Tropical Island Ecology and Evolution Faculty Recommendation Form

UHH - OTS Tropical Island Ecology and Evolution

Faculty Recommendation Form

TO THE STUDENT: Fill in the information below prior to sending the form to a faculty member. This recommendation should come from a faculty member with whom you have worked with and/or from whom you have taken a class.
Applicant’s name:
Last First Middle
Phone: () Email:


Faculty member’s name:


Faculty Appointment: Department:


University Address:


Phone: ( ) Email:


Thank you for agreeing to provide a Letter of Recommendation. The student named above is applying to participate in Tropical Island Ecology and Evolution, a field-based undergraduate program offered by the University of Hawai’i Hilo in partnership with the Organization for Tropical Studies. For more information on the program, please visit our website at: . Your recommendation is very important in our consideration of this student’s application to the program.

  1. Please fill in the word document by clicking on the blank areas directly next to the field description. Once the form has been completed, please save by using the format below.


For example, if your are writing a recommendation for as student named Tom Smith, your Letter of Recommendation should be labeled as:


  1. Please return this Faculty Recommendation Form by email no later than MARCH 1, 2017 to:

*** If you have comments or concerns that are not addressed within this form, please add comments to the end of this form or contact the program directly at: (808) 932-7725 or


Tropical Island Ecology and Evolution Faculty Recommendation Form

This recommendation will be used for admissions purposes only. It will not be made part of the student’s educational record and no reference will be made to it for educational purposes after a decision has been made on the applicant’s admissibility. Therefore, this recommendation is not subject to the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The applicant will not have legal access to this recommendation.
On the sheet below please write an assessment of the applicant and address the following questions:
  1. How long have you known the student and in what capacity?
  1. Discuss the applicant’s academic strengths and weaknesses, with particular regard to his/her ability and potential to conduct research.
  1. Maturity, being able to work independently, and the ability to work with and cooperate as part of a team are very important for the success of this program. Please evaluate the applicant in regards to these attributes.
  1. Please evaluate the applicant’s personal qualities and social skills, both positive and negatives.
  1. Additional comments regarding this applicant:
  1. Please rate your recommendation of this student in the appropriate space.
Enthusiastically Strongly Fairly Without Not
strong enthusiasm recommended
For academic promise:
For character and
personal promise:
Overall recommendation: