2910 Avenue M, Brooklyn, New York 11210
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Immediately following the Mass at 9 o'clock in the morning.
1.Call to Order / Opening Prayer / Acceptance of the Agenda
2.Appointment of the Officers of the Meeting
a. Secretary and Assistant Secretary
b. Tellers and Judge of the Election
3.Nominations for Warden and Vestry 2010 Pg. 3
4.Nominating Procedures and Instructions
5.Voting (Polls open for one hour by New York State Law)
6.Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 2009 Pg. 4
- State of the Parish Pg. 5
- Reports from the Committees of the Vestry of the Parish
- A Summary of Monthly Vestry Meetings Pg. 13
- Finance Committee Pg.16
- Parish Activities Pg. 21
- Property Pg. 24
- Stewardship Pg. 27
9.Parish Outreach / Statistics / Suggested Activities Pg. 28
10.Reports from the Organizations of the Parish Pg. 29
- presentation of EYAG By-Laws
11.Results of the Election (Second ballot, if necessary) Pg 38
12.Reading and Acceptance of the Minutes of the Meeting 2009 Pg 38
13. Adjournment and DismissalPg 38
14.The 2010 Calendar of Events Pg 39
15. Guidelines for Parish Organizations,
and Committees of the Vestry Pg. 40
16. A History of Our Parish Pg. 41
17.A Covenant for our MembersPg. 43
18.The VestryPg. 44
During 2009 two members of the Vestry from the class of 2011 resigned. The individual with the next highest number of votes from the 2009 election filled one position. The second position remained vacant and will be filled by the person with the next highest number of votes at the 2010 election. The person who fills this vacant position will be serving on the vestry for one year to complete the term of the member who resigned.
For the year 2010 the nominating committee, consisted of Sheryl Edwards - Chairperson, Margaret Wyke, and SA Frederick Elwin. These individuals were given the task of finding a minimum of five qualified members of the parish to fill the position of one Warden class of 2011, three vestry members for the class of 2012, and one member to fill the vacant position from the class of 2011.
The names of the following persons have been placed on the Ballot for Warden and Vestry Elections 2010:
Warden: S.A. Frederick Elwin
- Kim Grant
- Mildred Lowe
- Lydia McLean
- Yonette Smith
- Debra Sigismondo
The floor is now open for nominations for Warden and Vestry:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Submitted by the Nominating Committee Sheryl Edwards, Chairperson,Margaret Wyke, and S.A. Frederick Elwin
Minutes of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Parish Meeting with the election of
Warden and Vestry held on Sunday, January 21, 2009
Following the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 9:00AM the Thirty-ninth Annual Parish Meeting with the Election of Warden and Vestry was called to order. Thirty-nine adult members and three children of the Parish were present.
Sheryl Edwards was appointed as the Secretary of the meeting with Celloy Williams as Assistant Secretary. Lily Bhagwan, Gloria Bartholomew, Flavia Chin and Suzette Grant were appointed as Tellers, and Hazel Patterson as the Judge of the Elections.
This year the nomination committee consisted of Vinolla Dillon - Chairperson, and Larry Samuels. They provided approved nomination forms which presented Michael Pinnock and Janet Serrant-Lee for vestry and Terrence Hunte for Warden. Basyl Barrow, Junior Warden handed in his resignation, effective immediately, so that opened the floor for further nominations. There were four nominations from the floor, two for Warden, Frederick Elwin and Celloy Williams, and two for Vestry, Michelle Morris who declined and Basyl Barrow.
The Secretary then cast one ballot necessary to elect the three nominated vestry members namely, Michael Pinnock, Janet Serrant-Lee and Basyl Barrow to serve as vestry members for three years.
After instruction on the procedure for voting, the members of the Parish were invited to cast their ballots to elect the Junior Warden.
While the ballots were being tallied, the annual meeting proceeded with the reading of the minutes of the Thirty- Eight Annual Parish Meeting. The minutes were accepted as presented. The Vestry Committee reports were then presented. The Finance committee report was presented and accepted as presented.
The Parish Activities Committee report was accepted with a query about the exclusion of the Lenten Dinner and Movie Series. The Committee chair responded that this was not a committee event. The member asked that the event be added, as the money generated was included in the church budget.
The Property Committee report was accepted after some discussion with a correction; ‘a project for’ is to be replaced with ‘a proposal for’.
The Stewardship Committee report was accepted as presented.
This year reports were submitted by all the organizations of the Parish and the floor was opened for questions.
