Now I Cu, Now I Don’t
This lab activity is the culmination of our study of chemistry. Our main goals during this activity are…
- Examine a reaction and determine whether or not it is a physical or chemical change by considering the qualifiers for each.
- Determine whether ionic or covalent bonds exist between elements based on established patterns.
- Use knowledge of valence electrons to draw Lewis dot structures and show covalent and ionic bonds.
- Hypothesize products of reactions given the reactants.
- Write balanced chemical equations based on laboratory observations.
- Identify the type of chemical reactionsthat occur throughout the activity.
- State the law of conservation of matter and apply to lab observations.
- Safely light and use a Bunsen burner.
- Mass a substance accurately.
- Record detailed observations.
- Write a clear and detailed lab report.
The Scenario…
Mine owners in Utah have recently discovered a section of rock that has an unbelievably high concentration of copper ore. Even though copper is not nearly as expensive as gold it still can provide a good sum of money when sold. Mine owners have been receiving reports that someone is planning to heist the copper to sell on the black market. So the mine owners have called in the FBI.
You are a metallurgic chemist working for the FBI. It is suspected that the criminals have people working on the inside so the copper must be “disguised” as it is moved from the mine to a safer location. Your task is to “disguise” the copper powder for the trip and then recover it in its pure form.
Interesting Connections…
What is the largest open pit copper mine in the world?
How is copper extracted from rock and what is it used for? From Ore to More video -
Do people really steal copper and sell it to make money?
What science jobs are available at the FBI?
Jobs with the FBI Laboratory Services:
Applied science, engineering and technology jobs at the FBI -
What is metallurgy and what do metallurgists / metallurgical engineers do?
Action Plan / Hypotheses / Experimental Design…
Step 1:
Observations, Questions, Background Knowledge…Using Chemistry to Make Predictions…
Lewis Dot structures for each element
bond made (covalent or ionic) / show and explain
balanced chemical reaction
type of chemical reaction / explain
Experimental Design…
Detailed Observations and Results…
Step 2:
Observations, Questions, Background Knowledge…Using Chemistry to Make Predictions…
Lewis Dot structures for each element
bond made (covalent or ionic) / show and explain
balanced chemical reaction
type of chemical reaction / explain
Experimental Design…
Detailed Observations and Results…
Step 3:
Observations, Questions, Background Knowledge…Using Chemistry to Make Predictions…
Lewis Dot structures for each element
bond made (covalent or ionic) / show and explain
balanced chemical reaction
type of chemical reaction / explain
Experimental Design…
Detailed Observations and Results…