Associated Teachers TV programme

The Children's Champion: Helping Children Stay Healthy and Fit

0001 10:00:00:16 10:00:04:01

(narrator) How can you reach

the next level of teaching?

0002 10:00:04:01 10:00:06:22

We challenged secondary

maths teacher Simon Brilliant

0003 10:00:06:22 10:00:09:22

to go from good to outstanding.

0004 10:00:09:22 10:00:12:22

A top inspector observes one lesson.

0005 10:00:12:22 10:00:17:21

Two experts fine-tune his practice

and beef up his presentation.

0006 10:00:17:21 10:00:20:04

He then gets two weeks

to take on the advice

0007 10:00:20:04 10:00:24:19

before the inspector comes back

for the final verdict.

0008 10:00:24:20 10:00:27:21

This has been a far greater

challenge than I thought it would.

0009 10:00:27:21 10:00:30:18

I thought it would just be a doddle.

0010 10:00:48:15 10:00:50:19

I've always had

at the back of my mind

0011 10:00:50:19 10:00:53:07

the idea that one day

I would become a teacher.

0012 10:00:53:07 10:00:55:18

Even spending ten years in IT,

0013 10:00:55:18 10:00:59:21

it was always, "This is something

I'd really enjoy doing."

0014 10:00:59:21 10:01:02:15

Simon Brilliant is in his

second year as a maths teacher

0015 10:01:02:15 10:01:06:07

at HornseySchool for Girls

in North London.

0016 10:01:06:07 10:01:08:09

How would I use

this sample space diagram

0017 10:01:08:09 10:01:11:08

to work out the probability

of getting an ace?

0018 10:01:11:08 10:01:14:11

- Is it three out of 12?

- Yes. Absolutely.

0019 10:01:14:11 10:01:18:16

To see young people getting

a new concept and understanding it,

0020 10:01:18:16 10:01:23:11

actually seeing them learn,

is really quite enjoyable.

0021 10:01:23:11 10:01:26:15

- What does that reduce down to?

- A quarter.

0022 10:01:26:15 10:01:29:02

The school

rates his teaching as good,

0023 10:01:29:02 10:01:33:04

but head of maths James Crowder

thinks there's room for improvement.

0024 10:01:33:04 10:01:36:03

Simon's got the capacity

to be an outstanding teacher.

0025 10:01:36:03 10:01:39:12

He loves the subject,

and wants students to do well.

0026 10:01:39:12 10:01:42:08

What he does need to do

is vary his approach sometimes.

0027 10:01:42:08 10:01:46:24

What's the probability of getting

a picture card and a green counter?

0028 10:01:46:24 10:01:48:19

Some of the work

can be quite boring,

0029 10:01:48:19 10:01:53:19

and you're thinking: "I can't

really be bothered to do this."

0030 10:01:53:19 10:01:58:02

So once again, it's three

possibilities out of 12.

0031 10:01:58:02 10:02:00:23

My weakness is,

my lessons are pretty boring.

0032 10:02:00:23 10:02:03:17

Same old, same old,

week in, week out.

0033 10:02:03:17 10:02:06:11

That's something

I'd really like to improve.

0034 10:02:06:11 10:02:07:19

Quick! Run!

0035 10:02:08:19 10:02:11:22

It's very difficult

to get a work-life balance

0036 10:02:11:22 10:02:14:21

that balances what I feel

I should be doing

0037 10:02:14:21 10:02:16:15

to be fair to my students,

0038 10:02:16:15 10:02:20:17

and what I want to do at home

to be fair to my family.

0039 10:02:23:22 10:02:27:01

With two days to go

before his first observation,

0040 10:02:27:01 10:02:30:15

Simon discusses how much extra

planning he should be doing

0041 10:02:30:15 10:02:33:11

for his year 8 class

on Friday afternoon.

0042 10:02:33:11 10:02:37:09

Friday afternoon I know

they're going to be tired,

0043 10:02:37:09 10:02:40:00

they're going to be fractious,

it may well be hot...

0044 10:02:40:00 10:02:42:01

(James) Plan an appropriate lesson.

0045 10:02:42:01 10:02:46:22

It's Friday afternoon, it's period

five, X, Y and Z could go wrong.

