The Diary of a Young Girl: Anne Frank (The Definitive Edition)—Standard Pace Classes

Reading Assignment #1Due Friday, February 5

June 12 – June 14, 1942:opening passages of her diary

June 20, 1942:thoughts about her diary

June 21, 1942:Miss Quack Quack reference

July 1, 1942:boyfriend named Hello and a reference to Peter Schiff

July 5, 1942:last day as a free teenager

July 8, 1942:

July 9

July 10going into hiding

July 11, 1942:

Reading Assignment #2Due Monday, February 8

August 14, 1942:van Daans arrive (real name van Pels)

August 21, 1942:bookcase

September 2, 1942Peter and arguments

September 27, 1942problem with Margot and mother

September 28, 1942more fights

October 1, 1942Mrs. van Daan’s flirtations

Reading Assignment #3Due Wednesday, February 10

October 9, 1942:world outside of the annex

October 20, 1942:carpenter scare

November 2, 1942:concerns with puberty (also read postscript dated January 22, 1944)

November 10, 1942:

November 12

November 17Dussel arrives (real name Fritz Pfeffer)

November 19 and 20

November 28, 1942

Reading Assignment #4Due Friday, February 12

December 7, 1942:Christmas and Hanukkah

December 10, 1942:Mr. van Daan and Dussell’s contributions

January 13, 1943:feelings towards mother

February 5, 1943:feelings about Margot, Peter, and Mrs. van Daan

February 27, 1943:building is sold

March 10, 1943:general fears

Reading Assignment #5To be read over vacation…due February 22

March 25, 1943:first break in

April 2, 1943:more sentiments about mother

April 27, 1943:second break-in

May 1, 1943:Dussel’s selfishness

May 18, 1943:the war outside

June 13, 1943Anne’s 14th birthday

Reading Assignment #6To be read over vacation…due February 22

July 13, 1943:fights with Dussel over use of desk and room

July 16, 1943:another break-in

July 26, 1943:fears regarding the air raids and bombings

August 3, 1943:their radio is turned in

September 10, 1943:Italy surrenders; hope returns; Mr. Kleiman’s illness

September 16, 1943:warehouse worker van Maaren snoops around

Reading Assignment #7Due Tuesday, February 23

September 29, 1943pressures on Bep; concerns regarding the van Daans

October 17, 1943:thief in the warehouse discovers van Daan’s wallet

October 30, 1943:more on mother and inner contemplations

November 27, 1943:dreams of friend Hanneli

Test on pages 1 - 151 on Thursday, February 25

Reading Assignment #8Due Thursday, February 25

December 24, 1943:Anne’s maturity shows; thoughts about parents’ marriage

January 2, 1944:more mature thinking regarding her mother

January 7, 1944:Anne’s first love—Peter Schiff

January 22, 1944:Anne pledges to give up gossiping

January 28, 1944:boredom and the helpers

Reading Assignment #9Due Monday, March 1

February 14, 1944:Anne and Peter van Daan’s interest in one another begin

February 16, 1944:more about Peter; Anne and Peter discuss religion

February 28, 1944:sentimental thoughts about the two Peters

March 1, 1944:another break-in; duplicate key suspected

March 7, 1944:longer passage about Anne’s thoughts about herself

Reading Assignment #10Due Wednesday, March 3

March 20, 1944:Margot’s attitude about Anne and Peter

March 23, 1944:Anne relies on Peter for information about sex

March 29, 1944Anne first considers “publishing” her diary after the war

April 3, 1944:Anne details the dreary food cycles in the annex

April 5, 1944:famous quote: “I want to go on living even after my death.”

Reading Assignment #11Due Friday, March 5

April 11, 1944:long entry regarding another break-in

April 16, 1944:first kiss for Anne

April 25, 1944:new security measures anger Dussel

May 3, 1944:Anne’s comments on war and mankind’s destructive urges

May 6 and May 7, 1944Anne writes a nasty letter to her father and he reacts

Reading Assignment #12Due Monday, March 8

May 11, 1944:Anne expresses her wish to be a writer one day

May 22, 1944:comments on the rising anti-Semitism amongst the Dutch

May 25, 1944:Bep’s engaged

May 26, 1944:comments regarding the bravery of their helpers

Reading Assignment #13Due Wednesday, March 10

June 6, 1944:“D” day – the much anticipated Allies’ invasion has begun

June 13, 1944:long passage about turning 15

July 6, 1944:very mature reasoning; Anne outgrows “love” for Peter

Page 328: famous quote:”…I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.”

July 21, 1944:assassination attempt on Hitler

August 1, 1944Anne’s final entry

Test on pages 151 – 335 on Friday, March 12