RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
Month/Season: NovemberClass:Primary 1Level: Early
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Reign of God
RERC 0‐20a
I know that God invites us to show love to others.
HWB 0-04a
I understand that my feelings and reactions
can change depending upon what is
happening within and around me. This helps
me to understand my own behaviour and the
way others behave.
HWB 0-05a
I know that friendship, caring, sharing,
fairness, equality and love are important in
building positive relationships. As I develop
and value relationships, I care and show
respect for myself and others.
HWB 0-14a
I value the opportunities I am given to make
friends and be part of a group in a range of
situations. / GLP
I can name the people in my family who love me and to whom I show love.
I am beginning to understand that God loves everybody and wants me to show love to others.
I can show love by being kind and respectful to my friends and family. / Home - *Ask the children to bring in some pictures of people in their family. This can include extended family. People who are special to them. Teacher should bring a photograph of their family to share with the children.
Class – Ask the children to share their photographs with each other explaining who each person is and their role in the family. We are members of God’s family also. What do you think this means? Who gets to be in God’s family?
What is a family? Why do you think God made families? (To love us, to guide us, to help us, to teach us etc.) We are going to listen to a story from the Bible about family. It is about a man called Abraham and a lady called Sarah.
Read the story of Abraham and Sarah (attached to planner). Place the printed version inside the Bible to highlight to the children that this story comes from sacred scripture.
Discuss – Abraham and Sarah wanted children very much indeed. Why do you think this was? What did Abraham do? (He prayed) What did God do? (He listened and responded). How did Abraham and Sarah feel at the start of the story? How did they feel at the end after they had prayed to God for help?
Children should colour the image (attached to the planner) of Abraham and Sarah with the baby. This should be cut and pasted into their jotter. Children will copy from the board the following:
“Thank-you for our family”
Class – Children will create a picture of themselves using the template attached to the planner. These can be completed using colouring pens and a variety of craft materials (fabric, wool, tissue paper etc). Each one is then joined together with string and hung on the wall above the class altar with a sign ‘We all belong to God’s Family’.
KEY VOCABULARY: Family, love, respectful, friends / Letter hone requesting photographs
Teacher photograph
Whole school approaches: being playground friends, Pupil
Council, Eco Committee
Quality Circle Time Unit 1 - Core Values; Unit 6 - Relationships
Unit 8 - Bullying
Lenten/Advent promises
Developing an understanding of helping others through
supporting work of Mission Matters Scotland, Mary’s Meals
God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 1, Worksheets 5, 5a
Story of Abraham and Sarah (attached to planner)
Colouring Page (attached to planner)
Child outline template
Art Materials
Teacher made banner / Children will have some understanding of what it means to be part of a family. They will understand that they are part of God’s family.
Children will understand that God loves everybody and wants us to show love to others.
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Reign of God
RERC 0‐21a
I can respond to stories that reflect Christian values.
Word of God
RERC 0-11a
I am aware of some Bible stories / I have experienced opportunities to listen to and share my responses to stories that reflect the Christian values of friendship, caring and love that God shows His people.
With the help of my teacher, I can identify times when these values have been shown in my playground, home and classroom interactions.
I know that, when I demonstrate these Christian values of friendship, caring and kindness, I am living as God wants me to.
I can hear, recall, and respond to one of the following passages from the Old Testament: Noah’s Ark Genesis 6.
I know that God’s holy book is called The Bible. / Class – Teacher should read the book ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ by Sam McBratney. Encourage the children to act out the different movements of Big Nutbrown Hare. Discuss the story. Why are friends important to us? How can we show our friends that we love them? How do you know when someone is your friend? How would it feel to have no friends?
Close your eyes and think into yourself. Is there anyone who you know that doesn’t have friend? Perhaps they are difficult to get along with or just very shy. How could you be a friend to them remembering how bad it would feel to have no friends? God wants us to be friends with everyone that we meet. He wants us to be kind and caring to each other.