0046 10:02:46:22 10:02:50:08

- Doesn't that make you nervous?

- Loads of things will go wrong.

0047 10:02:50:08 10:02:53:13

They're gonna be bouncing

for the first ten minutes.

0048 10:02:53:13 10:02:56:06

If you foresee all these problems,

0049 10:02:56:06 10:02:58:17

that's why it's important

to plan for them,

0050 10:02:58:17 10:03:03:07

and make sure you can cover

these areas effectively.

0051 10:03:03:07 10:03:07:05

It might not be that there's

an Ofsted-style lesson planned

0052 10:03:07:05 10:03:11:22

every single lesson.

You might need some aide-memoire.

0053 10:03:11:22 10:03:18:11

I would think it prudent to write

a bit more than you would normally.

0054 10:03:18:11 10:03:23:00

What I'm hoping for for Simon is

that after two years of teaching,

0055 10:03:23:00 10:03:27:24

he'll be challenged again,

and Simon needs those challenges,

0056 10:03:27:24 10:03:30:04

just to inspire him

and motivate him.

0057 10:03:30:04 10:03:33:04

Simon runs through his planning

for tomorrow's lesson

0058 10:03:33:04 10:03:34:21

on patterns and sequences.

0059 10:03:34:21 10:03:39:18

The plan is to use existing

worksheets, but there's a problem.

0060 10:03:39:18 10:03:43:05

They don't have enough information

on them, on their own,

0061 10:03:43:05 10:03:46:14

to be obvious how you're supposed

to answer the questions.

0062 10:03:46:14 10:03:48:11

And the way I want to teach it

0063 10:03:48:11 10:03:52:07

doesn't tie in very directly

with the questions on the worksheet.

0064 10:03:52:07 10:03:57:09

So I'm actually now quite concerned

that when the HMI comes in,

0065 10:03:57:09 10:04:01:08

I'm not gonna be as prepared

for the lesson as I should be.

0066 10:04:02:13 10:04:06:16

With hundreds of inspections

under her belt, Clare Gillies

0067 10:04:06:16 10:04:11:11

certainly knows an outstanding

lesson when she sees one.

0068 10:04:11:11 10:04:14:04

I'm at HornseySchool for Girls,

and I'm looking forward

0069 10:04:14:04 10:04:17:06

to seeing Simon

teaching year 8 maths.

0070 10:04:17:16 10:04:21:17

Simon's got just 60 minutes

to impress the inspector.

0071 10:04:21:17 10:04:25:12

Right, girls. Can you get yourself

a mini whiteboard

0072 10:04:25:12 10:04:30:04

and write the next two numbers

in these three sequences?

0073 10:04:36:13 10:04:39:11

Right. When you've done that,

hold them up... now.

0074 10:04:39:11 10:04:42:04

Yes... Yes... Do it so I can see it.

0075 10:04:45:14 10:04:49:05

OK. Excellent.

Now, that was easy. Yeah?

0076 10:04:49:05 10:04:51:23

How about, though, when we do

something like this?

0077 10:04:51:23 10:04:58:04

I want you to draw the next two

sequences in THIS sequence.

0078 10:04:58:04 10:05:03:07

The key things you are looking for

when you observe a lesson are:

0079 10:05:03:07 10:05:05:17

Are the children learning?

0080 10:05:05:17 10:05:11:21

Are the children absorbed?

Are they all keen to do their best?

0081 10:05:11:21 10:05:16:14

Are they all listening to

what the teacher is talking about?

0082 10:05:16:14 10:05:19:16

Do you get the feeling

they want to join in?

0083 10:05:19:16 10:05:23:12

We can see the results of that are

here. This is the term-to-term rule.

0084 10:05:23:12 10:05:28:23

What we're gonna work out today

is now the position-to-term rule.

0085 10:05:28:23 10:05:33:15

It's a mapping diagram, but I've

now written it across the board.

0086 10:05:33:15 10:05:38:00

Cos he uses the interactive board

a lot, instead of just him teaching,

0087 10:05:38:00 10:05:41:09

he could call us up more

to get more involved in the lesson,

0088 10:05:41:09 10:05:45:13

and the people that are daydreaming,

he could call them up.

