The Proud And The Just

Habakkuk 2:2-20


500 years ago, A catholic monk named Martin Luther studied Romans and rediscovered

the doctrine of justification by faith. This important doctrine hidden layers of

church doctrine and tradition

Rom 1:17 says … the Old Testament supporting text comes from Habakkuk 2

Today we will lk at Habakkuk2


Historical context

Habakkuk 1 a world awry, a world unraveling, even more since last Sunday…

I. Habakkuk Chapter 2

The Lord …

Answers Habakkuk 2a

Answers when the end will come 2b,3

Answers what is the main issue 4

Answers what God says to those whose soul is not right 5-19

Ends further discussion 20

II. What Is The Main Issue? 4


The proud, his soul is not upright in him 4a

The just, shall live by his faith 4b

Th Jewish Talmud says tht all 613precepts gvn by God to Moses on Sinai sum in Hab2:4

III. The Proud – Those Whose Soul Is Not Right 4a, 5-19

To Habakkuk – the proud wrth Babylonians, their pride seen in description of thm 1:5-11

Five Woes directed at the proud [their soul not right]

5-8 woe to him who increases what is not his

9-11 woe to him who covets evil for gain

12-14 woe to him who builds a town with bloodshed

15-17 woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors

18, 19 woe to him who says to wood awake

IV. The Just – Those Whose Soul Is Right 4b

Becaus of the importance of the doctrine in the New Testament, emphasize more thnpssg

Habakkuk 2:4b – but the just shall live by his faith

But – contrast between the just and the proud

The just – common word in the OT sadiq, just/right are semantic twins, synonym

Shall live by his faith – a just person lives consistent with his faith

Abrahm is th prime e.g. of a man of faith who God calls righteous Gn15:6

Consistency between your faith in God and how you live your life

Paul cites in Ro1:17, but develops thruout Romans, correlation faith and righteousness

3:10 none righteous no not one

3:21 now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed

3:22 even the righteousness of God through faith in JS to all…who believe

3:24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption in JS

3:26, 28 demo His rightsness, He might be just and justifier …cncldfaith in JS man justified by faith aprt fm deeds of law

4:5 to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his

faith is accounted as righteousness

4:9, 13 faith accounted for righteousness, not through law but through faith

4:16 of faith in accordance with grace promise to all who of faith of Abraham

5:1 having been justified by faith we have peace with God

5:9 justified by His blood, saved from wrath to come

5:21 as sin reigned in death, so grace thru righteousness etrnl life thru JS r Lord

Ga 3:11 that no one is justified by the law is evident … for the just shall live by faith

Luther saw in Romans and Habakkuk justification by faith, how do the just live? By faith

Are U just B4 God? – live by faith, trust God, live by the word,

Not just B4 God then proud – Believe on the Lord JS, call on the Lord Joel 2:32

JS blood makes sinners clean inside and righteous B4 God, your part is to believe