I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE THAT a meeting of the Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Prospect House, Hexham on Monday 7 December 2009 at 7.00 pm, when the following items will be discussed:-


1.  Presentation of ‘Best Allotment’ prizewinner’s certificates.

2.  Declarations of interest - planning applications only. [See memorandum].

3.  To consider Planning Applications received [list enclosed].

4.  [at 7.15 pm approximately] Apologies for absence.

5.  Council will hear residents on any matters they may wish to raise in regard to Hexham.

6.  To agree the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on the 2 November 2009 enclosed.

7.  Matters arising, if any.

8.  Declarations of interest. [See memorandum].

9.  Accounts for Payment [list enclosed].

10.  To receive Planning Decisions [list enclosed].

11.  Committee reports [if any]

12.  Correspondence.

13.  To consider siting a VAS stand on Eastgate. [To be funded by Cllr T Robson].

14.  To consider and agree 2010/11 Budget, see enclosed.

15.  Any urgent matters at the Chairman of the meetings discretion. [Matters to be raised under this item should be written out [if possible] and handed to the Chairman of the meeting or the Clerk of the Council before the meeting begins].

Derick Tiffin,

Clerk of the Council.

28 November 2009.

Hexham Town Council

Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery

West Road, Hexham NE46 3RR Tel: 01434609575






4740.  PRESENT. Councilor T Robson the Town Mayor in the Chair together with Cllrs: P Dixon, D Kennedy, A R Travis, G C Ferguson, J V R Hare, J B Jonas, A Snowball, Mrs. J E Lloyd, Mrs. B E Smith, Mrs. I C Whale, M F C Donnelly and N J Holder.

4741.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST [PLANNING APPLICATIONS]. Cllr M F C Donnelly declared a personal interest in Application 20090767.

4742.  PLANNING APPLICATIONS. It was AGREED there were no objections to the planning applications received in accordance with the list[s] circulated and attached hereto apart from 20090770 for signage at Boots Pharmacy, 4 Hencotes. It was AGREED the proposed projecting sign was unnecessary.

4743.  APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs. C J Robinson.

4744.  LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Cllr M F C Donnelly had returned to the Council after his recent ill health and was warmly welcomed back by everyone present. He asked that his thanks for the welcome and his pleasure at being able to return to meetings be minuted.

4745.  PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. No matters were raised by the members of the public present.

4746.  MINUTES. It was AGREED the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on the 5 October 2009 having been circulated, be signed as a true record subject to amending Minute 4737 by adding to the end thereof - ‘…suitable on an annual basis.’


a.  NAMING OF DEVELOPMENT. Minute 4727a refers. The Planning Authority had not yet been asked to comment on a name for the new development at Crescent Avenue. It was noted the Clerk will write to the developers to ask the Council’s name suggestion be considered.

b.  WYDON PARK ALLOTMENTS SITE. Minute 4729c refers. It was reported and noted that additional works had been found to be required to alleviate the surface water problems at the site and the final quote for the work currently being carried out was £3515.00.

c.  TYNE VALLEY COMMUNITY RAIL PARTNERSHIP. Cllr J B Jonas had attended the Partnership meeting on the 13 October 2009. He noted a report that an unannounced train cancellation had caused problems for a visiting rugby team and he did not feel this was conducive to Hexham’s image as a place to visit.

d.  PARK VANDALISM. Minute 4718 refers. The LMAPS Officer had not yet given a date when he may be able to attend a meeting but it was noted he had requested a Councillor be nominated to attend LMAP meetings. [See later minute 4757].

4748.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. There were no declarations of interest.

4749.  ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT. It was AGREED to authorise payments in accordance with the lists circulated and attached hereto.

4750.  PLANNING DECISIONS. It was AGREED to receive the decisions of Northumberland County Council on planning applications in accordance with the list circulated and attached hereto.


a.  BURIAL BOARD MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. It was AGREED to receive the minutes and AGREE recommendations of the Burial Board Management Committee meeting held 26 October 2009, presented by the Committee Chairman Cllr. J V R Hare.

4752.  20 MPH PROPOSALS. Northumberland County Council as Highway Authority requested comments on its proposal to introduce a 20 MPH limit on the following roads: Whetstone Bridge Road; Alexandra Crescent; Alexandra Terrace; Beech Avenue; Burnland Villas; Burswell Avenue; Burswell Villas; Glen Terrace; High Burswell; Leazes Terrace; Low Burswell; Osborne Avenue; Tynedale Terrace; Westfield Terrace; Whitby Avenue; Windsor Terrace & Woodbine Terrace. After various comments and suggestions were put forward to amend or otherwise the proposal it was finally AGREED to support the proposal as put forward.