0089 10:05:48:07 10:05:53:18

You've all been given things

like this, with mappings on.

0090 10:05:53:18 10:05:57:09

I don't want you

to draw mapping diagrams,

0091 10:05:57:09 10:06:03:03

I want you to draw position-to-term

diagrams, tables like this

0092 10:06:03:03 10:06:07:06

to work out the general rule

for each of these mappings.

0093 10:06:07:06 10:06:10:08

Do not draw the mapping

like they've got here.

0094 10:06:10:08 10:06:12:23

Imagine it's turned sideways.

0095 10:06:12:23 10:06:17:23

So draw it like this, not like this.

Is that clear, what you need to do?

0096 10:06:17:23 10:06:22:12

What have you got?

What's going to be the bottom line?

0097 10:06:23:12 10:06:26:07

What's the equivalent

of the term on here?

0098 10:06:26:07 10:06:27:21

- (girl) A tyre.

- Yup.

0099 10:06:28:12 10:06:33:17

Unlikely you'd be buying tyres

for £12, I admit, but even so...

0100 10:06:35:01 10:06:38:04

What you could do

is draw the table like this,

0101 10:06:38:04 10:06:41:00

for each of these, in your book.

0102 10:06:41:00 10:06:44:02

How did you do that?

I didn't get it.

0103 10:06:45:00 10:06:47:15

The third one, with the triangles.

0104 10:06:47:15 10:06:51:05

Usually it's every lesson,

and sometimes they're confusing,

0105 10:06:51:05 10:06:53:19

but he does help us a lot

if we don't understand it.

0106 10:06:55:23 10:06:57:16

I think we're pretty much

done for today.

0107 10:06:57:16 10:07:02:04

We've done working from term

to term, what to add on each time,

0108 10:07:02:04 10:07:05:08

and we've worked

from position to term.

0109 10:07:07:07 10:07:10:15

- (girl) I hate Fizz Buzz.

- (girl #2) Oh my God.

0110 10:07:10:15 10:07:12:02

That's why I do it.

0111 10:07:12:02 10:07:14:17

I'll start with one. So...

0112 10:07:16:02 10:07:18:03

- (girl) Fizz.

- Stay sat down.

0113 10:07:18:03 10:07:22:00

What I liked best about the class

was when we started playing a game.

0114 10:07:22:00 10:07:26:01

We'd finished the work, and it was

an easy way to end the lesson.

0115 10:07:29:07 10:07:31:11

(narrator) So, how did Simon do?

0116 10:07:31:11 10:07:34:01

Thank you for letting me

share that lesson.

0117 10:07:34:01 10:07:40:08

Tell me how you think it went as

a whole. Did they get the message?

0118 10:07:40:08 10:07:44:09

The fact that they did concentrate

on the work and understand it...

0119 10:07:44:09 10:07:47:23

Maybe I simplified it too much,

but they got it

0120 10:07:47:23 10:07:50:00

in a way that

I'm quite pleased about.

0121 10:07:50:00 10:07:52:14

If I look for

the strengths of the lesson,

0122 10:07:52:14 10:07:57:02

it was a relaxed manner - clearly

they were getting on with it,

0123 10:07:57:02 10:08:00:11

so you've established

that sort of rapport with them.

0124 10:08:00:11 10:08:05:11

But in terms of how much maths

did they really learn and master,

0125 10:08:05:11 10:08:07:02

I don't think it was a lot.

0126 10:08:08:07 10:08:12:23

When you did your little starter,

you were using colours.

0127 10:08:12:23 10:08:16:12

I thought it was tough

they didn't have the colours.

0128 10:08:16:12 10:08:19:13

Or even little sticks themselves.

0129 10:08:19:13 10:08:22:06

I think you've probably

hit the nail on the head.

0130 10:08:22:06 10:08:24:10

Perhaps we needed to be

a bit more practical

0131 10:08:24:10 10:08:27:07

in several elements

of the lesson.

