Appendix 1.
A. Questionnaire used for visitors
We are making a research project from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Macanal Cloud Forest Reserve with the aim to explore the social preferences and perceptions towards ecosystem services and the motivations behind biodiversity conservation in cloud forest of the Tequendama Fault.
For this purpose, we are conducting face-to-face questionnaires with local people and visitors.Your opinion would be of great help to our research. Please, would you be so kind as to answer these questions?Thanks!
I. Travelling characteristics
1. How do you travel from your place of residence to the cloud forest reserve?
Own vehicle
Rent car
Other: ………………………………
2. How many hours that have you used in the trip? How long was the travel? ......
3. How much did the travel cost? Approximated cost of the trip by person:
Gas/ Ticket transports: ......
Food and drunk: ......
Accomodation: ......
Gifts: ......
Others: ......
4. Which is the total budget you think to be spend in your visit? ......
5. How many people are travelling with you? ......
6. Main reason of your visit:
Volunteering actions
7. How many timedid you spend in the visit to the reserve? ………...... (Hours)
8. Your visit in the cloud forest reserve, have you liked more, less or equal that you expected?
II. Local knowledge related to cloud forests and ecosystem services provided to society
9. Do you associate the concept of cloud forests of the (name of the cloud forest reserve) with…?
Nature provides us directly or indirectly with many benefits. For example, from trees, we obtain timber for the furniture industry,and many plants have visually attractive flowers that give usaesthetic pleasure.
10. Do you think that the cloud forest reserve provides any kind of benefit/profit that has a positive effect on your well-beingand the population's well-being?
YES, which ones? …………………………………………………………..………
11. From the following list of benefits, will you choose those that, in your opinion, are the most important in the area for the population's well-being? (LIST)
Benefits related to WATER AVAILABILITY (e.g., drinkable water)
Benefits related to AIR QUALITY and CLIMATE REGULATION (e.g., clean air)
Benefits related to SOIL QUALITY and PROTECTION ( erosion control and soil fertility)
Benefits related to BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION (habitat maintenance for species)
Benefits related to TOURISM ACTIVITIES (nature tourism or ecotourism)
Benefits related to SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (scientific knowledge obtained from cloud forests)
Benefits related to AESTHETIC VALUES(e.g., landscape enjoyment)
Others; pleasespecify: …………………………………………………………
III. Economic valuation exercise to identify users' preferences in relation to the benefits provided by the cloud forests of the Tequendama Fault
12. With the knowledge that you have about the benefits provided by cloud forests of the Tequendama Fault to our well-being, would you be willing tomake an annual economic contribution in order to ensure the conservation of cloud foreststo a fund created by an environmental non-governmental association?Your economic contribution would comprise part of an annual donation to a trust fund that would be managed bythe CorporaciónSentido Natural organisation, which is a national non-government organisation dedicated to the conservation and management of natural reserves in this area.
Yes; how much? …………………Colombian pesos (go to question 13)
No; why not? ……………………………………….. (go to question 14)
13. From the following list of benefits obtained from cloud forests, how would you like to distribute the amount of hypotheticalmoney that you donated in the previous question? (Respondents should distribute the amount of money among the following benefits using %)
Benefits related to WATER AVAILABILITY (e.g., drinkable water)
Benefits related to AIR QUALITY and CLIMATE REGULATION (e.g., clean air)
Benefits related to SOIL QUALITY and PROTECTION ( erosion control and soil fertility)
Benefits related to BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION (habitat maintenance for species)
Benefits related to TOURISM ACTIVITIES (nature tourism or ecotourism)
Benefits related to SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (scientific knowledge obtained from cloud forests)
Benefits related to AESTHETIC VALUES (e.g., landscape enjoyment)
14. Would you be willing togive up timeevery month for conservation activities that ensure the preservation of the cloud forests’ capacity to deliver ecosystem services to society in the Tequendama Fault?
Yes; how many time would you be willing to spend every month? ...... …hours
No; why not? …………………………………….(go to question 17)
15. From the following list of benefits obtained from cloud forests, how would you like to distribute the amount of time that you will willing to invest in conservation actions in the previous question? (Respondents should distribute the amount of money among the following benefits using %)
Benefits related to WATER AVAILABILITY (actions addressed to improve these habitats in order to cloud forests deliver freshwater)
Benefits related to AIR QUALITY and CLIMATE REGULATION (actions addressed to preserve primary production and carbon sequestration)
Benefits related to SOIL QUALITY and PROTECTION (actions addressed to improve soil quality)
Benefits related to BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION (actions addressed to restore and preserve habitat for species)
Benefits related to TOURISM ACTIVITIES (actions addresses to promote ecotourism)
Benefits related to ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION(environmental education actions)
Benefits related to SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (actions addressed to increase scientific knowledge)
Benefits related to AESTHETIC VALUES (actions addressed to promote aesthetic values though landscape preservation and restoration)
IV. Environmental behavior of the respondents
16. Are you member of any wildlife, conservation organization, such as World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International, etc?