Acolytes Guild –a request was made for more adult acolytes and more acolytes at the 8:00am service
Altar Guild – A request that the carpet in the church be professionally shampooed and stretched. The Property Committee agreed to look into this.
Caring Friends – no questions.
Choir – no questions.
Church School – no questions.
Episcopal Church Women – no questions. The chairperson extended a thank you to all who assisted the organization in the last year.
Epiphany and saint Simon Band- A question on whether the band was still operational. No member was available to answer.
Health Guild – there was some discussion on the future projects which included the purchase of blood pressure equipment and fire safety. Members of the Parish will assist in these projects.
Eucharist Ministers – no questions
Lectors Guild – The chairperson made a request for more lectors at the 8:00am service.
Ushers Guild – no questions.
Youth Fellowship – no questions.
The guidelines for Parish Organizations and Committees of the Vestry, listed on page 27 of the AGM handbook, were brought to the members’ attention.
Hazel Patterson then shared the results of the election. With 39 ballots cast, (2 voided ballots), Terrence Hunte was elected to serve as Junior Warden, for two years until 2011 and Fred Elwin for one year until 2010 as Senior Warden.
There being no other concerns, a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as written. The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 with prayer and dismissal.
Respectfully submitted by Sheryl Edwards, Secretary of the Annual Parochial Meeting and Election, January 18, 2009.
State of the Parish Report
My Brothers and Sisters, it is a joy to greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
One year ago we met in this place and reviewed the progress we have made as a parish family and looked with anticipated hope and faith at the challenges that confronted us in the year 2009. Today, once again we meet, this time to review the year 2009 which has been challenging in so many ways, and to seek God’s guidance in planning for the year 2010 which will bring new challenges, new demands that as a Christian family who, having put hands on the plow, may now look ahead at what lies before us, and face its challenges not with uncertainty of the outcome. That we strive for mastery not with the hope of obtaining a corruptible crown, but rather face these challenges as Paul states in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 with the certainty of running the race and obtaining the prize, of striving for mastery in obtaining an incorruptible crown.
The year 2009 began with the resignation of the incoming Senior Warden at the 2009 AGM. This was followed by the resignation of two Vestry members during the year, and the addition of one member due to an incorrect number of persons on the Vestry. Hence the leadership team was in a continuous state of change throughout the year and this placed additional challenges on the leadership and work of the church. The Vestry is now strong and with the addition of the new members from 2010 elections, will be focused on ensuring that the mission of our Church is accomplished.
We take this opportunity to thank those members who served on the Vestry over the past year. A special thanks to those members whose term of service has expired, especially Sheryl Edwards who served six years on the Vestry and four years as Clerk of the Vestry; Margaret Wyke who served six years as Treasurer of the Church; Frederick Elwin who served one year as warden when the previous Warden resigned; and Debra Sigismondo who served for three years as a member of the Vestry. Frederick and Debra are seeking reelection as Warden and Vestry member respectively.
Spirituality and formation
The spirituality of the parish is at the center of all we are and all we do at Epiphany and Saint Simon. As stated in our mission
“We strive to be a reflection of God’s perfection through a Life of Discipleship, Service and Joyful proclamation”
In the past year we have had 82 Sunday Celebrations of Holy Eucharist with a total of 3,842 persons in attendance, 48 pastoral visits to our sick and shut in members, eight weekday services, five funerals, two baptisms and one wedding.
We hosted the Feast of Saint Luke the Patron Saint of our Deanery and welcomed members of the Deanery Churches at this service. Seven members were confirmed and one couple was married. There were two baptisms and four persons were received as members through transfers. We said farewell to four of our brothers and sisters of whom two were members of Epiphany and Saint Simon. Please stand as we remember:
Mabel DiGennaro Joyce Burton
Rest eternal grant them, O Lord.
And let light perpetual shine upon them. Amen.
As a church family we have not fully embraced Bible study as an integral part of our lives. Yes, most of us study the bible individually and enhance our daily devotions through our reading of Forward Day by Day. But as a church family we still view bible study as an addition to what we do, and for most of our groups and ministries, bible study is absent from our meeting agenda. Since bible study is important to our lives and work and is the most crucial aspect of our mission, then we must include bible study as a part of our meeting agenda in the New Year. We must work to establish Bible study as a ministry that meets weekly during 2010.
Our Music Ministry has been central to our spiritual growth and special thanks must be given to our Music Minister Mr. Kurleigh Lowe and to members of the Church Choir. Special thanks are also extended to members of the Youth Band and to the Highlite Vibes who have contributed immensely to our worship experience, and is slowly emerging as our missionary arm.