0132 10:08:27:08 10:08:31:12

The diagram number one, two,

three, four - I was thinking:

0133 10:08:31:12 10:08:34:05

"Did they have a clue

why we were doing this

0134 10:08:34:05 10:08:37:10

in terms of actually

its application in real life?"

0135 10:08:37:10 10:08:41:18

One girl said to me, "How many

spare tyres do you have in a car?"

0136 10:08:41:18 10:08:43:24

Before she could do number one!

0137 10:08:43:24 10:08:47:11

I just thought we needed a little

touch of help with the realism,

0138 10:08:47:11 10:08:52:02

and that might give them that

little sparkle that was missing,

0139 10:08:52:02 10:08:54:09

we didn't really swing along.

0140 10:08:54:09 10:08:59:15

And perhaps as well more chit-chat,

more "turn to your neighbour" -

0141 10:08:59:15 10:09:01:21

get them to help,

bring them together.

0142 10:09:01:21 10:09:05:03

And I think we needed to break up

that long work session.

0143 10:09:05:03 10:09:08:02

It was quite a long time,

some of them struggling.

0144 10:09:08:02 10:09:12:10

We could have all come together

again, see who was in a muddle.

0145 10:09:12:10 10:09:16:07

It would have broken it up.

We did have a few minutes to kill,

0146 10:09:16:07 10:09:18:10

when we did Fizz Buzz.

0147 10:09:18:10 10:09:22:10

There were more smiles

during that little session,

0148 10:09:22:10 10:09:25:23

and maybe we need to generate that

at the beginning of lessons.

0149 10:09:25:23 10:09:30:22

A bit of fun, "I know it's

a hot Friday afternoon, but..."

0150 10:09:30:22 10:09:34:07

I just felt we needed that

a little bit more.

0151 10:09:36:15 10:09:40:07

I think I've got very lackadaisical

with my planning.

0152 10:09:40:07 10:09:42:13

I've gone,

"Yes, I know what I'm doing,

0153 10:09:42:13 10:09:47:23

and I can present information

in a generally acceptable manner."

0154 10:09:47:23 10:09:50:18

But to do it in a way

that engages the students,

0155 10:09:50:18 10:09:55:10

to make it an outstanding lesson,

which means that they enjoy it...

0156 10:09:55:10 10:09:59:05

It's good to get that kick, and go,

"You must do something better."

0157 10:10:00:06 10:10:04:17

(narrator) Clare highlighted

Simon's need to engage his students,

0158 10:10:04:17 10:10:09:17

and to make the context of the

mathematics more transparent.

0159 10:10:09:17 10:10:12:00

Time to bring in the experts.

0160 10:10:14:13 10:10:17:09

To give Simon

some fresh ideas, help comes

0161 10:10:17:09 10:10:23:09

in the form of principal lecturer

in mathematics Alison Clark-Wilson.

0162 10:10:24:17 10:10:27:20

They start

by watching Simon's lesson.

0163 10:10:27:20 10:10:33:02

What I'd like to do is look at how

to encourage more pupil involvement.

0164 10:10:33:18 10:10:38:22

The range of resources is extensive.

These are very stimulating.

0165 10:10:38:22 10:10:44:04

I think one of the first things

I would use with most age pupils

0166 10:10:44:04 10:10:47:06

is to look at these pictures

and ask them what they see,

0167 10:10:47:06 10:10:49:01

to describe what they see.

0168 10:10:49:01 10:10:52:09

And sometimes when you get

pupils to focus on that,

0169 10:10:52:09 10:10:55:16

the algebra

actually falls off the page.

0170 10:10:55:16 10:10:58:04

So, for example,

this particular pattern,

0171 10:10:58:04 10:11:01:16

the fact that there's

one red circle in the centre

0172 10:11:01:16 10:11:03:17

may well have

something to do with this one

0173 10:11:03:17 10:11:08:21

that hangs around in

this particular bit of the sequence.

0174 10:11:08:21 10:11:12:21

If we took the three times table,

which is where you started at,

0175 10:11:12:21 10:11:18:04

one possible route would be to have

some physical representation of it,

0176 10:11:18:04 10:11:20:05

more than just the numbers,

0177 10:11:20:05 10:11:23:22

because the numbers can be

a turn-off for some pupils.

