RE-STOCKING ASSOCIATIONS including 2013 Amendments.
The Federation of Co. Cork Gun Clubs and Game Re-stocking Association was founded in 1960. The initiative was provided by the Waterfall & Bishopstown Game Re-stocking Association whose Chairman, Mr. Con Finn issued an open invitation to all the then known gun clubs and game protection associations in the County to attend a meeting with a view to cater for the needs of the shooting and conservation organisations whose aims and objectives with regards the sport of shooting and conservation were similar and who realised that unless steps were taken to form a countrywide organistaion capable of safeguarding the sport of shooting, game and wildfowl and their habitat their future would be in serious jeopardy.
The founding organisations were, Waterfall & Bishopstown G.R.A., Munster Game Protection Association, Bandon Game Protection Association, Little Island, Knockraha and District Gun Clubs, Mitchelstown Gun Clubs, Mourneabbey Gun Club, Charleville Gun Club, Kilmacoom G.P.A., BallymartleRiverstick G.R.A., Newmarket Gun Club and Kanturk Gun Club.
The Federation is concerned with sporting-shooting, particularly in respect of rough shooting and wildfowling and with the conservation and legal protection of game birds, wildfowl and other birds.
It has a President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Safety Officer and affiliated organisations.
Including changes and amendments to the original Constitution ratified in January 1965 and amended on April 2011.
- Title:-
Federation of County Cork Gun Clubs and Game Re-stocking Associations (hereinafter referred to as “The Federation of Co. Cork Gun Clubs).
- Aims and Objectives:-
The main objective for which the Federation is established is to promote the sport of shooting.
- Subsidiary Objectives:-
- To safeguard and promote the interests of its member clubs.
3.2 To co-ordinate the efforts of member clubs in their work of game re-stocking and control of
3.3To act in full co-operation with the Regional Game Councils.
3.4To represent the interests of member clubs in dealing with Ministerial Departments and other Statutory Bodies.
3.5To help member clubs or societies by the provision in various forms of the fullest and most up-to-date information on all problems of game conservation, preservation and vermin control.
3.6To remove causes of friction between member clubs by defining boundaries, or by arranging for arbitration in cases of dispute between member clubs.
3.7To facilitate social activities among member clubs and to work in harmony with all other Associations and Societies with like objectives.
- Membership:-
4.1 Membership shall be open to all Gun Clubs and Game Protection Associations, which are approved by the Minister for Fisheries and/or by the Federation and whose objectives broadly correspond to that of the Federation. The Federation at all times reserves the right to refuse acceptance or affiliation of any club if it so desires.
All members of gun/game clubs, which are affiliated to the Federation, must be members of the
N.A R.G.C Game hunting compensation Fund.
4.2 Application for membership must be forwarded to the Federation and the club or association must be duly proposed and seconded, the club proposed shall then be elected a member of the Federation by two-thirds of the Executive Committee present or two-thirds of those present at any Ordinary, or Annual Meeting.
4.3Each member Association shall send two delegates to the Annual General Meeting, which shall be held during the month of April each year. A.G.M. attendance is obligatory on all of the affiliated clubs.
4.4Each member club or association shall send two official delegates to four General Meetings held each year.
4.5The Federation may, in the absolute discretion of the Executive Committee extend the privilege of affiliation to any organisation whose objects in the opinion of the Executive Committee broadly correspond with the objects of the Federation. Affiliation shall not be granted to any such organistaion unless its rules provide for the following:-
The taking out and maintaining of the N.A.R.G.C game hunting Compensation Fund.
4.6The membership of any club or association of the Federation may be cancelled if the club or association offends in any way against the aims and objectives of the Federation.
- Management:-
- The affairs of the Federation shall be managed by an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the officers of the Federation together with a Committee of not less than eight members. All Officers shall be Honorary, except those who shall be salaried as directed by the Executive Committee.
- All members of the Executive and Trustees will have to be fully paid up members of the compensation fund.
- The Executive Committee and the Officers of the Federation, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Recording Secretary shall be elected by postal vote at the General Meeting. Nomination for the election of the Honorary Officers and the members of the Executive Committee must be forwarded to the Federation Secretary, duly signed by the Chairman and Hon Secretary of the nominating club or association not less than twenty one(21) days before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.
5.4The quorum for meeting of the Executive Committee shall be two officers and three Committee Members, provided that all Committee Members have been duly notified of the time and place of the meeting.
5.5The Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt members, appoint Sub-Committees and fill vacancies of at least six members of the Committee.
5.6Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without giving a satisfactory explanation shall automatically cease to be a member of the Executive Committee.