Yes, which one? ......
17. Have you visited any natural protected area during the last year?
Yes, which one? ......
V. Socio-demographic information
18. Hometown ………………………………………………………
19. Which is your level of studies?
No one
20. How old are you? ...... years old
21. Which is your profession?......
22. Within what interval are included your income? (in Colombian pesos)
< de $500.000
$500.000 – $1.000.000
$1.000.000 – $2.000.000
$2.000.000 – $3.000.000
$3.000.000 – $4.000.000
$4.000.000 - $5.000.000
> $5.000.000
23. Gender:
24. Finally, do you have any other comment you would like to make about the subject of this questionnaire?
B. Questionnaire used for local people
We are making a research project from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Macanal Cloud Forest Reserve with the aim to explore the social preferences and perceptions towards ecosystem services and the motivations behind biodiversity conservation in cloud forest of the Tequendama Fault.
For this purpose, we are conducting face-to-face questionnaires with local people and visitors.Your opinion would be of great help to our research. Please, would you be so kind as to answer these questions?Thanks!
I. Local knowledge related to cloud forests and ecosystem services provided to society
1. Do you associate the concept of cloud forests of the (name of the cloud forest reserve) with…?
Nature provides us directly or indirectly with many benefits. For example, from trees, we obtain timber for the furniture industry,and many plants have visually attractive flowers that give usaesthetic pleasure.
2. Do you think that the cloud forest reserve provides any kind of benefit/profit that has a positive effect on your well-beingand the population's well-being?
YES, which ones? …………………………………………………………..………
3. From the following list of benefits, will you choose those that, in your opinion, are the most important in the area for the population's well-being? (LIST)
Benefits related to WATER AVAILABILITY (e.g., drinkable water)
Benefits related to AIR QUALITY and CLIMATE REGULATION (e.g., clean air)
Benefits related to SOIL QUALITY and PROTECTION ( erosion control and soil fertility)
Benefits related to BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION (habitat maintenance for species)
Benefits related to TOURISM ACTIVITIES (nature tourism or ecotourism)
Benefits related to SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (scientific knowledge obtained from cloud forests)
Benefits related to AESTHETIC VALUES (e.g., landscape enjoyment)
Others; pleasespecify: …………………………………………………………
II. Economic valuation exercise to identify users' preferences in relation to the benefits provided by the cloud forests of the Tequendama Fault
4. With the knowledge that you have about the benefits provided by cloud forests of the Tequendama Fault to our well-being, if you think that these ecosystems are generating benefits to you, would you be willing to give up timeevery month for conservation activities that ensure the preservation of the cloud forests’ capacity to deliver ecosystem services to society in the Tequendama Fault?
Yes; how many time would you be willing to spend every month? ...... …hours
No; why not? …………………………………….(go to question 17)
5. From the following list of benefits obtained from cloud forests, how would you like to distribute the amount of time that you will willing to invest in conservation actions in the previous question? (Respondents should distribute the amount of money among the following benefits using %)
Benefits related to WATER AVAILABILITY (actions addressed to improve these habitats in order to cloud forests deliver freshwater)
Benefits related to AIR QUALITY and CLIMATE REGULATION (actions addressed to preserve primary production and carbon sequestration)
Benefits related to SOIL QUALITY and PROTECTION (actions addressed to improve soil quality)
Benefits related to BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION (actions addressed to restore and preserve habitat for species)
Benefits related to TOURISM ACTIVITIES (actions addresses to promote ecotourism)
Benefits related to ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION(environmental education actions)
Benefits related to SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (actions addressed to increase scientific knowledge)
Benefits related to AESTHETIC VALUES (actions addressed to promote aesthetic values though landscape preservation and restoration)
III. Environmental behavior of the respondents
6. Are you member of any conservation organization or local organization?
Yes, which one? ......
7. Have you visited any natural protected area during the last year?
Yes, which one? ......
IV. Socio-demographic information
8. Which is your level of studies?
No one
9. How old are you? ...... years old
10. Which is your profession?......
11. Within what interval are included your income? (in Colombian pesos)
< de $500.000
$500.000 – $1.000.000
$1.000.000 – $2.000.000
$2.000.000 – $3.000.000
$3.000.000 – $4.000.000
$4.000.000 - $5.000.000
> $5.000.000
12. Gender:
13. Finally, do you have any other comment you would like to make about the subject of this questionnaire?