Pending Approval

/ Meeting Minutes
Clearview Elementary School PTO-RLASD; Inc.
Date: May 21st, 2014 Location: CV Library
Meeting Called To Order By: Laura Basso Time: 6:07 PM
Attendance: Laura Basso, Stacy Burchett, Amber Dailey, Tina Hedrick, Emily Herr, Sheila Hughes, Debbie Macklin, Brandy Miller, Joanne Potter, Kenrea Robinson, Crystal Thompson & Natalie Webb were in attendance. 12 total attendee’s.
Call to Order-Welcome:Laura Basso- Welcomed everyone to the CV PTO meeting.
Secretary/Minutes: Brandy Miller-Minutes of 4/23/2014 meeting were reviewed. Emily Herr made the first motion to approve the April minutes. Laura Basso seconded the motion; no one opposed; motion accepted. The approvedminutes can be found in the red binder (located in the CV PTO mailbox) as well as on the web-site.
Special Guest: Mary Holzer-From LJM, promoting the Science Camp (Lab) that will be held at PV over the summer for children in grades 1st-6th. Cost is $ 225 for a fun filled week. Discounts will be offered to families with multiple children attending as well as parent volunteers. Ratio will be 1 (local Red Lion) teacher/8 children. Visit: for more information.
Principals Report:Mrs. Hughes-
  1. Track & Field Day: Held on scheduled dates.
  2. Field Trips: 4 are scheduled for this upcoming week, including the trip to Hershey for Select Chorus members.
  3. Presidential Breakfast: Was held on May 5th.
  4. Ag Lab: Is coming up.
  5. Summer Reading Program: Will be promoting it at the end of the year assembly. Volunteered to be duck taped to the wall if the sign up meets goal that was set
  6. End of the year assembly: June 5th.
  7. Memory Books- (Follow-up): Will be distributed on May 30th. Amber Dailey will co-chair YB next year.
  8. Hand Sanitizer (Follow-up): Supply is good for this school year.
  9. Homework Policy (Follow-Up): No information at this time.
  10. Questions from the body:
  • Chaperoning filed trips: (policy)? Body is asking that the district field trip committee discuss the volunteers that “put in their time” at the school be considered 1st for chaperoning filed trips. There used to be a “rule” that parents had to volunteer 2 hours per school year in order to keep their clearances up to date. Is this still a rule? Parents are getting upset that they donate a lot of their spare time to volunteer at school, and then don’t get picked to chaperone. Parents that don’t do anything at school are getting selected.
  • Fob Card: Does the tech department hear our concerns and issues that we are having? Ex: Fob card does not work at other RL school buildings. Answer: Still working out the kinks.
  • Class Numbers: Parents are concerned with the number of kids that are in classrooms. Ex: Kindergarten. Answer: Will be reviewing the numbers over the summer.
  • Cell Phone usage during class: Parent expressed the usage of cell phones during classroom time. Answer: teachers are not allowed to use their phone during class, unless given special permission.
Officers’ Reports:
Co-President: Laura Basso/Debbie Macklin-
  1. Scholarships: Debbie Macklin- Received 1 so far. Due date is next Thursday.
  2. PTO Council Meeting: Debbie Macklin- Building request procedure will stay the same. JA: parent volunteers are needed for each grade level. Red Cross: lessons will be offered. Miss Grove will be the contact & is in of volunteers. Kitty Reinholt is asking for money for Windsor Manor. 21 CV kids will be going there next year. TOPIC TABLED.
  3. Audit: Due to the district in September. Stacy Burchett will due the audit.
  4. Computers. Tech department decided that they will not be going with the Google Chrome Books, that they will be using Acers.
Vice President: Kenrea Robinson-
  1. Income Opportunity Report: Each member received a copy of the report. Copy will be filed with the secretary’s minutes as well as in the red binder. Please see report for details.
  2. School Mall: Registered for next school year.
  3. Cell Phones: Committee suggests that we do away with this. Feels were not profiting a lot from it.
Treasurer: Tina Hedrick–
  1. Current P&L: Copy will be filed with the secretary’s minutes as well as in the red binder. Please see report for details.
  2. Current Balance Sheet: Copy will be filed with the secretary’s minutes as well as in the red binder.
  3. Motion: “I, Emily Herr make a motion to transfer $2,000.00 from the PTO general account into People’s computer account, at the end of the school year 2013/14, if funds available”. Seconded by Tina Hedrick. Secret ballot was taken with all in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes.
Old Business:
  1. PTO Letter: Brandy Miller/Deb Macklin- Letter is complete & was sent home.
  2. Movie License: John Dailey (absent) –TOPIC TABLED
Committee Reports:
Post Reports-
  1. Hershey Park/Dutch Wonderland Tickets: Debbie Macklin- 12 tickets left for purchase.
  2. Five Below (Spring Break): John Dailey (absent) -$28.14
  3. GrandPal’s Day: Melody Hoffman- Pre-registration was confusing to the visitors regarding the Safe Gate Guardian. No communication from parents to grandparents explaining the procedures. Suggests for next year that night before event have a pre-register night. Also, signing out kids at the ends of the day needs to be looked into. Complaints from Dale Keesey & the damage to the grass, he threatened to send the PTO a bill for the work. Sheila insures that we will not be billed. Money still needs collected from Therea’s Pizza.
  4. Kindergarten Bus Ride: Debbie Macklin/Tina Hedrick- 35 parents attended.
  5. Shoot for Shade: Debbie Macklin- District ordered the shade piece. $4,470 $800 to install.
  6. Texas Road House Family Night: Natalie Webb- $116.27 made. Dates for next year: November 10th & April 28th.
  7. Staff Appreciation Week: Tina Hedrick- Went well. Each day something was given. Ex: breakfast, cupcakes, lunch & calendars.
  8. Track Day (4th-6th Grade): Stacy Burchett- Badges were confusing. Ex: yellow/white. Spectators need to stay on top of hill. Suggest a list goes to secretary of the volunteers & she have preprinted badges. Tents are needed to keep water under shade 7 water supplied. Numerous kids did not bring water bottle.
  9. Car Show: John Dailey (absent) - $400 in donations received already. Using Wolf’s Printing to run the flyers. Discount was given. Planning meeting scheduled for June 11th at 6:30Pm at Roma’s.
  10. Book Fair: Jen Kauffman (absent) - TOPICTABLED.
Pre-Event Reports-
  1. Talent Show: Jen Strobeck & Brianna Paup- TOPIC TABLED.
New Business:
  1. Buddy Bench: Brandy Miller- Grandparent approached a few parents of CV wanting to purchase a bench for the playground, titled the buddy bench. Expressed that she has contacted the school before about this & never received a return phone call. Sheila was okay with this, & stated that she would contact the grandparent. (Mrs. Golden)
Upcoming Events:
  1. May 27th-20th: Ag Lab
  2. May 28th: Dairy Day
  3. June 5th: End of the year assembly
  4. June 11th: Planning meeting/Car Show (Roma’s) at 6:30PM
  5. June 16th: Car Show
  6. August 13th: PTO meeting at Lower Chanceford Pavilion at 6PM
Meeting Adjourned At:9:05PM
Minutes Compiled By:Brandy Miller, Secretary