The Detroit Chapter of the Risk & Insurance Management Society(RIMS) is proud to serve our local community.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Afternoon shift – 1-5pm
Service Project – Life Remodeled,Central High School, Detroit
For the third consecutive year, RIMS Detroit and our risk management partners are going to put boots on the ground in our local community. If you served at Osborn High Schooland Denby High school in prior years, you’ll know how rewarding an experience it is. This year is special. 2017 marks the 50th year anniversary of the 1967 Detroit riots,and Life Remodeled and their partners will invest in the neighborhood surrounding Central High School, the city’s first public high school, in the community where Detroit’s civil unrest began. This year’s project will serve not only as a powerful commemoration of the progress we’ve made, but also of the progress we continue to strive toward.As in prior years, we’ll be involved in all aspects of blight removal and beautification, so come prepared to work hard and get dirty!
Who is Life Remodeled? Life Remodeled is a Detroit-based nonprofit that seeks to remodel lives along with neighborhoods, schools and homes. Our annual volunteer workforce of 10,000 comes from community organizations, churches, businesses and people who just care about Detroit. Every phase of our project is about people, those served and those who are serving. Relationships born of this approach create transformation and sustainable neighborhoods that are crucial to making Detroit’s revitalization permanent.
How do you register?
Go to the following web page:
Tick the box for the afternoon shift (1-5PM) of Wednesday August 2. Complete the body of the online registration form. You will see an, “I am affiliated with” drop down box. Select “RIMS Detroit Chapter” and then hit Submit.
IMPORTANT: All participants are required to complete the Waiver below and bring it with them on the designated volunteer day. (Waivers are available at registration but save time and complete in advance.)
Other important information:
- Check-in and Parking:
Parking: Will be at Central High School, Durfee and small lots nearby. Go to 2470 Collingwood, Detroit, MI 48206 and park in the designated areas.After you park, go to the big white registration tent in front of Durfee.
Check-in time:12.15-12.45pm: (Let’s convene as a group in the vicinity of the registration area by 12.45pm at the latest – if you can’t locate the group or are running late, call Rob Milligan on 248 704 0655.) Shuttles will take volunteers to and from the various Command Centers in the project area.)
- Tools, lunch (if required) and water will be provided.
Let’s make a difference in our community – See you on August 2nd.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Rob Milligan at:
Or cell number: 248 704 0655