4753.  NALC ANNUAL MEETING. It was noted the AGM would be held on 14 November 2009 but no Councillor was able to attend.

4754.  COMMUNITY ACTION. It was noted the AGM would be held on 4 November 2009 but no Councillor was able to attend.

4755.  NHS HOSPITAL PROPOSAL – NEWCASTLE AREA. It was noted the consultation process had been completed and the NHS North of Tyne Trust had approved the proposal. The Trust had been given assurances that patient transport arrangements would be properly addressed. It was AGREED the Trust be advised the Council did not wish to see any parking charges introduced at the new hospital nor indeed did it wish there to be parking changes at any hospital.

4756.  SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY STRATEGY. Northumberland Strategic Partnership is reviewing the current strategy drawn up in 2007. The ‘People and Places’ bulletins on this subject for September and October had been circulated to Councillors. The closing date for any comments is 15 January 2010. Further bulletins are to be issued and again will be circulated to Councillors and are available on the NCC website.

4757.  LOCAL MULTI AGENCY PROBLEM SOLVING GROUP. The LMAPS Officer had still not been able to attend a meeting of the Council however he had requested a representative from the Town Council join the LMAPS Group. It was AGREED Cllr J V R Hare be nominated.

4758.  TOWN TWINNING – METZINGEN. Cllr T Robson reported on the recent visit he and Cllr J B Jonas had made to Metzingen. As usual a very warm welcome had been extended to all the visitors from Hexham and the Town Twinning Association. He hoped a reciprocal visit could be held in due course.

4759.  ‘SPOOKS NIGHT’. This event had been held recently and had proved very entertaining and successful. It was hoped the event will be held again in 2010 and it was AGREED a letter of congratulations be sent to the Organizers - Hexham Community Partnership.

4760.  NCC WEST AREA COMMITTEE – JOINT MEETING WITH TOWN/PARISH COUNCILS. Cllr T Robson reported on the recent meeting between representatives of Parish and Town Councils and the NCC West Area Committee. It had been held mainly to open up liaison between the participants but one matter raised was the possible transfer of assets and responsibilities to Parish and Town Councils by and from the County Council. The NCC had confirmed that no Parish or Town Council would be forced to take over any responsibilities from the County Council.

4761.  NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of the Council will be held on 7 December 2009 at 7.00pm.




Payee / Detail / Cheque amount / VAT / Net of VAT / Cheque number / Ref.
Dale Garage / Diesel/petrol / 122.70 / 16.01 / 106.69 / Ddb / 5024
Safe & Secure 24 / Alarm monitoring / 14.95 / 1.95 / 13.00 / Ddb / 5031
Yes Telco Ltd / Account / 182.16 / 23.76 / 158.40 / Ddb / 5032
Purdy’s Skip hire / Skip for allotments / 152.69 / 19.92 / 132.77 / 105585 / 5016
Hutchinson Environmental Solutions Ltd / Drainage works Wydon Park allotments / 3910.00 / 510.00 / 3400.00 / 105586 / 5016
David Dixon / Protective gloves / 5.99 / 0.78 / 5.21 / 105587 / 5028
J T Dove Ltd / Sand, paving flags / 191.00 / 24.92 / 166.08 / 105588 / 5038
The Sawd Partnership / Eco coffin [outsize] / 214.35 / 27.96 / 186.39 / 105589 / 5029
Carter Business Systems Ltd / Copier charges / 55.04 / 7.18 / 47.86 / 105590 / 5047
Costco Wholesale Ltd / Bird food / 16.95 / 16.95 / 105591 / 5028
Greenlay Grass Machinery Ltd / Backpack blower - Efco 5248371504 / 458.85 / 59.85 / 399.00 / 105592 / 5026
Viking Direct / Name tags / 32.19 / 4.20 / 27.99 / 105593 / 5048
Best Western Beaumont Hotel / Catering Remembrance Day / 543.60 / 70.90 / 472.70 / 105594 / 5048
F J Baty, Blacksmith / Welding repair to leaf blower / 43.75 / 5.71 / 38.04 / 105595 / 5027
Argos Ltd / Gazebos - R/Day / 44.97 / 5.86 / 39.11 / Ddb / 5048
Npower / Cemetery account / 370.04 / 17.62 / 352.42 / Ddb / 5023
Allianz Insurance plc / Motors insurance premium / 1961.63 / 1961.63 / 105577 / 5022
Matthew Charlton / Padlocks / 25.36 / 3.31 / 22.05 / 105596 / 5028
Viking Direct / Stationery / 17.14 / 2.24 / 14.90 / 105597 / 5047
Viking Direct / Catering / 47.78 / 47.78 / 105597 / 5028
Trees Please Ltd / Trees for woodland area / 256.29 / 33.44 / 222.85 / 105598 / 5029
J T Dove ltd / Sand / 68.89 / 8.99 / 59.90 / 105599 / 5061
BT Payment Services / Account / 112.15 / 13.45 / 98.70 / 105578 / 5032
BT broadband / Account / 103.50 / 13.50 / 90.00 / 105582 / 5032
Derek’s shoe bar / Engraving shield / 8.00 / 1.04 / 6.96 / 105600 / 5044
W W & A T C Davidson / Woodland fee refunded 2002/110 & 111 / 892.00 / 892.00 / 105601 / 4003
Npower / Floodlighting / 110.99 / 5.29 / 105.70 / Ddb / 5013
Cleveland Cable Company / Cable for WC/Offices / 4889.11 / 105583 / 5061
Cleveland Cable Company / Cable rollers hire / 230.00 / 30.00 / 200.00 / 105584 / 5061
Matthew Charlton / Barrier tape / 20.77 / 2.71 / 18.05 / 105603 / 5061
Northumbrian Water / Water rates / 222.59 / 222.59 / 105604 / 5030



