The Data System Council
/ April 18, 2013 / 1:00 PM / Animas Conference RoomHigher Education Department
2048 Galisteo Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505-2100
Meeting called by
/ PED and HEDNote taker
/ Anita GavinAttendees
/ Attached sign-in sheetIntroduction:
Brief update: Dan Koleski began the meeting with a review of statute calling for the data council and discussed the importance or governance. In the interest of improving attendance, the meetings are now available on line and through web conferencing.Agenda topics
Wage Record interchange system
/ Suzan REAGANDiscussion
/ The Wage Record Interchange System (WRIS) allowsstates to track Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims across states. The WRIS-2 will track graduates who get jobs in other states. At this point all 50 states do not participate in WRIS or WRIS-2 but the number is increasing. The New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) and the Department of Work Force Solutions (DWFS) share data to track outcomes of graduates in NM. WRIS 2 is to enable sharing of graduate outcomes across states. Aggregate data will be available by industry code, county and the total wages earned. The timeline for WRIs to be available is December of 2013.Conclusions
/ N/AAction items
/Person responsible
Resources Regroup
/ Michael ArchibequeDiscussion
/ The Data Governance Project was proposed to look at governance of entire project, but this is tied with P20W Data System. The agencies that are currently a part of the P20W project are HED, DOH, PED, DWFS, and CYFD. Other agencies to be considered to add to committee are HSD and DOIT. The current MOU has been amended to add agencies. The final copy of the MOU is on the HED website. The status report can be viewed on the web.The P20Worganizational chart was discussed. Currently a P20W Advisory Committee is being developed. The CoordinatingCommittee for the P20W has been meeting.
New Mexico has received aRace to the Top Grant for25 Million from the Federal Government. CYFD will use this grant to develop early childhood SLDS, K-12 SLDS, and roll it all into one system. New Mexico’s Foster children and court improvement process will eventually be part of this data system. Other areas that will eventually be added are nutrition and direct certification for TANF and SNAP. The data collected will be available for the P20W as needed. The groundwork is being established for coordination of several data systems. Research and advisory committees are interested in obtaining this data; as well asbusiness leaders who are interested in the data from the stand point of employability. The HED and the PED have matched 27,000 students. CYFD already has a unique ID to track their clients. A unique ID is vital for information to move up from pre-school to higher education. A unique ID is part of the STARS system. The Navajo Nation and BIA is looking into using a unique ID to track their data. Quality assurance will be added to the STARS system to minimize errors to PED data collected from Public Schools. Quality Assurance is already a part of special education data process. The process will now apply it to all STARS system. GED also has a new vendor and is looking at tracking issues.
Governance Committee and Issues
/ Dan KoleskiDiscussion / In other states the governance committee is a separate entity. The Association Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA) has eight points to their governance model: 1)Accountability 2)Transparency 3)Integrity 4)Protection 5)Disposition 6)Availability 7)Retention 8)Compliance
The governance committee must understand these points and the issues involved in collecting and using data. We may need to add codes to NMAC to further define the statute (NMSA 22-1-11) authorizing this Data System. Group will analyze which code is needed to build the P20W system. Need people with insight into these issues in order to be accountable for the information that is collected.
The Statute is out of date in that there have been added more data partners not mentioned in statute. TheHED has been approved to add a new position of an IT Business Analyst to support this effort.The Research Advisory Committee is still being developed.
/ Other states have a governance committee that is a separate entity. The accountability issues are immense, and in order to avoid legal issues we need to have a knowledgeable well developed committee.Action items
/Person responsible
Questions and Answers
/ What is the focus of the strategic plan? What are the decisions makers looking for? Can we provide answers that decision makers want to have?Do we have a budget? Other states have a separate budget for developing and maintaining the system.
The HED Department needs to fill at least 2 key positions as little has been accomplished with the lack of staff.
Can the data collected from the STARS system be used for data matching with the HED department? There is disparity of data matching due to the different unique IDs used by PED and HED.
The PED does have a data set that is available for use, but it does not always have the answers the decision makers want. The department is also experiencing staffing issues. Additional staff would be able todo more research and provide additional answers for decision makers.
Another issue that needs to be addressed is tracking students beyond high school. When consistent processes for tracking are developed higher education institutes can also be more effective in providing students with the skills needed for employment.
Can we involve the research Universities in developing the P20W system?
Subgroups need to be formed: a governance committee and an advisory committee.What questions could be answered this year with info we have? Then, how do we build on these answers?
A concrete plan needs to be developed that addressed the main issues by the end of the year.
Action items
/Person responsible
Meeting Schedule for 2013
June 14, 2013 / 1:00-3:00 PM / Location to be DeterminedSeptember 12, 2013 / 11:00-3:00 PM / Location to be Determined
December 12, 2013 / 11:00-3:00 PM / Location to be Determined