Medium Term Planning
Year 1

Term 3
Shadows and Stick Men
Learning objectives:
·  I can describe what actions I will need to do to make something happen and begin to use the word algorithm.
·  I can begin to use software to create movement and patterns on a screen.
·  Create simple flipbook animations.
·  Introduce the children to Pivot Stick software.
·  Allow children to experiment with adding frames and moving characters.
·  Children to create a series of frames to make their character wave/walk.
·  Look at variables of time and size of movement and allow children to predict what will happen.
Handling Data / Multimedia / Technology in our Lives
Learning objectives:
·  I add information to a pictogram and talk about what I have found out.
·  I can present data in a digital format.
·  I can be creative with different technology tools.
·  I can save information in a special place and retrieve it again.
·  Collect data about weather..
·  Children record data measurements from equipment.
·  Use 2Simple/Purple Mash 2Count or to create a pictograph.
·  Create, save and retrieve an animation.
·  Add findings to blog. / Learning objectives:
·  I can recognise ways that technology is used in my home and community.
·  I can recognise the ways we use technology in our classroom.
·  I can use links to websites to find information.
·  I can begin to identify some of the benefits of using technology.
·  Contribute to a class blog.
·  Use digital cameras to create a scrapbook of learning.
·  Connect camera to a computer
·  Manipulate images using software.
·  Print images and use them to create a scrapbook of learning with annotations.
·  Teacher models use of search facility to find pictures
·  Follow teacher provided links to find information.
Learning in other subjects
Science: I can collect evidence. I can communicate my findings using a variety of methods including ICT.
I can observe seasonal changes.
Maths: I can represent data using a pictograph.
Design and Technology: I can design a functional product, selecting from a range of tools, materials and components.

James Holmes, Abbas and Templecombe Primary School