Payee / Detail / Cheque amount / VAT / Net of VAT / Cheque number / Ref.
D Tiffin / Postages refund / 53.97 / 53.97 / 105605 / 5045
Staff wages / December / 8647.40 / 8647.40 / 105606/612 / 5049
NCC Local Govt. Pension Scheme / December / 2130.47 / 2130.47 / 105613 / 5050
HM Revenue & Customs / PAYE 9 / 2511.91 / 2511.91 / 105614 / 5049
Assettrac Ltd / 100 electronic grave markers / 1144.25 / 149.25 / 995.00 / 105615 / 5029
Furniture@work Ltd / 30 seats [R/Day] / 275.14 / 35.89 / 239.25 / 105616 / 5048
Robson Print Ltd / Laminate notices / 28.00 / 3.65 / 24.35 / 105617 / 5048
Tynedale Gallery / Framing certificates / 33.00 / 33.00 / 105618 / 5044
Purdy‘s skip hire / 1 lift allotments / 152.69 / 19.92 / 132.77 / 105620 / 5016
Purdy‘s skip hire / 1 lift Cemetery / 152.69 / 19.92 / 132.77 / 105620 / 5028
Purdy‘s skip hire / 1 Lift - Builder / 152.69 / 19.92 / 132.77 / 105620 / 5061
Easy Hire NE Ltd / Hire of:-
Pecker; turf cutter; excavator; scan detector / 700.44 / 88.74 / 611.70 / 105621 / 5061
Easy Hire NE Ltd / Barrier fencing; lift strap / 134.19 / 20.13 / 134.19 / 105621 / 5061
HSBC / Bank charges / 49.18 / 49.18 / Ddb / 5018
The Sawd Partnership / 10 coffins / 1552.50 / 202.50 / 1350.00 / 105622 / 5029
Henderson Fencing / Posts / 43.13 / 5.63 / 37.50 / 105623 / 5061
W & M Thompson Quarries Ltd / Top soil / 445.17 / 58.07 / 387.10 / 105624 / 5061


Payee / Detail / Cheque amount / VAT / Net of VAT / Cheque number / Ref.
Cash / Staff festive meal / 60.00 / 60.00 / 105580 / 5043
Cash / Christmas lights/tree gratuities / 100.00 / 100.00 / 105581 / 5043
L M Tiffin / Laundering/ repairing costumes / 60.00 / 60.00 / 105619 / 5043
Balance in hand / 1242.51 / 5043


Various / Cemetery fee / 110.00 / 09/88 / 031109 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 550.00 / 09/89 / 031109 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 3300.00 / 09/90 / 041109 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 440.00 / 09/91 / 091109 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 1540.00 / 09/92 / 101109 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 1155.00 / 09/93 / 121109 / 4003
Various / Allotment rentals / 325.00 / 021109 / 4001
Various / Allotment rentals / 50.00 / 031109 / 4001
Various / Allotment rentals / 50.00 / 041109 / 4001
Various / Allotment rentals / 50.00 / 121109 / 4001
Various / Allotment rentals / 50.00 / 191109 / 4001
Various / Cemetery fee / 550.00 / 09/94 / 171109 / 4003
Various / Cemetery fee / 1760.00 / 09/97 / 261109 / 4003
T Robson / Refund phone account / 12.37 / SO / 201109 / 5032
Cheque cancelled / Crawford Higgins / 1656.00 / 10553 / 021109 / 5061
Cheque cancelled / M&J Horticulture / 80.50 / 105206 / 020309 / 5021