172°55.24′E; then
  • (ii)proceeding to a point at 43°52.14′S and 172°55.36′E; then
  • (iii)proceeding to a point at 43°52.20′S and 172°55.36′E; then
  • (iv)proceeding to a point at 43°52.19′S and 172°55.24′E; then
  • (v)proceeding back to the point of commencement.
2HaylocksBay and DamonsBay waters
  • All the marine and estuarine waters of HaylocksBay and DamonsBay that are enclosed by a line—
  • (a)commencing at Gateway Point at 43°53.52′S and 172°59.05′E; then
  • (b)proceeding in a generally south-westerly direction to a point at 43°53.83′S and 172°58.89′E; then
  • (c)proceeding in a generally east by north direction to a point at 43°53.38′S and 173°00.88′E; then
  • (d)proceeding in a generally north-westerly direction to Ounuhau Point at 43°53.15′S and 173°00.70′E; then
  • (e)following the coastline back to the point of commencement.

Diane Morcom,
Clerk of the Executive Council.

Issued under the authority of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989.

Date of notification in Gazette: 2 March 2006.