Hymn Writers…

Come to Rydal Mount

Friday October 24th – Sunday October 26th 2014

The cost of the weekend is £180 inclusive of full board and accommodation.To reserve a place on

the weekend please send the booking formwith a £50.00 deposit as soon as possible to

Marlene Phillips,

13, Windermere Road,

Lancaster, LA1 3EX
Tel 01524 874737 Email

Queries regarding the weekend should also be addressed to
Marlene and the booking form is available from


The weekend is for anyone who is interested in writing hymns, whether you have written many or not yet written your first. It is for people who write the words, people who write tunes, and anyone who can do both!


After our very successful Hymn weekend at Rydal Hall,Cumbria in November 2011 we are meeting there again in 2014. Every time people have met like this many new hymns have been written and subsequently published. The time is one of work, mutual encouragement, and relaxation under the guidance of published authors and composers. On Sunday we will share in worship together using some of the items that have been written.


Hymns have been important in the worship of God for many centuries, and many old hymns enshrine important truths for us today. However we also need new hymns to express our changing understanding of the world around us and God's activity within it.

At a more individual level, the act of wrestling with words or music can stimulate us to explore what it is we really believe about God and about God's world, and when we do this in the company of fellow Christians the resulting dialogue can be extremely fruitful.

There is also nothing like having constructive criticism on hand for a whole weekend, particularly as many of us work on our hymns in isolation from other hymn writers most of the time.


The weekend is being run as a workshop with input provided by members of the editorial group of Worship Live, including Janet Wootton, Marjorie Dobson, Marlene Phillips and Andrew Pratt. There will be a significant amount of time available for writing/composing and discussion in small groups. Being a workshop, the timetable is flexible enough to be changed to meet the needs of the participants.


Participants might like to consider the theme of the weekend,and begin to work on possible material.


The weekend takes place at Rydal Hall which is easily accessible by road and rail. It is close to Rydal Mount and Rydal Church with Dora's Field and a lovely walk away from Dove Cottage.

Rooms have already been allocated to us for this weekend.More details can be found on the website at


There will be welcoming tea from 4 pm. Dinner at 7 pm.

The cost of the weekend is £180 inclusive of full board accommodation.


Friday October 24th – Sunday October 26th


To reserve a place on the weekend please send the booking form below as soon as possible to Marlene Phillips, 43, Pear Tree Park, Holme, Carnforth, Lancs, LA6 1SD telephone 01524 784934, email , to whom queries regarding the weekend should also be addressed.





(Please delete as appropriate)


All rooms will be en suite, but will people please state if their health requires an easily accessible bedroom.

I wish to book a place on the hymn writing weekend and enclose a deposit for £50, made payable to Marlene Phillips.