5.7All Honorary Officers may be reimbursed their reasonable expenses properly incurred whilst carrying out and in the course of their duties to the Federation.
5.8The duties of the Hon. Secretary shall be to keep or cause to be kept, correctly, the Minutes, to record all proceedings of the Federation to conduct all correspondence, to keep Registers and generally to perform all duties incident to the office of Hon. Secretary.
5.9The duties of the Hon. Treasurer shall be to pay all monies received by or on behalf of the Federation into a current banking account to the credit of the Federation and all cheques shall be signed jointly by him and the Chairman.
5.10The Chairman (or in his absence the Vice Chairman) may instruct the Hon. Secretary to convene a meeting of the Executive Committee on as many occasions as he considers necessary but not less than three times each year. Not less than 10 day’snoticeof each meeting shall be given in writing to each and every member of the Executive Committee.
5.11Three Trustees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. It shall be obligatory however that all nominations for the position of trustee must be first approved by two-thirds majority of the executive.
- Administration:-
The governing body of the Federation shall be the club voting delegates at the Annual General Meeting.
- Annual & General Meeting:-
- (i) The time and place of the Annual General Meeting shall be decided by:-
The Executive Committee.
(ii) A minimum of four general meetings shall be held in each year.
7.2Only current paid up members of the club may vote and address the Annual General Meeting.
7.3The member clubs shall receive at least (10) days notice of the time, place and agenda of the Annual General Meeting.
7.4The Honorary Secretary shall provide a written report for distribution at the Annual General Meeting on the year’s activities.
7.5The Honorary Treasurer shall provide a written report on the Statement of Accounts for distribution at the Annual General Meeting on the year’s activities. These reports shall have to have the approval and sanction of the Executive Committee before circulation.
7.6The Chairman of any General Meeting shall have the power to exercise in his own absolute discretion, to adjourn any such meeting for such time and place as he may decide.
7.7At any General Meeting a declaration by the Chairman of the meeting that a resolution has been carried or not shall be conclusive evidence of the fact.
7.8The Minutes of all meetings both Executive and General shall be taken by the Hon. Secretary or the Recording Secretary and entered into the official Minutes and signed by the Chairman of the meeting at the following meeting of the Executive or the Federation and when so signed shall be conclusive evidence of the matters therein recorded.
- Extra-ordinary General Meeting:-
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to convene at any time an Extra-ordinary General Meeting of the Federation.
8.2An Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by written application to the Hon. Secretary by one-third of the member clubs of the Federation. Such meeting shall be called within fourteen days (14) of receipt of the required signed request.
8.3All member clubs shall receive seven days notice of the time and place and the Agenda of such meeting.
- Affiliation Fees:-
- The Annual Affiliation Fee shall be decided at each Annual General Meeting.
9.2The Annual Affiliation Fee shall fall due on the 30th April each year.
- Misconduct Suspension and Expulsion:-
- Should the conduct of any memberclub or association affiliated to the Federation be in breach of the rules of the constitution of the federation, the executive committee shall be empowered to sanction, suspend and/or expel such member, club or association from the Federation.
10.2All complaints relating to the conduct of a club or associate referred to in Paragraph A shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee who shall in meeting enquire into such complaints.
10.3If in the opinion of the Executive Committee the complaint in question may warrant suspension, expulsion, or other disciplinary action, the club or association shall be so informed in writing.
The club or association shall then have the right to present at a meeting of the Executive board dealing with the matter and/or make written submission which shall be read at such meeting.
10.4The Officer Board, if not otherwise able to resolve the matter, shall then place all relevant information before a meeting of the Executive Committee.
10.5If after making such further enquiries and conducting such further hearings, if any, as it considers necessary into the conduct of the member, club or association and hearing such explanations or contradiction and evidence in support thereof, if any, it may offer, the Executive board decides its conduct has not been explained or accounted for to its member, club or association, the Executive board instead, by a simple majority of the board present, suspend the member, club or association for such period as it sees fit to impose such sanction as it considers. Should a simple majority of the board present not be satisfied that the charges of misconduct have been proved no further action shall betaken.
10.6If no explanation or contradiction of clubs or association conduct shall be given by the member, or if the Executive board shall consider such explanation or contradiction unsatisfactory, it may, by simple majority of the Executive board members present, expel the club or association.
10.7When the Committee has resolved that a member, club or association be suspended or expelled or be subject to other sanction, such club or association shall, within seven (7) days of the date of the decision, be given notice in writing by the Honorary Secretary, of the decision of the Executive Board by Registered Post of such notice. Such club or association shall have the right of appeal against the decision, within fourteen (14) days of the date of the decision. The appeal shall be notified in writing and/or handed personally, to the Honorary Secretary.