After 10 years of selfless dedication to this church our Music Minister Mr. Lowe has decided to resign effective January 24th 2010. Mr. Lowe, while we grieve at our loss we bid you God’s Blessing in your future endeavors and would like you to know there will always be a place in our Music Ministry here for you.
The numerous families that hosted coffee hour on Sundays contributed immensely to our Parish unity and fellowship. To you we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude.
Mission and Ministry
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it” Hebrews13: 1-2
While we continue to embrace the Millennium development goals, our work in mission and ministry has been carried out by
- The Caring Friends Ministry
- The Episcopal Church Women
- The Altar Guild
- The Health Guild
- The Church School
- The Epiphany Young Adults
- The Acolytes
- The Ushers Guild
While the work of these ministries will not be detailed here, we would like to express our gratitude and thanks to all of these organizations and ministries and remind and encourage each other by highlighting some of the work done in the past year.
The Caring Friends have meticulously sent out cards or flowers to those celebrating birthdays and wedding anniversaries, the sick and shut in members of our Parish, and have called members regularly. We say thank you to them and encourage them to continue this good work. The ECW and Stewardship Ministry must be applauded for coordinating the FCS program at Christmas and the distribution of all nonperishable food items collected at our Harvest
In a similar vein we thank the Health Guild, which has provided us with timely health education information and guidelines for dealing with diseases, pandemics, and preventative health care. Guest speakers and members of our own congregation addressed us on topics such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and HIN1. You have held clinics and screenings on High blood pressure and diabetes. Your stewardship was not limited to time, talent and treasure, but to ensuring that we take care of this human body created by God in his likeness. To you we say thanks.
We take it for granted that our sanctuary is always clean and prepared for worship, that the correct colored Linens, Altar cloths and vessels will be in place, yet we do not stop to say thanks to the willing hands of the Altar Guild who make this possible. To the Altar Guild we say, thank you. To Norma Richards and Marcia Hunte who tirelessly prepare the bulletins each week we say thanks. To all the members of the Parish who participated in the Parish Clean-up Day, we would like to express our profound gratitude. The day was well spent as we were able to repaint the upper and lower roofs of the Church, clean the kitchen, Sherman Room, bathrooms and the grounds of the property. We were also able to complete an inventory at the Church and the Rectory. We then enjoyed a memorable barbecue on the lawns. Let us meet again in 2010 and continue this work in our Parish.
Our Church School teachers are doing a tremendous job in keeping our youth focused on the love and mercy of the God, at a time when our youth have so many things to distract them and remove the presence of God from their lives. Your devotion to the spiritual growth of our youth through your teachings on Sundays, the seasonal retreats, pageants, visit to the sick and shut in members of the parish have not gone unnoticed. We thank you sincerely and pray that your work will continue to bear fruit. Our Acolytes can rightfully claim abandonment by the adults in the church over the past year, yet they did not give up. They have continued to serve as best as they could. We thank you for your service, and promise that more attention and focus will be given to this ministry in 2010.
We would also like to thank our Priest-in-Charge Canon Ernest Katahweire for his ministry here with us over the past three years. You came to us at a difficult time in our spiritual journey and at a time when you were personally experiencing the sickness of your late wife. As a Parish we shared with you in her sickness and death, and have learned from your faith in God that it is possible to grieve and to overcome that grief and be joyful. We have shared with you in your joy of having a new wife, and in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. And now as your contract draws to a close we would like to express our thanks to you and join in prayer and thanksgiving for your ministry here at Epiphany and Saint Simon.
Management and Finance
As a congregation we have continued to be good stewards of the environment by recycling by reducing the use of paper, electricity and water, by doing maintenance work to our physical plant, by effectively managing the financial resources you have entrusted to us. But there is much more that needs to be done. The report of the Finance Committee and Property Committee respectively found below address these respective areas of work in the past year. Of equal importance to the physical plant and finance is the church membership, their involvement and participation in the mission and ministry of the Church.
During the second quarter a survey was prepared and given to the congregation. The intention of the survey was to put focus to our mission, and to answer questions such as, how is the congregation doing? What is going well? What needs improvement? Are we being faithful to our mission? At the same time a similar questionnaire was given to the Priest-in-Charge with the intention of getting a feedback from the Priest-in-Charge with respect to critical questions such as, how is he doing? How can he do what he is doing better? Is he a good fit for this parish /community? What areas of community service need his involvement so as to fully integrate the parish into life of the community and vice versa?