The Congregational Assets Inventory is broken in to five parts:


Human Care and Outreach

Worship, Christian Education, and Small Groups

Stewardship, Fellowship, and Recreation


Take all or a few of the inventories. The information can be used to help identify the many blessings God has already provided your congregation as you move to create new or expand/strengthen existing social service outreach ministries. Enjoy!

This list is not all-inclusive. The idea is to include items that may be used to further your ministry and enhance partnerships. If you have equipment that you believe needs to be included, please record it in the boxes marked "other". Please do not include anything that is not in working order or is outdated or school equipment on this survey.

1. Does your fellowship hall/ meeting room equipment include folding chairs?


No [Skip to 3]

2. How many folding chairs do you have?

3. Does your equipment include any round tables or card tables?


No [Skip to 5]

4. How many round or card tables do you have?

Round tables
Card tables

5. Does you equipment include any 6- or 8- foot rectangular tables?


No [Skip to 7]

6. How many rectangular tables do you have?

Number of 6- foot rectangular tables
Number of 8- foot rectangular tables

7. Do you have any of the following fellowship hall/meeting room equipment? (Please check all that apply)


Newsprint easels

Picture easels (have pegs or a narrow shelf to hold a picture or flat object)

Black/ white board on wheels


Other, please specify

8. Please indicate the equipment found in your congregation's kitchen (Please check all that apply).

We don't have a kitchen



Commercial Ice Maker

Commercial Dishwasher



Kitchen Cart on Wheels

Popcorn machine

Snow cone maker

Coffee maker for 40+ cups

Other, please specify

9. Please indicate if you have any of the following audio/ visual equipment (Please check all that apply).

Portable sound equipment

Portable projection screen

Data projector

Wheeled cart for data projector and computer


TV on movable cart with safety strap

Large screen TV

DVD player

Multimedia cart

Karaoke machine

Other, please specify

10. Please indicate the equipment found in your church office (Please check all that apply).


Large copier


Desk top copier

Computer printer

Folding machine

Collating machine


Laminating machine

Postage meter

Electric stapler

Spiral binding machine

Paper cutter

Other, please specify

11. Does your church possess any of the following musical instruments? (Please check all that apply)

Hand Bells


Trumpets and horns

Traditional drum set

Ethnic drums

Rhythm instruments

Orff instruments



Baby grand piano

Grand Piano

Electronic organ

Pipe organ

Other, please specify

12. Does your church have any of the following music-related items? (Please check all that apply)

Music stands

Hand Bell tables

Library of sheet music

All God's People Sing songbooks

Adult choir robes

Children's choir robes

Other, please specify

13. Please indicate if your church has any of the following outdoor sports equipment items (Please check all that apply).

Playground balls


Soccer balls






Tether balls

Games painted on asphalt (four square, etc.)

Soccer goals


Field stripers

Permanent basketball goals

Portable basketball goals

Horseshoe pits

Washer games

Other, please specify

14. Does your church have any of the following indoor sports equipment? (Please check all that apply)

Permanent basketball goals

Portable basketball goals

Tumbling mats

Juggling equipment

Bean bags

Carnival games (ring toss, go fish, etc.)

Sand/ water table

Dart ball boards and equipment

Other, please specify

15. Does your Sanctuary equipment include any of the following items?

Plant stands


Banner stands

American flag

Christian flag

Processional Cross

Funeral Pall

Other, please specify

16. Does your church have any of the following educational equipment items? (Please check all that apply)

Collection of Bible studies

Adult library books

Children's library books

Adult education videos and DVDs

Children's educational videos and DVDs

Adult educational tapes and CDs

Children's educational tapes and CDs

Children's Sing-along Christian songs tapes and CDs

Flannelgraph sets

Bible story poster sets

Bible map sets

Bible bingo

Bible games for children

Other, please specify

17. What kinds of equipment for plays and presentations does your congregation possess?

Christian clowning materials


Puppet scripts

Puppet skit CDs

Puppet stage

Children's Bible costumes

Adult Bible costumes

Props for staging Biblical scenes

Collection of Christian plays- Children

Collection of Christian plays- Youth

Collection of Christian plays- Adult

Collection of Christmas Children's programs

Other, please specify

18. Please list your church's nursery equipment- not used by a child day care program (Please check all that apply).


Changing table


Rocking chair

Infant toys

Toddler toys

Other, please specify

19. Does your church have any of these Human Care equipment items? (Please check all that apply)





Blood Pressure Monitor

Medical Loan equipment: wheelchairs

Medical Loan equipment: electric wheelchair

Medical Loan equipment: walker

Medical Loan equipment: shower bench

Medical Loan equipment: transfer bench

Medical Loan equipment: crutches

Medical Loan equipment: commodes

Other, please specify

20. Does your church own any of the following transportation equipment? (Please check all that apply)

Small van

15-passenger van

Small bus

School bus

Other, please specify