University of the Pacific
GladysL.BenerdSchool of Education
Graduate Assistantships in 2016-2017
Purposes andResponsibilities / The primary purpose of a Graduate Assistantship is to help talented graduate students engage in full-time graduate study for at least a year or two in their Master’s, Educational Specialist (Ed.S.), or Doctoral degree programs. At the same time, Graduate Assistants support the School of Education in a variety of ways by assuming the following kinds of responsibilities:
- Supervising field experiences, student teaching, or internships
- Providing technical and staff support in the School’s Flexible Learning Classroom
- Staffing the Testing Office in the Department of Educational and School Psychology
- Working on special School or department projects
- Supporting faculty in their research and teaching
- Supporting Student Writing Center in tutoring students
- Supporting director of Student Affairs Program in BSE
Term of Contract / Three options:
- A full academic year: August 29, 2016 – May 12, 2017
- Fall Semester only: August 29, 2016 – December 16, 2016
- Spring Semester only: January 17, 2017 – May 11, 2017
Work Requirements and Financial Benefits in 2016-2017 / Two options:
- Full-Time Graduate Assistantship (20 hours of work each week)
semester ($1377/unit)
-A stipend each semester (paid semi-monthly) $ 6,505
Total Academic Year Value: $37,795
- Half-Time Graduate Assistantship (10 hours of work each week)
semester ($1377/unit)
-A stipend each semester (paid semi-monthly) $ 3,352
Total Academic Year Value: $18,898
Eligibility / A Graduate Assistant must be enrolled in a Master’s degree, Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree, or Doctoral degree program in the School of Education. He or she cannot be employed full-time by any other organization, cannot be enrolled in student teaching or in a paid internship, and cannot participate in the Project Teach Scholarship Program for Graduate Students in Education.
Application Process / Submit the following to the Dean’s Office in the Gladys L. Benerd School of Education:
- A letter of interest in being appointed a Graduate Assistant, including prior academic degrees and work experience (resume), academic goals, and other academic qualifications
- A completed “Graduate School Application for Teaching Assistantship,” which can be obtained in the Dean’s Office in the Benerd School of Education, any department office in the School, or the GraduateSchool.
Contact Person / Sue Erickson, Assistant to the Dean
Office of the Dean
GladysL.BenerdSchool of Education
University of the Pacific
3601 Pacific Avenue
Stockton, CA95211
(209) 946-2683