Children can complete the colouring page attached to planner.
Children can make a simple paper friendship bracelet that they can wear themselves or give to a member of their family or a friend.
(Template attached to planner).
Class – Jesus had special friends. Does anyone know what special name they were given? (disciples) Does anyone know how many disciples there were? (Twelve). Do you know any of their names?
Class – We are going to listen to the story of Noah. (Child friendly version attached to planner. Please place inside the Bible to read so the children are aware that the passage comes from holy scripture.)
After reading; Who in our story today followed God’s instructions? What did God tell Noah to build? What is an ark? Why did God tell Noah to build the ark? Children should complete the one to one correspondence worksheet attached, ‘Help Noah pair up the animals’.
Class – Children should complete the sequencing worksheet in groups. (attached to planner)
Class – Children can learn and sing the song ‘The animals came in two by two’. Words and music can be accessed at the following website (scroll down for slower backing version).
Playground/Hall – Animals of the Ark Pair Card Game. The teacher gives one card to each child randomly. The child should look at their card and keep the animal secret and hidden. Children have five minutes to find their partner by making the animal sound only (they must not show the card!). They will then wait until Noah (the teacher) Calls them in two by two. (Cards attached to planner).
KEY VOCABULARY: Christian values, friendship, caring, kindness, love, Holy Book, Bible, Old Testament. / ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ book.
Colouring page (attached to planner)
Friendship Bracelet template (attached to planner)
Child friendly version of Noah’s Ark (attached to planner)
One to one Correspondence Sheet (attached to planner)
Internet access
Animal Pair Card Game (attached to planner) / Children will be able to respond to stories that the reflect Christian values of friendship, love and caring.
They will demonstrate ways in which they follow these values in their lives.
Children will be able to retell the story of Noah’s Ark.
They will know that this story comes from the Bible.
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Hours of God
RERC 0‐17a
I have experienced liturgy as a community event. / I have been given opportunities to celebrate liturgy as part of my class, my school and my parish. / School – Children will participate in a mass for the Holy Souls at the beginning of November where they will participate in the sign of the cross and the sign of peace.
School - Children will participate in a stage prayer service of Remembrance. (Attached to planner).
KEY VOCABULARY: liturgy / Copy of Prayer Service of Remembrance (attached to planner) / Children will participate in some parts of the liturgy of the mass.
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
The Story of Abraham and Sarah
(Children's Version)
This should be placed inside the Bible as you read to highlight to the children that this comes from sacred scripture.
Once there was a man named Abram. One day the Lord came to talk to Abram, and Abram asked, "Who will have all my things when I die".
God promised Abram and his wife Sarai that one day they would be parents, even though they were old and had no children.
God wasn't sure that Abram understood. So that night He took him outside, and said, "Do you see all the stars that are in the sky"? When Abram looked up, the whole night sky was full of stars, so many in fact that he would never be able to count them. Then God said, "That is how many children you will have".
Quite a few years later when Abram was ninety-nine years old (older than even your grandparents) the Lord decided to change Abram's name to Abraham, which means "father of many." He also changed Sarai’s name to Sarah.
God told them again that they would be parents and that they would have a boy. This time Abraham laughed so hard he fell on his face! It was hard to believe that he and Sarah would have a child in their old age.
One day three visitors came to Abraham's house. He hurried to meet them. "May I get you something to eat and drink?" Abraham asked. "Please come in and join us, and have a rest on the couch."
The visitors agreed, so Abraham brought them some fresh bread, milk, and meat.
While the visitors were eating, they asked Abraham, "Where is your wife Sarah?" Abraham thought this was a little strange, but he replied, "She's in the other room".
Then one of the men spoke and said, "I will come back to see you at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son."
Now Sarah was listening behind the living room door. She started to laugh, but covered her mouth and laughed to herself because she didn't want to be heard. Then she said to herself, "How can I have a child, I'm almost one hundred years old?"