0178 10:11:23:22 10:11:26:14

If we were to do something

with the sequence ourselves

0179 10:11:26:14 10:11:29:11

and generate

a new set of numbers...

0180 10:11:29:11 10:11:33:19

So I'm going to...

do something here...

0181 10:11:33:19 10:11:38:02

And what I'm going to ask you to do

is, with those blocks,

0182 10:11:38:02 10:11:41:07

build up that pattern

in some way that for you

0183 10:11:41:07 10:11:44:14

represents this new sequence.

Can you...?

0184 10:11:46:19 10:11:48:23

We'll just...

put two of these on each...

0185 10:11:48:23 10:11:52:23

Having that image there,

those physical objects,

0186 10:11:52:23 10:11:57:06

do we think that would be

a supporting step for the pupils?

0187 10:11:57:06 10:12:01:01

We can see that we've now added

two blocks on each of them.

0188 10:12:01:01 10:12:06:03

You don't think that they might

find this a little bit childish?

0189 10:12:06:03 10:12:09:23

It's interesting. A lot of teachers

pose that question,

0190 10:12:09:23 10:12:12:06

and I think my response would be,

"Try it."

0191 10:12:12:06 10:12:15:09

You've got to give the rationale.

0192 10:12:15:09 10:12:18:11

It's unlikely a science teacher

will take the equipment away,

0193 10:12:18:11 10:12:20:20

because they can't

learn science without it.

0194 10:12:20:20 10:12:24:03

Some of us would argue that we need

these resources to learn maths,

0195 10:12:24:03 10:12:28:05

that they actually support

that conceptual development.

0196 10:12:28:05 10:12:32:11

What we've got here is

a set of mathematical processes,

0197 10:12:32:11 10:12:37:06

the "doing" words. To start with,

pick out two or three

0198 10:12:37:06 10:12:40:21

that you saw going on

in that lesson.

0199 10:12:40:21 10:12:43:24

OK. Well,

that's a really obvious one.

0200 10:12:43:24 10:12:46:21

So "Looking for patterns". Yes.

0201 10:12:47:21 10:12:51:21

And hopefully,

"Understanding basic concepts".

0202 10:12:51:21 10:12:55:12

I was going to say, "Showing

interest and motivation",

0203 10:12:55:12 10:12:58:05

but I'm not sure they did.

0204 10:12:58:05 10:13:01:01

I've got a feeling that they

might have showed interest,

0205 10:13:01:01 10:13:03:02

but I'm not sure

the motivation was there.

0206 10:13:03:02 10:13:06:04

Other sources of inspiration,

if you like,

0207 10:13:06:04 10:13:08:18

where pupils might see it

in the outside world,

0208 10:13:08:18 10:13:12:12

is very much to do with nature. And

it isn't necessarily going to say:

0209 10:13:12:12 10:13:14:22

"This is how

you're going to use this",

0210 10:13:14:22 10:13:19:14

but give some bearing to the way

in which maths is already out there,

0211 10:13:19:14 10:13:22:11

and by putting on

your mathematical glasses,

0212 10:13:22:11 10:13:25:19

you're able to help pupils

to see it more clearly.

0213 10:13:25:19 10:13:28:01

What is it

that you enjoy about maths?

0214 10:13:28:01 10:13:32:14

The logic part of it. There is

a right answer, in some cases.

0215 10:13:32:14 10:13:35:18

Do you think that possibly presents

an issue to students

0216 10:13:35:18 10:13:39:20

if they sense that it is this game

of finding the right answer?

0217 10:13:39:20 10:13:44:07

Do we need to focus more on

promoting the children's thinking?

0218 10:13:44:07 10:13:46:15

Because although

there may be a right answer,

0219 10:13:46:15 10:13:50:20

there may be many routes

to that right answer.

0220 10:13:50:20 10:13:55:19

(narrator) The next step is to

develop Simon's classroom presence.

0221 10:13:55:19 10:13:57:17

Communications coach Roger Terry

0222 10:13:57:17 10:14:00:06

starts by analysing

Simon's performance.

0223 10:14:00:06 10:14:03:10

I don't want you

to draw mapping diagrams.