10.8Notice of an appeal having been given, the decision shall not take effect for a period of twenty eight days (28) from the date of the decision and the Member club or association shall have the right to have the appeal heard at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Federation to be held within twenty eight (28) days of the decision.
10.9A decision of the Committee under this rule shall stand unless and until an appeal is received against it. Provided an appeal has been received, the expulsion, suspension or other sanction shall not take effect, pending the holding of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
10.10The memberclub or association expelled shall cease to be a member of the Federation and forfeit all rights and privileges of Membership.
10.11All voting under this rule shall by secret Ballot.
10.12Membership of the Federation shall only be restored to suspended or expelled club or association by a voting majority of the Executive board or by a two thirds majority at a General, Annual or Extra-ordinary meeting of the Federation.
- Finance:-
- All funds of the Federation shall be lodged in a bank in the name of the Federation.
11.2All payments from the Federation funds shall be made by cheque only signed by the Hon. Treasurer and or Hon. Secretary/Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairman of the Federation.
11.3No payment may be made unless invoices are presented to and approved by the executive Committee.
11.4Annual Statements of Account shall be presented to the Governing body, i.e. delegates to the Federation at the Annual General Meeting.
11.5The Federation, through the Executive Committee may purchase invest in, deal or sell securities, stocks, shares, land (freehold or leasehold), rights in land, sporting rights, acquire or dispose of any copyright, royalties, designs, patents, trademarks or the income there from, erect or maintain buildings, advertising devices or club premises for the Federation, borrow or lend money without security or enter into any financial transaction which in the opinion of the Executive Committee will be of benefit to or is necessary for the welfare of the Federation or will advance its aims and objectives.
11.6The Federation through the Executive Committee may sanction the promotion of or participation in either directly or indirectly any lawful contest, competition, raffle, lottery or sweepstake in order to benefit its funds.
11.7The Federation through the Executive Committee in order to further the objects of the Federation or benefit its funds, may organize and promote and assist in organizing and promoting any social event, dinner, reception entertainment, lecture, meeting, exhibition or sporting competition and may provide and deal in food, drink and tobacco and apply for licences to do so and may further do anything which is ancillary or appears necessary for carrying into effect any such activity or purpose.
11.8Annual accounts shall be kept and made available to the Revenue Commissioners on request.
- Income and Property:-
12.1The income and property of the organisation shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its main object(s) as set forth in the Constitution. No portion of the Federation’s income and property shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of a dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to the members of the Federation. No officer shall be appointed to any office of the Federation paid by salary or fees, or receive any remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth from the Federation in respect of such office. However, nothing shall prevent any payment in good faith by the Federation of:
a)reasonable and proper remuneration to any member, officer or servant of the Federation (not being an officer) for any services rendered to the Federation:
b)interest at a rate not exceeding 5% per annum on money lent by Officers or other members of the Federation to the Federation:
c)reasonable and proper rent for premises demised and let by any member of the Federation (including any Officer) to the Federation:
d)reasonable and proper out- of -pocket expenses incurred by any Officer in connection with their attendance to any matter affecting the Federation:
e)fees, remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth to any Company of which an Officer may be a member holding not more than one hundredth part of the issued capital of such Company:
- Winding Up:-
13.1If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Federation there remains, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, it shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Federation. Instead, such property shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having main objects similar to the main objects of the Federation. The institution or institutions to which the property is to be given or transferred shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among its or their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Federation under or by virtue of Clause 12 (Income and Property Clause) hereof. The governing body of theFederation shall select the relevant institution or institutions at or before dissolution, and if and so far as effect cannot be given to such provisions, then the property shall be given or transferred to some charitable object.
- Changes to the Constitution:-
- Changes or amendments of this Constitution shall be made only by a duly convened General Meeting or an Extra-Ordinary General meeting of the Federation.
14.2Notice of proposals to change or amend the Constitution shall be submitted in writing together with the name of the club or association and the name of the proposer and seconder (being the two delegates form the club) to the Executive Committee twenty one (21) days prior to the date appointed for the General Meeting or the Extra-Ordinary Meeting.
14.3Proposals to change the Constitution shall be effective only when passed by two- thirds of those present and voting at such General Meeting referred to in Paragraph A.
14.4No addition, alteration or amendment shall be made to the provision of this Constitution for the time being in force unless the same shall have been previously approved in writing by the Revenue Commissioners.
- Practices & Procedures:-
- Membership Applications
All applications for membership shall be completed on the Federations Official Application Form and forwarded to the Hon. Secretary.
Notice of the receipt of the application shall be forwarded to the clubs near or adjacent to the applicant club or association for comment or objection.