CS3 Annual Meeting
Philadelphia Marriott
March 24-26, 2003
Conference Summary
Monday, March 24
The annual CS3 conference began with a New Member Orientation provided by Brett Moulding (UT). Brett presented an overview of the organization, tools and resources that may assist with the performance of state duties. Please welcome Tiah McKinney (MI) Roy Bevan (WA), Eric Wuersten (WA) Karen Kidwell Malphrus (KY), and Jan Mc Laughlin (NH). New members were also paired with mentors. Locate the New Member InductionCSSS PowerPoint to obtain a copy of the Orientation materials. Lunch was provided by TERC.
After lunch Jodi Pederson (NSTA) and Pat White (Triangle Coalition) presented timely information concerning the Secretary's Math and Science Initiative, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation, and the Math and Science Partnerships. Please locate the Triangle/NSTA PowerPoint to obtain further information. Members were treated to a tour/reception/dinner through Longwood Gardens sponsored by CPO and Delta.
Tuesday, March 25
Breakfast was sponsored by VIDEODISCOVERY.
Members were provided with an update on NLIST Phase IV (Leadership) activities and revisions in the Phase III (Professional Development) materials. Reports from Assessment, Leadership Attributes and Action Plan sub-groups were presented for feedback and commentary. Phase IV documents can be found at Phase III revised documents are available at Contact Peter Macedo if you have any problems with the documents or would like an NLIST CD. For the PowerPoint, locate the CS3 NLIST Meeting Phase IV presentation. Peg Steffan (NASA) also presented information about the Explorer Schools program. Holt, Rhinehart & Winston provided lunch.
Tuesday afternoon was devoted to the topic of assessment. Art Holbrook, (CCSSO), Jim Woodland, (NB), Brenda West, (WV), and Tony Heiting, (IA) presented information concerning the SCASS program. Kim Gattis provided an update on NAEP. To receive further information about NAEP, contact Kim at . Rolf Blank (CCSSO) also provided an update concerning resources available at CCSSO and the new project "Building from the Research: Envisioning Quality Science Assessments" at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) that is being funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Rolf's email address is . To get more information about the NAS project contact Jay Labov at NRC or Janice Earle at NSF . Bill Tucci (NC) began the discussion of Partnerships and the Role of CS3 Membership. For more information concerning Bill's quest to gather this information from members, please contact him at .
Wednesday, March 26
Breakfast was provided by PASCO Scientific.
Pat White provided a legislative update (Legislative Handbook 03/Triangle Coalition Part II). Gerry Wheeler and Scott May from NSTA provided an update on NSTA's activities and their new initiative "Science Objects". Susan Koba provided information about the new NSTA position paper on Leadership in Science Education. To view the paper, see NSTA Position Statement onLeadership in Science Education. For more information, locate the NSTA Mission PowerPoint. Eugenie C. Scott, Executive Director for the National Center for Science Education presented "The Slippery Slope to Creationism". To obtain this information, locate the series of four PowerPoints. Tom Gadson gave a presentation about the Eishenhower National Clearing House. For more information, contact Tom . Right before lunch the council members voted on the candidates for Secretary: Chris Comer (TX) and Marcie Hickman (OK); and the candidates for Director at Large: Richard Vineyard (NV) and Kevin (ID). Our new Secretary is Chris Comer and our new Director at Large is Richard Vineyard. Texas Instruments provided lunch.
During the Annual Business Meeting, all attendees were presented with a paperweight to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the council. Marsha Weingarner (FL) read the minutes and CJ Evans (MO) gave the Financial Status report. Each Director at Large board member reported on their yearly activities and accomplishments. Jim Woodland (NB) provided an update on the Presidential Awards program. For more information, please locate the Woodland word document titled PAESMT CS3 Information.
Bob Davis (AL) presented an update on the Elementary Safety Project. For more information, please locate the Davis word document. Jack Gerlovich (IA) updated the members concerning the National School Science Safety Indexing Project. To obtain more information, locate the Gerlovich word document. The meeting closed after a plaque was presented to outgoing secretary, Marsha Winegarner, outgoing Director at Large Phyllis Barnhart (WV) and outgoing President, Jim Woodland. Pearson Prentice Hall and Scott Foresman sponsored the All States Smorgasbord.
Next year's Annual CS3 Meeting will be held in Atlanta GA, April 1-4. Hope you can join us there!
Linda Jordan
Tennessee Department of Education
5th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower
710 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243-0379
Phone: (615) 532-6285
Fax: (615) 532-8536