0224 10:14:03:10 10:14:06:17

Just do something for me.

Don't think of a blue tree.

0225 10:14:06:17 10:14:08:13

Do not draw the mapping

like this.

0226 10:14:08:13 10:14:13:12

When we say "don't", it immediately

brings into the person's mind

0227 10:14:13:12 10:14:14:22

the thing that

you don't want them to do.

0228 10:14:14:22 10:14:17:04

Say what you want

rather than what you don't want,

0229 10:14:17:04 10:14:21:06

because as soon as you say what you

don't want, up pops the blue tree!

0230 10:14:21:06 10:14:24:14

Roger gives Simon an exercise

to help him reflect

0231 10:14:24:14 10:14:26:19

on how he comes across

in the classroom.

0232 10:14:26:19 10:14:30:00

We've got three positions on

the floor. The first one is you.

0233 10:14:30:00 10:14:32:14

I'm gonna get you

to stand here next to me,

0234 10:14:32:14 10:14:36:18

and take yourself back to...

We'll do that beginning piece.

0235 10:14:36:18 10:14:40:20

Take yourself back there.

What were you feeling like?

0236 10:14:40:20 10:14:44:09

I think even at the time I was aware

I needed to slow it down,

0237 10:14:44:09 10:14:49:03

that I was rushing through and

giving them lots of instructions.

0238 10:14:49:03 10:14:51:04

Go and stand over in position 2,

0239 10:14:51:04 10:14:54:04

and again...

Just pop your toes on the paper.

0240 10:14:54:04 10:14:59:11

Get a sense of what they'll be

receiving from you at that point.

0241 10:14:59:11 10:15:02:15

"Blah, blah, blah."

A load of talk.

0242 10:15:02:15 10:15:06:04

"When you tell me I have to do

something, when you tell ME,

0243 10:15:06:04 10:15:09:07

then I'll do that. At the moment

I'm not part of the class."

0244 10:15:09:07 10:15:12:24

Not feeling part of the group.

So, we're gonna move over here.

0245 10:15:12:24 10:15:17:03

This is not you,

this is the fly on the wall,

0246 10:15:17:03 10:15:20:06

and what you're gonna be doing

is looking at that interaction.

0247 10:15:20:06 10:15:24:13

I think perhaps if this person

could wait, and stop,

0248 10:15:24:13 10:15:29:03

and say, "Let's all be together,

before you start launching into it."

0249 10:15:29:03 10:15:33:13

So slowing the pace down might help

to get that sense of purpose going.

0250 10:15:33:13 10:15:36:06

To say, "This is important.

This is what we're going to do."

0251 10:15:36:06 10:15:40:00

So a lot of insight has come

from being the fly on the wall.

0252 10:15:40:00 10:15:42:09

- Strangely enough.

- Just a wee bit.

0253 10:15:42:09 10:15:46:06

So, with Simon's final observation

just weeks away,

0254 10:15:46:06 10:15:51:11

back to the classroom to put Alison

and Roger's advice into action.

0255 10:15:51:11 10:15:55:12

What could this be a graph of?

Talk to the person next to you.

0256 10:15:55:12 10:15:59:12

Work out what could this graph be.

What could it be trying to tell us?

0257 10:15:59:12 10:16:03:13

It could be levels

of a test or something.

0258 10:16:03:13 10:16:05:01

Yeah, a test...

0259 10:16:05:01 10:16:07:05

Trying in that lesson to incorporate

0260 10:16:07:05 10:16:09:23

more getting the girls

talking to each other.

0261 10:16:09:23 10:16:13:03

I think they enjoy it more,

cos when you say:

0262 10:16:13:03 10:16:16:08

"Talk amongst yourselves",

they do talk about it.

0263 10:16:16:08 10:16:18:03

And... Yes, Reanne?

0264 10:16:18:03 10:16:22:14

- The temperature of a teacup?

- Can you explain what's happening?

0265 10:16:22:14 10:16:26:05

It starts off hot,

and then it's left in the room,

0266 10:16:26:05 10:16:27:20

so it goes colder,

0267 10:16:27:20 10:16:32:08

and then it stays the same

cos it stays at room temperature.

