(A Probus Club founded by F J Carnill in 1965)
Dear Member,
The 50th AGM of the Club will be held in the Homestead Court Hotel at 12.15pm immediately before lunch on Thursday 8th January 2015. The bar will be open at 11.30am.
1. Apologies;
2. Minutes of the 49th AGM held on Thursday 9th January 2014;
3. Matters arising from the Minutes;
4. Secretary’s report;
5. Treasurer’s report;
6. Chairman’s report;
7. Election of Officers and Committee
The present Officers and Committee, all of whom retire automatically under Rule 10 are:
Officers Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer
J Lee W Wastell R Hussey A Keach
Committee G Daniels, D Fitzhugh, J Meers, R Richmond, Ted Webb
John Lee, having completed two years as Chairman will stand down and has decided not to stand for the Committee.
All other officers and members of the committee are eligible to stand for election in 2015, however Derek Fitzhugh and John Meers have decided not to stand. The remaining six officers and members of the committee have expressed their willingness to serve another term of office if elected. Four Club members, Tony Salsi, Philip Fotheringham, Robert Tull and Ian Whitcombe have put their names forward to stand and join the committee if elected. .
Members offering themselves as officers are, Bill Wastell- chairman, Graham Daniels – vice chairman, Tony Keach – treasurer and Ray Hussey – secretary.
8 Appointment of Account Examiner for 2015
9 Rule 4 to be amended to read: men residing in the ‘general area’ rather than naming specific areas as before.
10 Any other business (to be notified to the Secretary by 3 January 2015).
Note that Tony Keach is the Lunch Secretary for this year. Tel: 07547815256 or email
All members intending to attend the AGM should read the accompanying documents: minutes of the 49th AGM, Secretary’s report and Treasurer’s report.
It is important that members of the Club attend this meeting if possible.
Lunch will be served after the AGM