NSURJ Exclusive Right to Publish Agreement
(Print names), (“Authors”), is (are) student(s) enrolled* with a member institution of the Nevada System of Higher Education (“NSHE”) or with Sierra Nevada College (“SNC”). The Authors havesubmitted a manuscript entitled:“______,”(“Manuscript”) for publication to theNevada State Undergraduate Research Journal (“NSURJ”), a journal sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno. In consideration of being allowed to have the Manuscript published in the NSURJ, the Authorshereby agrees as follows:
The Authorshereby grant NSURJ the exclusive right to publish, reproduce and distribute copies, reprints and duplications of the Manuscript, in whole or in part, in any format or media known or unknown.The Authors also grant NSURJ the non-exclusive right to archive the Manuscript asNSURJ sees fit, including but not limited to depositing Digital Object Identifiers (“DOIs”) in third party databases. The Authors understandthat no form of compensation will be given for publishing rights given to NSURJ.
The Authorswarrant that the Manuscript, or any partcontained therein, is original and has not been plagiarized, previously published, under consideration for publication, nor copyrighted by another individual or agency.The Authors warrant that the Manuscript does not violate any proprietary rights. If the Manuscript contains any material that is owned or controlled by a third party (for instance, images used in the article), the Authors warrant and represent that they have obtained permission for its use and that the material is clearly acknowledged within the text. The Authors affirmthat the Manuscript or the work contained therein is in no way dishonest, falsified, deceitful, nor defamatory.
The Authors understand that NSURJ has entered into an agreement with iThenticate, a third-party plagiarism check site, and that pursuant to said agreement NSURJ must check the Manuscript for plagiarism. NSURJ will be checking for plagiarism using CrossCheck. The Authors understandthat NSURJ reserves the right to edit or require editing to prepare the Manuscript for publication as long as the meaning of the essay is not changed. The Authors understand that acceptance to the journal does not guarantee the Manuscript’s position in the next published issue, but will be added to a pool of accepted manuscripts.
The Authors shall be solely responsible for the content of the Manuscript and shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless NSHE, the University, ASUN, and their employees, agents, and representatives, from any and all liability whatsoever for any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments, damages, losses, or injuries, including but not limited to: 1) any claim of infringement of copyrights or proprietary rights resulting from publication of the Manuscript; 2) any claim of defamation, libel, obscenity, unlawfulness or invasion of privacy based upon or arising from the Manuscript; 3) any other harmful consequence, intended or not, that may arise out of, result from, occur during, or are connected in any manner with the publication of the Manuscript.
The Authors understand that the University is a state entity governed by NRS 41.0305 to NRS 41.039, concerning liabilities and actions against the State. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, no term or condition herein shall be construed or interpreted as a waiver, express or implied, of any of the immunities, rights, benefits, protection, or other provisions of NRS 41.035, as now or hereafter amended.
*Either currently enrolled or submitting within one year of graduation.
The Authorsrecognize thatthe exclusive license to publish is given toNSURJ. The Authors retainthe copyright in the Manuscript and have the right to: 1) reproduce work; 2) prepare derivative works based upon the work; 3) distribute copies of the work; and 4) publicly perform the work. (Section 106 of the Copyright Act). The Authorsunderstand and agree that all these rights correspond to the final version of the Manuscript only, post peer-editing. The Authors’ rights may only be exercised for non-commercial purposes and must include the following citation to NSURJ: "This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in NSURJ on [date of publication], available online: DOI]."
This Publication Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nevada. Venue for any action arising hereunder shall be in Washoe County, Nevada.
By signing this Exclusive Right to Publish Agreement, the Author acknowledges and agrees to the above terms and conditions and attests to the accuracy of the information contained herein.
(Author signature)(Date)
(Author signature)(Date)
(Author signature)(Date)
(Author signature)(Date)
(Author signature)(Date)
As a principal investigator/mentor, I hereby declare that I have read this Exclusive Right to Publish Agreement and grant the Author my full permission to submit the Manuscript to NSURJ. I hereby approve the Manuscript and the research contained therein, and authorize its publication in NSURJ.
(PI/Mentor Name)(PI/Mentor Signature)(Date)
(PI/Mentor Name)(PI/Mentor Signature)(Date)
If participant is a minor:
I am the parent or legal guardian of the Participant. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this entire document, that I understand its terms, that by signing it I am giving up substantial legal rights that I or the Participant might otherwise have, and that I have signed it knowingly and voluntarily. I allow Participant to submit the Manuscript with NSURJ for publication. I understand that I am responsible for the obligations and acts of Participant as described in this document. I agree to be bound by the terms of this document.
______(Parent/Guardian Name) (Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)