0268 10:16:32:08 10:16:35:23

We'll spend more time

on the fun activity,

0269 10:16:35:23 10:16:39:15

cos it is a Wednesday afternoon.

I think it was quite successful.

0270 10:16:39:15 10:16:43:11

You should have these sheets on your

tables. You've got three graphs.

0271 10:16:43:11 10:16:47:08

I want you to cut them out

and stick them in your book,

0272 10:16:47:08 10:16:51:04

and then, as it says,

find an appropriate time scale.

0273 10:16:51:04 10:16:53:11

Been making a conscious effort

to use what Roger said

0274 10:16:53:11 10:16:56:01

about not saying what not do.

0275 10:16:56:01 10:16:59:11

This person started

with a bar of chocolate,

0276 10:16:59:11 10:17:01:07

and they've just gone...

0277 10:17:01:07 10:17:03:17

If we change this

from seconds to minutes,

0278 10:17:03:17 10:17:05:20

it changes the way they've eaten it.

0279 10:17:05:20 10:17:10:17

It depends how much chocolate it is.

A big one would take much longer.

0280 10:17:10:17 10:17:14:05

If it was a huge cooking bar,

and it was in 50 seconds,

0281 10:17:14:05 10:17:18:05

- how much of a pig is this person?

- A very big pig.

0282 10:17:19:08 10:17:24:18

It's really hard work, because every

lesson takes much more time to plan.

0283 10:17:24:18 10:17:27:17

You need to really

use your imagination.

0284 10:17:27:17 10:17:31:21

"How can I use these worksheets

to get the objectives over,

0285 10:17:31:21 10:17:34:08

and come up with

some interesting activities?"

0286 10:17:34:08 10:17:38:13

That takes half an hour for the

boiling water to go down to there?

0287 10:17:38:13 10:17:40:24

I don't know how to cook peas!

0288 10:17:41:17 10:17:46:24

Simon and head of department James

watch that first lesson again.

0289 10:17:46:24 10:17:50:01

I've noticed there was an awful

amount of you at the beginning.

0290 10:17:50:01 10:17:53:00

Yes. It would have been

so much better

0291 10:17:53:00 10:17:56:20

to get the girls up,

get them to do more of this.

0292 10:17:56:20 10:17:59:08

Cos I'm just talking

far too much at them.

0293 10:17:59:08 10:18:02:21

I don't want you

to draw mapping diagrams,

0294 10:18:02:21 10:18:06:11

I want you to draw

position-to-term diagrams.

0295 10:18:06:11 10:18:08:15

It's really interesting.

You can see yourself

0296 10:18:08:15 10:18:14:19

saying, "Don't do this, do this.

Not this, this. Like this."

0297 10:18:14:19 10:18:19:04

And also you can see that you think

you're being really clear.

0298 10:18:19:04 10:18:21:18

I'm just saying, "DON'T do that.

Do it like this."

0299 10:18:21:18 10:18:25:24

"And look, I've shown you

how I want you to do it over here."

0300 10:18:25:24 10:18:27:12

"But not like this."

0301 10:18:27:12 10:18:33:00

"And I've even told you to turn your

sheets over so it looks like it."

0302 10:18:33:00 10:18:35:07

See the point

about clarity of instruction?

0303 10:18:35:07 10:18:39:05

Taught the lesson, seen the lesson,

had all your clinics.

0304 10:18:39:05 10:18:44:01

- How does that make you feel?

- I'm actually quite shocked

0305 10:18:44:01 10:18:46:06

that I thought it was

such a good lesson,

0306 10:18:46:06 10:18:48:15

or at least a moderately good one.

0307 10:18:48:15 10:18:51:04

And now seeing it with

all this feedback, you think:

0308 10:18:51:04 10:18:53:16

"I really do have

quite a lot to do."

0309 10:18:53:16 10:18:57:01

There's quite a lot of work I can do

to improve my lessons.

0310 10:18:57:18 10:19:00:24

With only a few days to go

before Clare returns,

0311 10:19:00:24 10:19:04:21

Simon is struggling

to keep the girls focused.

0312 10:19:05:10 10:19:09:19

If I substitute x is zero