Later when the visitors had left, Abraham and Sarah realized that the man who had told them this was indeed God.
A year later Sarah did have a son and she and Abraham named him Isaac, which means "he laughs."
They were very excited, and remembered to thank God for Isaac.
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
Abraham and Sarah Colouring Image
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
Noah’s Ark
Once there was an old man who had a veeeery looong beard. He was the only nice person in the whole neighborhood. He worshipped and obeyed God all the time. Then one day, God spoke to him.
"Noah, you know what? I'm tired of all your neighbors being so selfish and mean. They don't even know how to share or take care of other people who are poor. They just think about themselves all the time. I tell you what. I would like you to have a new neighborhood, and this is what I am going to do. I will take you to a new place in an ark, because I like you. I will make it rain for forty days and forty nights. There will be a great flood, but you and your family and all the animals will be safe."
Noah was surprised and asked, "What's an ark?"
God replied, "It's like a boat, but very big. You will have to make it. (As you read the next line, make long steps from one side of the room to the other) It should be wide, and this long, (Then jump and stretch your arm to the ceiling) and this tall. You also have to make it out of very special wood. And you have to do this right away!"
Noah squinted and looked at the sky. "Oh, oh!", he said. "I better get going! Mrs. Noah! Mrs. Noah! We need to have food, blankets and hay for the animals. God said it is going to rain for a long, long, long time. There will be a great flood, so hurry!"
"But how will we live through a great flood?" Mrs. Noah asked.
Noah said, “It’s ok. I'm going to build an ark so our family and all the animals will be safe in it. So hurry and make all the preparations."
Mrs. Noah asked, "What is an ark?"
"You'll know what it is when it's done," Noah replied.
And so Noah built his ark. It was so long, and so wide and so tall. It had a window and a big huge door. All of his neighbors laughed at him. "What's that silly thing Noah is making?" they would ask. "It looks enormous, and like a boat, but there are no oceans or rivers in sight. No water anywhere." And they kept on laughing.
Noah finally finished the ark and as soon as he did, the clouds started to cover the sun. He heard God's voice again, "Noah, it's time to go!"
So Noah gathered up the animals, two dogs, two cats, two lions, and two rats. He gathered two tigers, two bears, two of every animal in sight. Some of them just went right into the ark, but Noah had to trick others. After everyone was inside, God closed the door.
Inside the boat, Noah's family could see how the sky was getting darker and darker. It became scary and quiet. Then, Noah heard it. A drop, then a second drop, then a third, then another and another, and they came faster and faster, and bigger and louder. After a few minutes, it became a huge storm. The dry land started to get soaked in water. It rained and rained without stopping. After two days of rain, the ark started to float and still the rain kept pouring down. Soon the ark was in the middle of a large ocean. It rained more and more without stopping, for forty days and forty nights. Just like God said it would.
Then suddenly, it stopped! The sun began to shine, so Noah sent out a raven to find dry land, but it came back to the ark. He waited a few more days and sent out a dove. It came back with a leaf in its beak. Then he sent the dove out again. He waited for many days but the dove never came back.
"Wow, the storm must really be over!" Noah cried. "I think it's safe to come out now."
"Finally," shouted one of Noah's sons, "The animals are starting to stink up the place."
"Alright then, let's open the door and go out."
Noah and his family and all the animals marched out from the ark to dry land. There was no one else around. Then Noah realized, “so this is the new neighborhood God was talking about.” He had a lot of work to do.
"We better get started," said Mrs. Noah.
"Yes, but first things first," Noah said, "We need to give God an offering to show him how thankful we are for saving us from the flood." So Noah gave God an offering, and God was very, very pleased with him.
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
Help Noah pair up the animalsDraw a line connecting each animal pair.
RERC Planner: November Primary: 1
Animal Pair Cards
These cards should be cut out and laminated for future use.
These card can also (when laminated) be used as a face down pair game.
You will need this page and the following page to have a full set of cards.
Animal Pair Cards - Page